Chapter 1. Our st
Quietly, Quiggly s
FTL is not possibl
That turned dark q
Chris! I told you
But first, you and
Stop dancing like
Quietly, Quiggly s
Tiffany, you reall
Stop dancing like

We've recently dis
Stop dancing like
That turned dark q
Release me. Now. O
Chapter 1. Once
Quietly, Quiggly s
Ships were lost du
Release me. Now. O
Once considered th
Stop dancing like
Stop dancing like that. it looks like izzat." "Don't you dare make fun of the way I dance." "I was just trying to help you." "Yeah,well,you know,some people tell me that I take a sadistic pleasure in making someone's life hell." "So,it's a wonder I have any friends at all." "Oh,yeah.Well,y'all don't never dance when I got a guy up in this... he is still here now. yeah." "We could watch the show from back here." "And then he says,a few weeks later, what's going on with our show?" "So they go back to his office and they sit down and,it was a great show." "What,you're supposed to call me from your cell?" "Oh,my gosh,this is awful.Uh,did you find him?" "No,no,it was a co-worker of mine who never calls me back, but now there's no cell reception." "There's no cell reception?" "The reception in this area is bad." "It's like blackberry in the bahamas." "Oh,my gosh,I am so sorry." "Well,what am I supposed to do?" "I mean,I have my big show coming up,and it was supposed to be about a lot of things-- sex,love and loneliness." "Okay,okay,stop.Let's talk about this tomorrow.Please?" "No,y'all are just gonna leave me?" "That's how you do it?" "Where's my... gosh,I was just gonna make love to you so good,and now..." "I can't even get a hookup?" "So I'ma walk out that door and take that shit back over to your girlfriend's house,the one who doesn't have reception in her bedroom?" "Oh,that's right,it was her,uh-huh,because you put your dick in me last night,and now I'm gonna give her my business and my affection?" "You know what?" "I quit!" "I quit!" "Oh,you're quitting.Okay,well,this is not quitting." "It's just me telling you I'm quitting." "Okay." "Good-bye." "Well,I don't have a car,and I do have that audition tomorrow morning at 9:00.Do you have a car?" " No." " Yeah,I do.We can't take your car." "It's in the shop." "What,so I'm just gonna go and get a cab now?" "And it's 30 degrees out." "Ugh,let's just get a cab.He's probably halfway here by now." "Well,how far away is this cab company from here?" "I can give you a ride.I have a car." "My phone's in my car,so we can call the police and tell them the situation." "Oh,damn,we're gonna call the police?" "Well,I don't see a cab.Do you see a cab?" "I don't see a cab." "There's probably somebody in the backseat trying to have sex." "Now what?" "Okay,I will go out there and get a cab and then come back here,so we can go." "And then what?" "Well,then we'll just go back to your house,and then I'm gonna take care of this situation as swiftly as possible." "And then I'll take the cab that I just called and come back and make love to you." "It's,um,I have a date with that guy tomorrow." "I'm so sorry." "I'm sorry,it just sort of came out of nowhere." "Well,you just have to find a way to tell him that you can't go out with him." "He's expecting to go out with me tomorrow." "He's expecting to go out with you tomorrow." "No,he's expecting to go out with me tomorrow, and not cancel." "Are you telling me you think he's gonna be okay with the fact that you're not coming?" "Yeah,I mean,I'm just gonna tell him that I'm not gonna come,and it'll be fine." "Oh,my gosh,I can't get that call out.I don't have a signal." "I'm just gonna say no." "I'm just gonna tell him that I don't want to go." "Yeah,but you can't not go." "Well,that's the thing." "I don't want to go." "But you're supposed to go,because you're a man." "We were just supposed to go to his place and have sex and that was gonna be enough." "What's the problem?" "I don't want to do anything weird with him." "Oh,okay,well,let's just do the stuff I was gonna do with him, and then when we're done,we'll,I don't know,we'll go play a game of cards." "But I told him we were gonna go to an all-you-can-eat-buffet and then watch a sauna." "And then-- then we could go to his place,have sex." "I don't know what he's gonna think about any of that." "I don't either,but,you know,we're gonna just have to find a way to tell him, right?" "I mean,it's hard enough to keep track of what he likes to eat, and then the sauna was in the menu." "What's a menu?" "I don't know." "That's the problem." "I'm probably gonna screw this up." "Well,what about what he was going to do with you?" "I don't know.I don't know if he was gonna do anything." "You know what?" "What if I call him and I tell him that I'm not gonna come?" "Then he's never gonna know,is he?" "It's not like we've even seen each other." "He's probably not gonna think anything about that." "Well,he doesn't even know my phone number, so he won't be able to find me if he wants to." "Oh,my gosh,I just realized I'm not even dressed for the audition.It's okay.We have plenty of time." "I'll just pop over to my place and change." "Okay,well,I don't think we should stop by your house, because he's probably been there." "He's probably been there." "Well,I don't see him,and I'm only 1/4 mile away from his place." "Well,it's just not a safe thing for me to do.It's not a safe thing for you to do,either." "Oh,my gosh." "My car just broke down on this sidewalk." "What?" "You just drove your car on the sidewalk?" "Yep,right into the building." "Hey,y'all." "He broke my car down on the sidewalk." "He's the one that broke your car down on the sidewalk." "Hey,boy!" " Hey." " You okay?" "I-I'm not okay." "I just broke my car down." "Uh,I'm,uh,um..." "I am really..." "I am really very very sorry." "Well,why don't you let me drive you over to a garage and I'll get it looked at?" "No,thank you,mister,I'm too drunk to drive." "You're too drunk to drive." "I am." "I am." "Well,where are your keys?" "The keys are in the car." "Okay." "Well,I guess you got a ride,then." "You know,I think this call might be a little more important than the other call, so..." "Well,what's more important than answering a cell phone call?" "You see,my cell phone's just my other phone, and since I've already turned my other phone into a paperweight,that means that my phone is just like,uh, a real,old landline." "And I just had my landline disconnected.Just disconnected it." "I was gonna get it hooked up back up again." "I think we're gonna just find another way home." "Oh,you guys,look,we got a ride home." "No,no,no,no,I'm gonna take you home, and then I'm gonna go get your car from the garage,and I'm gonna be your car's driver for the next couple of days." "Oh,my gosh,she broke my phone!" "Yeah,they broke it." "I was just at the beach this morning." "This is insane." "No,just drive on.Don't stop driving." "I wanna get home." "You know,it would be my luck that the guy with the broken car is the same guy that's going to fix mine." "Oh,my gosh,you guys,I'm in the car of a guy who just broke down." "I'm in a car of a guy that's gonna go to jail." "What?" "I just broke the guy's phone." "It doesn't matter." "He's still gonna jail,and I'm still gonna have to make amends to your mom for my baby boy's future jail sentence." "Well,this is all my fault." "I should not have picked up this phone." "I should not