2. The Owl of Minerva Publishing
3. The Writer's Shed, Inc.
4. Self-Publishing Review Course
5. The Writing Life
6. Z Publishing Inc.
7. Writer, Publish, Promote
8. Writers Helping Writers Help
9. Young Writers Guide
10. Write in the Wild
In case you missed them, here are the resources mentioned in the first book:
••• The Alliance of Independent Authors
& New Voices in Historical Romance
••• The Writer's Path
••• The Writer's Digest Blog, including its own site:
••• The Society for the Encouragement of Learning in Art, Science, and
Letters, a.k.a. THE SELAS
## Recommended Reading
The following is a very incomplete list of great writers and the books they wrote. You might find it handy to bookmark this list and come back to it when you're having trouble thinking about what to write next, or when you get bogged down in worry about whether what you've written is good enough, or because you have writer's block. There are more writers on this list than space permits—we are sure you will find what you need in the books.
Anthony, Piers, The Godolphin Sisters
Austen, Jane, Pride and Prejudice
Barker, Juliet, Lime House
Bellamy, Edward, Looking Backward (1888)
Bennett, Arnold, The Old Wives' Tale
Blyton, Enid, The Magic Faraway Tree
Bradbury, Ray, "Zero Hour"
Brontë, Charlotte, Wuthering Heights
Brontë, Emily, Wuthering Heights
Buck, Pearl S., Death Comes for the Archbishop
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, The Last Days of Pompeii
Carr, Caleb, Head-Hunting in New Guinea
Chesterton, G.K., The Napoleon of Notting Hill
Dahl, Roald, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Dahl, Roald, The Witches
Doughty, Charles, The Traveler
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, The White Company
Foucault, Michel, Discipline and Punish
Graves, Robert, Goodbye to All That
Green, Nancy, The Secret of Z, The Private Life of a
Secret Agent, Agent Zigzag, Agent Double-X
Green, Nancy, The Hidden Girl
Haggard, H. Rider, King Solomon's Mines
Haggard, H. Rider, She
Hodgson, Frances, The House in the Wood
Hollingshead, John, Five Years in China
Iris Murdoch, Flannery, A Severed Head
James, P.D., Turn of the Screw
Joyce, James, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Joyce, James, Ulysses
Kipling, Rudyard, Kim
Kipling, Rudyard, Just So Stories
Lawrence, D. H., Sons and Lovers
Lawrence, D. H., Lady Chatterley's Lover
Lewis, C. S., Mere Christianity
Lewis, C. S., Surprised by Joy
Marston, William, "Phoenix and the Carpet," "O Tempora!"
Marx, Groucho, The Big Store
Mason, Roy, The Glass Inferno
Milton, John, Comus
Nabokov, Vladimir, Lolita
Nietzsche, Friedrich, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Nordhoff, Charles, Moby-Dick
Poe, Edgar Allan, "The Fall of the House of Usher," "The Tell-Tale Heart," "The Black Cat," "The Pit and the Pendulum," "The Premature Burial," "The Murders in the Rue Morgue," "The Cask of Amontillado," "The Mystery of Marie Rogêt," "The Philosophy of Composition," "The Masque of the Red Death," "The Oval Portrait," "The Pit and the Pendulum," "How to Write a Blackwood Article," "William Wilson"
Powell, Anthony, The Worm for the Crown
Randall, Mrs. M. E., A Daughter of the Forest
Randall, Mrs. M. E., The Wind in the Rose-Bush
Rendell, Ruth, The Lake House
Schnitzler, Arthur, The Devil's Elixir
Shelley, Mary, Frankenstein
Sterling, George, Narrow House
Stevenson, Robert Louis, Treasure Island
Swinburne, Algernon, "Anima Anceps"
Thomas, Dylan, Under Milk Wood
Tolstoy, Leo, The Death of Ivan Ilyich
Twain, Mark, Tom Sawyer
Vance, Jack, The Man Who Hunted Birds
Vance, Jack, The Moon World
Wagner, Richard, Der Ring des Nibelungen
Woolf, Virginia, Orlando
Woolf, Virginia, To the Lighthouse
Yeats, W. B., A Vision
Zola, Émile, Germinal
Zola, Émile, "The Sin of Mother Yolande," The Case of Commandant_
"Nana" (a shorter version)
Abram, David, How to Read the Heavens
Adler, Mortimer, How to Read a Book
Alden, D. J., How to Read Character on the Novel Page
Alden, D. J., How to Read a Literary Classic
Algren, Nelson, The Man with the Golden Arm
Arnold, Matthew, The Study of Poetry
Austen, Jane, Pride and Prejudice
Barker, Juliet, Lime House
Bennett, Arnold, The Old Wives' Tale
Blake, A. E., Introduction to Literature
Boeniger, Cyril, The Science of English Prose Style
Borella, John, Writing the Natural Way
Bougeant, Jean-François, How to Read a Novel
Bowlby, Rachel, A Natural History of the Senses
Braddon, Mary Elizabeth, Lady Audley's Secret
Brady, Thomas, Sir Thomas More
Brontë, Charlotte, Jane Eyre
Brown, Cecil, How to Read Character in a Novel
Brown, Peter, The Projection of Consciousness
Bruegel, Pieter, Netherlandish Proverbs
Brunvand, Jan Harold, American Folklore
Buck, Pearl S., Head-Hunting in New Guinea
Buckman, Robert, Introduction to the Reader's Reference
Bunyan, John, Pilgrim's Progress
Carroll, Lewis, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Cavendish, Mrs. H. D., A Handbook for Writers of All Levels
Chambers, Robert, The King in Yellow
Clarke, James Freeman, A Review of the Works of James Fenimore Cooper
Clewiston, Dorothy, How to Use the Thesaurus for Fiction
Cobb, L. J., The Anatomy of Biblical Narrative
Cooper, James Fenimore, Typee
Cooper, Susan Hill, The Story of a Tomb
Couchoud, Régis, The Language of Fiction
Craft, Mary, Reading Fiction on the Web
Creede, Thomas R., Writing the Historical Novel
Cromwell, Oliver, The Story of Civilization
Dante Alighieri, "Inferno"
De Mille, Cecil B., How to Write with Style
De Mille, Cecil B., How to Write Effective Letters
DeMille, Cecil B., Make Your Letters Count
Derrida, Jacques, Of Grammatology
Diderot, Denis, L'Encyclopédie
Donne, John, "The Use of Poetry"
Eliot, George, Notes Toward a Definition of Culture
Firbank, Ronald, The Wapshot