Quietly, Quiggly s
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That turned dark q
Chris! I told you
But first, you and
Stop dancing like
Quietly, Quiggly s
Tiffany, you reall
Stop dancing like
Tiffany, you reall

Stop dancing like
We've recently dis
Stop dancing like
That turned dark q
Release me. Now. O
Chapter 1. Once
Quietly, Quiggly s
Ships were lost du
Release me. Now. O
Once considered th
Chapter 1. Our story begins with our hero, who is a professional writer who has been working for many years in the field of English Literature. He’s written, edited and produced many books but after a while he feels lost in the current literary world. He has never left a mark on the world of the art, he hasn’t been nominated for any literary awards and he has no other professional or family life apart from the work of literature. He feels he lacks self-confidence and the courage to go forward and be more than just a writer of books. His ideas about literature are stuck in his head, he never has doubts or fears, he always feels he is writing the absolute best work, he is sure he’s good at what he does and has the necessary skills to make him a success. But this confidence makes him insecure. Chapter 2. In his childhood he had a special tutor who he was sure was a genius. He was sure that he was writing the most incredible work. But after one of his many books was awarded a major literary prize, it was revealed that he was plagiarized. This was one of the most hurtful moments in his life. His world collapsed and his confidence, which had been previously unshakeable, was lost in the ashes of his self-confidence. He decided to publish his work anonymously and move to another city. Since the publishing process and the marketing of the books had been very hard he felt he could use his skills to become famous. He moved to London to work as an assistant to the successful author who owned the publishing company that published his work. He thought that by knowing the work of his idol, he could begin to write his own book, but nothing came out. Chapter 3. His job as the assistant to the popular novelist was going well and at the same time it was very stressful. He could see that the writer was getting older, that his physical and mental health was failing, that he was losing all his originality, that his fame was making him arrogant and so all his fans were leaving him. He was tired of being called a ghost, he wanted to leave his literary ghost behind. He also realized that his assistant job wouldn’t give him a degree or any valuable qualifications that he could use to his advantage. He realized he was nothing more than a ghost. Chapter 4. As he wasn’t working in a place where people looked for answers to their questions he decided to move to another city to find a place for himself in his passion for writing. Since it was a big city he believed that the possibilities for a novelist were higher here. He set up his second home and started to write again. He started with a book on a subject in which he was extremely interested. He thought he’d find it easy to finish it. He never wanted to write about something that others wrote about. Chapter 5. When he was writing the book he realized his mistakes from the book he’d just finished. He thought he could help others by getting back to writing and that if it were not for his book he would have been lost. When he saw a young man of around twenty year old in his place of work he decided to start a conversation with him. Chapter 6. The two had many things in common. The young man told him that he also worked as an assistant to another famous author, with whom he shared the same philosophy. He talked with him about many things, they liked the same things, same places, etc. But their biggest differences were that this young man didn’t have his past experience or his books. He was just another assistant working to fulfill the needs of the famous author and making decisions about everything he liked. But the writer didn’t give up and gave him many suggestions on how to help him with his writing. He felt that the young man needed to make his own way, to live his own life. The story continues… Chapter 7. Many years have passed and that young man’s life has changed completely. Now, he is a successful novelist. His name has become famous and he has made a lot of money. His writing has been recognised and he has become one of the most recognized writers in the world. But at the same time, he has become very unrecognizable for the people he’d known when he was a child. He has lost his life. He is lonely, he has problems with depression, his life is filled with troubles and his mind is always trapped in the past. He regrets some things that he did and doesn’t know how to fix his life. He has turned into his own ghost. When he talks about his past he always seems to feel that he has said the right things at the right times. He talks about his life and feels he is doing the right thing. But deep inside he feels empty. He feels like a ghost that is alive only because other people are looking for answers. His life is always in the dark, he never knows what to do. His greatest desire is for all these questions to end. But he can’t find the answers. He feels that there is someone who was looking for these answers in his place. He feels that they have their answers and they must be him, the ghost. But he can’t find him and he can’t find his answers. He writes about his problems, about the fact that he cannot find himself. When he comes to the end of the book, he feels he doesn’t know who he is and what his life is about. When he leaves his writing a feeling of emptiness and emptiness of his life, a feeling of loneliness and emptiness in his soul. But the next day he feels as if something had been taken out of him, because he’s back to normal. He lives his life the way he always did. But, in his head, his whole mind is empty, he feels dead. And he is waiting for the day when the rest of the words will speak to him and give him an answer. This is a scene from the book I just finished writing called ‘Ghost’. I want to thank you for reading it. You can download the story ‘Ghost’ at https://bit.ly/2R2oPvN. You can find more information about the book ‘Ghost’ in the book’s description. If you find this story helpful, I’d appreciate it if you can share it with other people to help spread the knowledge about self-confidence and success in the world of literature and writing. If you need help in your own journey, please use the links below to find some of my videos on how to become a better writer. I’ve divided them into different topics that will help you in different areas of writing. If you’re interested in writing books, you’re welcome to join my members-only group where you’ll be able to find me, book reviews, interviews, and guides to help you along your way. To get more information about self-confidence, see my other articles in: If you enjoyed this story, please leave a comment and share it. 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