Chapter 1. Once
Release me. Now. O
That turned dark q
Stop dancing like
We've recently dis
Stop dancing like
Chapter 1. Our st
Quietly, Quiggly s
FTL is not possibl
That turned dark q

Ships were lost du
Release me. Now. O
Once considered th
Stop dancing like
Chapter 1. Once
Chapter 1. Our st
Concrete may have
Chapter 1. Our st
Release me. Now. O
Quitetly, Quiggly
Quietly, Quiggly stepped into the darkness as he stealthily approached and steeled himself for whatever was to come. He could hear the sounds of people being whipped. And the sickening sound of blood dripping. The slaves had been whipped before they’d even had a chance to think. He just wanted to do whatever he had to do so he didn’t have to see it, but no one had thought about that. “Oh, you can see? They were just going to whip you, so you had to be blindfolded.” He felt the whip come down against his back again, as he cringed. He felt pain shoot from his back, and he felt pain shoot from his soul. He stood there, trying to not cry out. He just wanted to take this punishment and be done with it. He would do whatever they wanted him to do, so he didn’t have to feel the pain. When he felt another blow, he started screaming. “I said shut up, wench!” The voice was high-pitched, shrill, and most likely would have been considered a baby’s voice. “Or else.” The man took another hit to his back. The sound of it was sickening, and Quiggly cried out, which was soon silenced when he felt another hit on his back. The sting of each blow made his eyes water and brought tears to his eyes. The man laughed menacingly and said, “If you don’t want us to beat you, you better do what we say. And not scream.” Quiggly let out another silent scream. He tried to take the beating; it was torture. He hated the way the whip made his back feel. He took another hit to his back, making him yelp. Again the voice squealed, “Or else.” Quiggly let out a sound, as he started crying. “Stop crying! You’ll be sorry you were born.” Quiggly continued crying until the man brought the whip back down on his back. There were several more hits. He wished he could die, but the thought of how he’d never be there for his parents and sister was unbearable. “Stop crying or you’ll be beaten again.” The man took off the blindfold. “You think we’re going to want you to be able to see what we’re doing to you? We’re going to gag you, so you can’t cry. Then you’ll feel each punch, just like you were here, and it will be happening to you.” And then it started. Quiggly was brought back to when he was 13. He remembered the feeling of terror, the sound of his sister crying, and the smell of sweat and blood. It started, he became terrified again, and then it stopped. “You see? It was easy. Just like I said.” Quiggly looked around in fear, “Why did they have to be blindfolded?” Quiggly asked. “They were supposed to have seen you. They were the weak ones. When the strong don’t have to see, they have the power.” “You mean, you were strong? How old were you? You’re only a baby! You’re not a big strong man like me.” “He will soon be.” “Quiggly started crying harder. “Now you know why we had you blindfolded.” “We”? “I always wondered why you were here at the whipping post. You don’t look like you can be much older than me.” Quiggly didn’t respond, and the man started hitting him again. “We are going to keep you here until you join us.” “Oh, if you think you’re getting a child to join you, you’re wrong. I’m not like you. I hate you. You’re selfish and mean, and you love to whip me because you have no one to care for you. I’m the one who cares for you.” Quiggly cried on for quite some time. He just wanted to live. To see the light again, and let go of the pain. “Stop that crying. You can’t be with the man, if you’re crying. You have to be a man. Remember?” The man waited for a moment, “Now that you’re done with your whining, I’ll let you out. How are you going to prove yourself, if you don’t join us?” “You’ll be surprised. He is strong and fierce. I’ve seen how he treats the weak ones, and I’ve seen how he treats the strong ones, too. You won’t have any trouble with him, once he understands how you treat him.” Quiggly was led outside and he blinked, shocked at what he saw. Quiggly started crying harder. “Don’t cry. We’re going to get your strength back. He has shown he is strong and fierce.” Quiggly screamed from his cell, “I’m not that man! I’ll never be that man!” The guard took a few steps back, and aimed the crossbow at him. “The boy will be joining us soon. That boy, and all the other slaves. So why did you help them? Why do you hate me? Why do you not join us?!” The guard moved closer, so he could see Quiggly’s face better. “You’re wrong. If you’d join us, you could keep him.” Quiggly let out a gasp. “No, no, no. You’re wrong. I wouldn’t join you. That’s why I need to get out of here. To get out, I need more help. He’ll be able to help me. He’s strong, brave, and brave. You’ll see. You’ll like what you see, won’t you?” Quiggly was afraid and he felt tears rolling down his cheeks, but he smiled to himself, knowing his plan would work. “What kind of help is he?” “He will help me, he can help me, and he is a good friend. He can’t hear me. You have to bring him here, and tell him that you have him. Then he’ll be there for you. The guard looked confused, “You say he can’t hear you. What happened to him?” “Oh, that boy can hear me all right, but if he did, he would never listen to me. And that’s the problem. He’s very stubborn, and he thinks I can’t hear him either. I’m afraid he can’t hear me. We have to go.” Quiggly didn’t seem upset, so he said, “I don’t like the feeling I have. It’s not a nice one. I need to be taken out of this prison, and I need help. I need to talk to the guard, and tell him I need help. I need you to tell him about the man with the golden sword. He’s the one I need help from.” “You better find another way to get help. I’ll see you when you’re dead.” “Let me explain. I’m very weak. I don’t have much time. I need you to help me. I’ve got the poison in my veins, and the poison makes me weak and sick. I need the help of this man, and I’m going to need his help to make me strong again. I need to get out of here, but I don’t want him to hear what you do to me. I don’t want you to hurt him. But he’s going to help me, because you brought him here to kill him.” The guard started crying and saying, “Please, please. I’ll do whatever you want. Just get him for me and let him know that he’s the only one who can help me. I’ll do whatever you want me to do.” “And I’ll do anything you want me to do, if you’ll just get the man for me. He’s the only one who can help me, he’s the only one who can help me. It won’t hurt you, and you won’t be punished. I’ll tell him about him, and he’ll help me. That’s what I need. That’s what I want. You said you want to see me dead? You’ll see me dead if you don’t get the man for me. And I’ll make sure he gets me out of here. You’re just like me. You want to help me, but you don’t know how.” “I want to help you. But I don’t want to be here for very long. You’re going to get me out of here, and give me a place to stay.” “You’ll take me to a place where I can’t hurt people, right?” “Yes, I’ll take you to the place, but first, I’ll go get my parents. They’ll help me with you. They can’t help me, but they’ll help you. I’ll tell them about you, and what you have done. They’ll help me get you, but you have to be willing.” The guard started crying, “Yes, yes. Let me out and I’ll be there to help you. I’ll do whatever you want me to do.” “Good. Now will you promise me something?”