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Fear of the Unknow
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Get to Gettin'
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Slay Everyone, Trust No One — Slay Everyone. Don’t trust the people who tell you to “Trust No One.” They know only as much as they’ve been told. Trusting no one can put you in a lot of danger, the way we learn in history, as opposed to trusting everyone which keeps you safe. Survival is all about getting through the hardest moment, the unknown, by learning from the past and the present, and preparing for the future. You can be a very effective hero/hunter/outlaw in your small groups or solo ventures, if you follow these rules. These are some of the things I teach in classes in the U.S.A., and in seminars with our friends around the world, to improve the chances for more fun and success for you. We have fun when we have an edge. As always, contact us if you have any questions or need assistance. If we’ve learned anything from history, it’s that most of the people are dead. I believe that if you treat a person badly, you’ll get the same result. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. I prefer a society of free men than a nation of sheep. You have to know your enemies and your friends, and when to say no to both. “Only the paranoid survive.” “If you have more than two pieces of iron on the board, you’re done.” (Dune, Frank Herbert) A good leader always listens to their subordinates. You are only as good as your troops. “I’d rather lose myself than lose you.” (Dune, Frank Herbert) If you know why you are doing something, the odds are in your favor that you can do it. If you are going to do something, do it properly. Good hunting. I have never seen the value in being the best. I have seen the value in surviving the best. People are either all good or all bad. There is no such thing as a ‘neutral’ person. If you can’t afford to have a war with a neighbor, don’t have one with a relative. “A lie, like a virus, needs a good host.” (Frank Herbert) You can’t fix a person who is broken. In business, there are a lot of ways to get ahead of the next guy and put him out of business. You’ll find yourself on top by being a good predator or being the prey. Don’t put yourself out of business. Do what it takes to get ahead. Never quit; Never say die. “We all die – but not all of us have died.” (Slay, Dune, Frank Herbert) Survival is all about not being seen. Don’t get seen. Never trust the people who tell you to “Trust No One. They know only as much as they’ve been told. “There is no such thing as a neutral person.” (Dune, Frank Herbert) “You can’t fix a person who is broken.” (Dune, Frank Herbert) All things are possible until they are proven impossible. The most dangerous person on this planet isn’t the person who wants to blow up the world, but the person who has the nuclear capability. Good fighting words: “Go away and don’t come back.” (Dune, Frank Herbert) “If you are the smartest man on the planet, the universe is a game.” (Matrix) You can’t fight fire with fire. You must know who the predators are and when they are about to pounce. If you know their weaknesses and take advantage of them, you can survive and thrive in a hostile environment. In business, there are a lot of ways to get ahead of the next guy and put him out of business. You’ll find yourself on top by being a good predator or being the prey. Don’t put yourself out of business. Do what it takes to get ahead. If you know the opponent’s weaknesses and choose your battles wisely, you can defeat your adversary. Trust is a product of competence. “When you know what you’re doing, you can be clever or stupid. When you don’t know what you’re doing, you are clever or you are stupid.” (Dune, Frank Herbert) If you can’t see the next step, don’t do the next thing. “Sometimes you have to go beyond what your instincts tell you is the right thing to do because they don’t tell you right, they tell you right for the time.” (Blaming Our Brains, Dune, Frank Herbert) If you don’t see yourself being successful, you can’t succeed. In business, there are a lot of ways to get ahead of the next guy and put him out of business. You’ll find yourself on top by being a good predator or being the prey. Don’t put yourself out of business. Do what it takes to get ahead. Don’t just do the next thing, see what it will bring after it’s done. Do the right thing for the right reason. Do things right or not at all. If you know yourself, you know what you are capable of. If you don’t know yourself, don’t trust your abilities. “To become truly adult, a man must decide what his weak point is and go for it, just as a lion attacks the weakest part of the herd.” (Dune, Frank Herbert) If your enemies know you, you have power. If your enemies don’t know you, you have power. Don’t take their word for it; know what they know and know what they don’t know. Don’t trust people who tell you to “Trust No One. They know only as much as they’ve been told.” People can only do what they are told to do. Don’t listen to them. If you can anticipate what the other person is going to do and take advantage of that, you will be successful. Never trust the people who tell you to “Trust No One. They know only as much as they’ve been told.” People can only do what they are told to do. Don’t listen to them. To succeed, always listen to those who talk less, say less, and do less. “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” (Bear and the Dragon, Dune, Frank Herbert) Don’t give money or your business to a person who says he will do a better job than you can. People who have to prove that they are better than other people aren’t that good. Never go into a business partnership with people who don’t share the same goals as you. In business, there are a lot of ways to get ahead of the next guy and put him out of business. You’ll find yourself on top by being a good predator or being the prey. Don’t put yourself out of business. Do what it takes to get ahead. If you know what you’re doing, you can do anything. If you don’t know what you’re doing, you can do nothing, except waste a lot of time trying to figure it out. If you plan the first five moves of your business well, you have a very good chance of success. If you’re trying to be like other people, you won’t get very far. If you go with your instinct, you can go pretty far, though. Be the best you can be at what you do and you can succeed if the rules of the game are fair. “Nothing in life is fair.” (Dune, Frank Herbert) As much as people want to think that winning or losing is fair, it isn’t. Just because someone has more money than you doesn’t mean they have won. They probably have worked a lot harder than you and have more energy than you. People do the things that they do because they want to. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.” (Aristotle) If you are doing something that has a chance of becoming successful, you can be in control of your own destiny. If you are doing something you don’t like, you can’t have as much fun. You will have to struggle and fight a lot more. Bad men will do bad things to you and good men will do good things for you. As one of my favorite Chinese proverbs say, “Bad men have no friends. Good men have no enemies.” You can trust people who have their lives dependent on you. You cannot control what other people say or do. You can only control what you say and do. Don’t let anyone else dictate your decisions for you. In business, there are a lot of ways to get ahead of the next guy and put him out of business. You’ll find yourself on top by being a good predator or being the prey. Don’t put yourself out of business. Do what it takes to get ahead. Never trust the people who tell you to “