Better wake up bec
UFC Contender
College and Univer
Too Close For Comf
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Fear of the Unknow
Known first for
There's a New Sher
Running the Show

Slay Everyone, Tru
Don't Cry Over Spi
I'm in Such a Hot
Sumo at Sea
A Diamond in the R
It Could All Backf
Get to Gettin'
try to hold it in
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Asset forfeiture and seizure enrollment in the SORP,” DHS told the Washington Examiner. “The agency uses this data to investigate all cases of fraud and abuse, regardless of whether the item at issue was reported stolen,” the agency said. “The process does not deny a person the ability to report an item as stolen, nor does it force them to choose between filing a property loss report and enrollment in SORP. In fact, the process is designed to provide a person with the opportunity to learn more about their rights under the SORP and pursue a solution that is right for them.” The agency said that the program in many ways mirrors other efforts to combat fraud. A 2015 Senate report by Sen. Claire McCaskill, Missouri Democrat, found that in many cases drug cartels and others have obtained real property through fraudulent means, and that many Americans were left without property. “These cases often start with stolen identities, fake names or fraudulent documents, making it nearly impossible for law enforcement to identify victims of identity theft, and oftentimes making it difficult for homeowners to know who to call when they are trying to get their homes back,” the agency said. Follow Michael on Facebook and Twitter Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact