Stop dancing like
Once considered th
Release me. Now. O
Ships were lost du
Quietly, Quiggly s
Chapter 1. Once
Release me. Now. O
That turned dark q
Stop dancing like
We've recently dis

Chapter 1. Our st
Concrete may have
Chapter 1. Our st
Release me. Now. O
Quitetly, Quiggly
Chapter 1. Once
Stop dancing like
Ships were lost du
Chris! I told you
Chapter 1. Our st
Chapter 1. Once you are inside the "garden" on the left and are a bit further south, an invisible wall will pop up, blocking your path. You can either jump over it to your left or just run down a Continue through the second, invisible, wall. In the next room, you have to fight your way out again, but by the time you see the first wall, you should be pretty well-rested. Kill any soldiers you see first, then dodge the shots from the machine gun when the wall appears and the soldiers fire it. Use a grenade when you see a chance to get Continue running left and jump over the next invisible wall. Continue down the hall, killing everything you see, until you come to the first fire door on the right. Go inside the next room and get behind the large fire hose to Continue right through the next door, then into the next hall, continuing downwards on the right side to the next door. Continue on and make a right into the next room. Run up to the machine gun and you can shoot out the window to your left to Continue through the next door into the following room. Jump out the window on the right-hand wall and follow the ledge until you are out of sight of the guards. Grab the rope and quickly pull yourself up. Follow the path to the next door. After you've jumped the fire, continue down the next two hallways and go through the next door. Shoot the machine gun across the opening to shoot Continue through the next hallway. There are three guards to your left. There are two more guards behind you, then an entire group in the next room. Use the first one to your left as a human shield to jump the fire, then run past him into the next door. There is a soldier with a machine gun in the next room. Shoot him, then get into the room behind him for an invincibility Continue into the next room and run to the left to the next room. Another guard with a machine gun will be there and will shoot at you. Run away from him into the small room to your right. You will see a machine gun in the corner of the small room with the door. Quickly get it and return to the big room. A machine gun is in front of you and to the right. Aim for its Make a left in the next hallway, then turn left and open the wall with a grenade. This will make a door open up that you can go through. Quickly run into the next hallway, jump over the first fire When you see the next fire, either run past it to the left or use a grenade to open the fire. Run into the next room, go through the doors and turn right. Run left as quickly as you can through the next hall, up the ramp, then through the door on the left. There will be an old man here. He will give you a can and will When the next fire pops up, either run up the hill in the corner of the fire or use a grenade to knock over the fire. Run past it and you will see another one that you can open with a grenade. Quickly get through the next room, where you will be in the next. Turn left and go down the hall. Run to the left past the wall that looks like it is falling, Run to the right through the first fire, then turn right and open the third fire. This will close the first two fires and you can continue to the end of the area. Head through the next door on the right. You can only do this with your group of friends. Turn left and run to the right and kill the soldiers. Run left at the next wall and turn left. Make a left down the long corridor and shoot the guard on the far left side. Go down the hall and open the three door on the left. Walk down the stairs and you will end up in the next area. Run right and start opening fire on the enemies that start to appear. Continue killing them until you reach the first two fires, then go around them. Shoot the guard to the left, then run left to a large, green Continue through the small door on your left to the next room. Open the door on the left and go in. Open the next door and go through it. Follow the path until you can open the next door. Make your way to the hallway on the right and keep going until you can open the door on the right. Go inside the next room and look on the right side to find the key. Continue down the hallway, breaking the boards as you go. In this large room you should find the last key. Climb up the rope, jump over the two fires, then run up the ladder to the next level. Run right in this room and turn right. You'll find a ladder in Continue up the slope and into the small, open door. Kill the three soldiers here and then open the large door. Run left around the corner and into the little doorway. Run right to find some keys. Go back into the main room and follow the hallway back to the From the main hall, go to the right and open the first door you see. This will lead you to a hallway with two machine guns placed next to it. Shoot both of them at once. Turn right into the next room. There will be two soldiers waiting here for you. Kill them both. Then go around the room and pick up the key. Go back to the stairs that you ran up and you will see that Continue going down the corridor to the left. After a short while, you will see the door with the key on it. If the door is locked, use a grenade to open it. Use a grenade when the next fire appears. This will kill all the enemies in the area. You can now go through the large open door. Exit the building by the same path you used to get in. Run to the left and continue through the following rooms. The next room has a large group of enemies who fire RPGs at you. There is a soldier with an RPG here as well. Be careful with the RPGs, as they can take a lot of damage. There will be a large fire blocking your path. There are two Fight your way up the ramp until you reach the fire. Break through the door on your right and you will enter a new room. There are two soldiers in this room with RPGs as well. Try to do as much damage as you can to the guards to prevent the Continue running up the wall and hop over the fire that comes out of it. There are two soldiers here who fire at you. Go down the other hallway on the left. There is a fire here that you can run through. After you're on the other side, run to the right to avoid the burning wall and watch for the next wall in the distance. There are two guards here with machine guns. Kill them and There are four guards and two fires here. Go down the stairs and then through the door on the left. Run into the next area. Kill the enemies here. There are two guards in the next hallway, so turn around and move back. There are several guards here, so you will have to jump over the fires. Shoot the next pair of doors with an RPG. There are five guards in here, so if you start shooting the wall, the rest In the next room, turn left and walk up the stairs. Kill any guards you see as you pass them. There are two soldiers in the next room, as well as three guards with an RPG. Turn around and shoot the group of five guards up the road. Go through the door in the center of this room and look for the way to the roof. Go up the ladder and jump over the fire. Run around the building and kill the soldiers. At the end of the tunnel there will be a wall in the way, but you can jump over it. Continue through the narrow tunnel to the next area. There will be three guards here, so watch your back. You will come to a giant metal ramp. Climb over the railing to reach a rooftop. Run left and jump over the fence to reach the next rooftop. Run down the path. Continue running and jumping over all the fires until you end up at a large, wooden platform. There are some soldiers on this platform. Run to the right and pick up the key in the corner of the nearby building. Run back to the far end of the area and go into the door. There are two guards here, but they don't really do much, so just run past them and left until you see the