That turned dark q
Chris! I told you
But first, you and
Stop dancing like
Quietly, Quiggly s
Tiffany, you reall
Stop dancing like
Tiffany, you reall
Chapter 1. Our st
Tiffany, you reall

Quietly, Quiggly s
Chapter 1. Our st
Stop dancing like
We've recently dis
Stop dancing like
That turned dark q
Release me. Now. O
Chapter 1. Once
Quietly, Quiggly s
Ships were lost du
FTL is not possible, but Dr. Jones proceeded to offer great insight with the words, 「不可避免」, which simply means that it is unavoidable. In other words, she is implying that it is a natural occurrence, not a human cause. Dr. Jones went on to explain that the extinction of these species occurred as a natural occurrence, and her views on the cause was very interesting. 「他們造成的是自然歸戰死亡」, she said, which translates to, “It is a result of death and decay from an overtaxed ecosystem.” During the second debate, Dr. Li Zhongcheng took to his time to make a statement, which was not actually a question but rather, a “clarification” of Dr. Jones’ assertions during the first debate. At the time, Dr. Li, a professor from Nanjing Normal University, questioned Dr. Jones’ interpretation of 「歷史性浪潮」. Here is the exchange: Dr. Li:What exactly is the “Cycle of extinction of life”(生物歷史周期)? This term 「生物歷史周期」is so commonly used, but I was surprised to find that none of you has ever mentioned it in your book. Dr. Jones, do you think you and Dr. Li are really on the same page?Dr. Jones:Well, there are more ways to define what an extinction is. There is also the extinction of a single species or the extinction of entire genera. Dr. Li also mentioned the idea of the “Cycle of extinction of life” in his article, “The Biological Cycle of the Evolution of Life on Earth”, where he used it to describe the way that a mass extinction is repeated on a large scale. Dr. Li, I have to say that I do not quite understand what you mean by 「生物歷史周期」when you say that “This term is commonly used”.Dr. Li:“This term is commonly used” but I have never heard it before until my colleague and I were trying to answer your question about the 「歷史性浪潮」and the extinction in the Cenozoic Era.Dr. Jones:Yes, we have not discussed this topic in our book and we are not talking about this specific time period in particular.Dr. Li:So how did this concept get started?Dr. Jones:Well, the idea of the “Cycle of extinction of life” is based on the theory of “Evolutionary Biology”. Dr. Li, I still remember the class when you lectured on the theory of “Evolutionary Biology” during the first year. You said that after millions of years, the extinction of a species will always trigger a mass extinction of a certain group of species. She continues on to explain how this cycle of death and decay that Dr. Li introduced was an occurrence that was natural and unavoidable, although not without the occasional attempt to prevent it. Here is Dr. Jones’ interpretation: Dr. Li: This extinction (歷史性死亡)was actually caused by human interference. Dr. Jones, I think you better explain this to Dr. Li now, because I think we don’t quite agree with this interpretation.Dr. Jones:Yes, I don’t agree with the interpretation because the cycle of death and decay of a species was an inevitable occurrence due to the theory of evolution. Dr. Li: What do you think of the theory of Evolution? Dr. Jones: The theory of evolution states that the extinction of species will trigger a mass extinction of other species. Dr. Li: It is true.Dr. Jones: The cycle of death and decay of a species was one part of the extinction cycle of species. However, there is an underlying cause, or the root of the origin of species.Dr. Li:Do you have a different opinion?Dr. Jones: I think that the species are not randomly generated, but rather are caused by environmental changes. Dr. Li: Are you saying that evolution is not only a process of death and decay of a species?Dr. Jones: Yes, this interpretation is not correct. Dr. Li:Then what is the other interpretation of Evolutionary Biology that differs from this interpretation of yours?Dr. Jones: I think the theory of Evolution does not discuss the origin of life or the extinction of species. Dr. Li: No, the origins of life and extinction are actually two different things. They are like 「本旨上」 and 「中間故」.Dr. Jones: But they are both closely related to the evolution of species. You will eventually understand this once you understand the theory of Evolution. The next time that Dr. Li speaks, the topic of the discussion has shifted slightly. Here is his statement and Dr. Jones’ response: Dr. Li: I believe there are three major extinction cycles.Dr. Jones: This is not a debate about the theory of Evolution, but I know what you are talking about. Dr. Li: Please go on, Dr. Jones.Dr. Jones: I agree that there is actually a second extinction, and the extinction actually occurred in the Cenozoic Era.Dr. Li: I believe we can also make a cycle of two extinction periods in the Mesozoic Era, and then we can talk about the third extinction period, the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction in the Cretaceous Era.Dr. Jones: Yes. Dr. Li: Can you please clarify the difference between the “Cycle of extinction of species” and the “Cycle of extinction of life”?Dr. Li: What is the difference between the two?Dr. Jones: This is not really relevant to the topic of this debate. I don’t believe that this question will make sense, so please continue to listen. Dr. Li asks another series of questions, but the moderator attempts to intervene by ending the debate prematurely. Dr. Jones does not hesitate to take her side in the issue and points out that Dr. Li is not focusing on the topic of this debate. Dr. Li: I thought it would be relevant. Is this how you define the “Cycle of extinction of life” today?Dr. Jones: Well, I don’t really know. It is a theory, so I won’t comment on it. (當一切已經完畢時,司空記者按一個問題提出結束該辯論,但這沒有實質進行,導致Dr. Li對方表示不能留下,由於並無司空記者指示,因此該辯論已經未如初)Dr. Li: Why don’t you take a break?Dr. Jones: Dr. Li, I already answered your question. The question is not relevant to the topic of the debate. So I really cannot answer it. Dr. Li: Why don’t you answer my question first? Then maybe we will discuss the topic of the debate.Dr. Jones: I’ve already answered your question. This debate isn’t about the question. Dr. Li: No, my question was relevant to the debate.Dr. Jones: Okay. The Cycle of extinction of life is based on the theory of “Evolution.”Dr. Li: I am asking you what you understand the difference between the “Cycle of extinction of life” and the “Cycle of extinction of species.”Dr. Jones: When there is a species extinction, it means that the extinction of all the species of the same genus will occur, so it could become an extinction cycle. (當一個物種死亡,其結果下一次形成整個區塊的造物類的死亡;此等歷史性整個區塊的 在一個區塊類物種滅絕過程,實際歷年往往所遭遇,導致整個區塊的各種形式顯著增加) Dr. Li:Can you give an example of a scientific evidence?Dr. Jones: Are you talking about the cycle of the dinosaurs’ extinction?Dr. Li:Yes, I am talking about the cycle of the dinosaurs’ extinction.Dr. Jones:Well, of course, 「生物歷史周期」cannot be witnessed directly in the present. But we can see the 「歷史性浪潮」in the Cenozoic Era, which is much earlier than the 「生物歷史周期」. Dr. Li:When you say, 「歷史性浪潮」, what do you mean?Dr. Jones:The extinction of dinosaurs is an extinction that was caused by the impact. The extinction of these dinosaurs, which happened before the K-P extinction event, was an extinction of a whole species.Dr. Li: The last one?Dr. Jones: Yes.Dr. Li: Is that right?Dr.