Idol or Bust
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Taking Candy From
Idol Search Party
Blinded by the

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I'll Show You How
Running the Show
There's a New Sher
You can hold my hand." "There is a difference." "It's a simple mistake." "That is not a mistake." "It is a difference, a distinction, a gaping void between... our hands." "I am not like you." "Oh." "You're different in your body, that's for sure." "You're unique, and you know it." "But you got to think of the other stuff, other qualities." "Take your nose, for example." "Did you ever think about it?" "What it is and what it's not?" "It's an incredibly useful tool, like... an octopus." "An octopus." "Like an octopus." "They can do things with their nose you know." "With their nose, with their nose." "They can hold eight times their own body weight over six feet, and then with that all that they can fit in there" "I need you to clean the bathroom now!" "What?" "No!" "Just give it to me!" "I need you to clean the bathroom now." "Hey, come on." "Come on!" "Stop it!" "Stop it!" "Who are you?" "I'm your worst nightmare." "I'm your worst nightmare." "You know, actually, my worst nightmare is that someday you'll... make love with her." "What's going on?" "Are you OK?" "Yeah, I'm fine." "You sure?" "Yeah, why?" "I'm getting... these stupid headaches." "I just..." "OK, OK, OK, now, then." "We're done, right?" "I'm fine." "No!" "No, no, no, no." "We're not done." "See, this is a problem." "Not being able to vent frustrates you and it bothers me." "So, if you want to make the headaches stop, I suggest you vent." "Not to me." "I have no idea what you're talking about." "Look, I know you do a lot of stupid things, and I know you do a lot of things to spite me, but in this moment, right here, right now," "I don't care what you do or what you think." "I don't." "You want to talk about my sex life?" "You know what?" "You want to know about my sex life?" "You should've been here a month ago, and I will never, ever forget the look on your face when I walked in that door." "Where is he?" "Oh, he's... he's..." "he's..." "Where is he?" "Oh, he's... he's... he's..." "Hi." "Hello?" "Booth?" "Anybody home?" "The doors were unlocked." "Yeah, I left it open in case you came back." "You've never done that before." "Bones, what are you doing?" "It's not like it's a big secret I work out or anything." "Come on." "You've seen me in the shower." "Come on." "Is this the first time you killed a woman, huh?" "No!" "No!" "No." "It's just, my life's a secret from everybody except... two really close people." "OK, this is not a really close person." "She is my partner." "She..." "I mean, she thinks that I..." "Hey!" "Hey!" "Shh!" "Are you the killer?" "Yes." "And you did it, did you?" "You killed her?" "Oh!" "Don't worry." "I didn't kill anybody." "OK, let me just clean this up." "Who's your partner, Booth?" "Bones, just..." "Bones, stop it!" "Stop it, Bones!" "What is the matter with you?" "I'm gonna call Booth." "Listen to me." "No, you're not." "Right now, listen to me!" "Right now, stop, Bones!" "You know that I am smarter than you, Bones." "You know that." "I can't lose my partner, Bones, because... because you're not all there." "Oh, my God!" "Is there a sane person in the world?" "I am going to go get Booth." "I will do it for you." "Listen to me." "I will do it myself." "I know where he is." "I know where he is." "If I do this for you, will you let us have this?" "OK." "But then you have to promise me... that you're gonna take care of him for me and protect him, because he can't take care of himself." "Yes, he can, Bones." "He just doesn't know it yet." "We will protect him, Bones." "OK." "Go and get him, Bones." "Please!" "OK." "I trust you." "You trust me." "Oh, I can't." "I'll never..." "Yes, you can!" "Do you trust me?" "I trust you!" "See?" "Bones!" "He's not gonna hurt you." "He was in the bar." "He's gone." "Hey!" "Hey, buddy." "What's up?" "I have some news for you." "What's the matter?" "You look like you've seen a ghost." "You know the whole reason that I don't tell anybody about..." "You know." "Well, it turns out, you can tell somebody." "What's the matter?" "Spit it out." "Let's have it." "Just got off the phone with the FBI." "There's a report on there of a woman matching Angeline's description just being found murdered on a farm in southern Maryland." "The victim was a waitress, and there was evidence of sexual asphyxiation and heavy lacerations to the throat." "It's Angeline." "She's dead." "But she's in Angeline." "It says that her body was stuffed in a storage locker in Baltimore." "Well, that's gotta be wrong." "Angeline killed those other women without getting caught because there was no DNA." "No DNA." "The FBI did a quickie autopsy." "I mean, who knows what else they missed?" "I know exactly what else they missed." "So... we didn't do it." "You saved me again, baby girl." "I think it was the wrong thing to do." "The DNA just said that wasn't Angeline's blood in the car trunk, right?" "So Angeline wasn't the killer." "Angeline has an alternate theory." "The FBI will be here soon to arrest Booth." "What do we do then?" "Then it's up to me." "Angeline." "You know, one of the first things you told me was that in life, you never want to be in someone else's shoes." "Are you wearing someone else's shoes now?" "I was." "I'm not now." "What do you mean?" "My life is over." "You see, I've figured out... that the only thing that keeps me going, gives me purpose in life... is to hunt down and eliminate the man who murdered my best friend." "And the woman who killed my best friend." "Did you kill Angeline's friend?" "Yes." "She killed Angeline." "And she killed the man who killed her baby." "How?" "I went looking for what was killing Angeline." "I went to every farm in this state." "I found bits of Angeline and bits of Angeline's friends." "Some pieces had a chemical composition like the ones we pulled out of Angeline's teeth." "Some pieces were a composite." "Then, I found a piece that was a blend of every part of every other victim." "And then I found the man who had... had been stuffing the evidence into storage lockers." "So you killed him, and you put the evidence from the locker... back into Angeline's body." "I should've been smarter about it, too." "I should've buried all the bodies." "That would've stopped us from finding you." "No, Bones." "We found you anyway." "Bones!" "You saved me again, baby girl." "I think it was the wrong thing to do." "The DNA just said that wasn't Angeline's blood in the car trunk, right?" "That was the evidence against Angeline." "She just used it against her." "It was the right thing to do, Bones." "You're right." "I know." "But I'm sorry." "I am." "So, you know, what Angeline's been doing is probably not right." "Yeah." "She'd be angry if she knew about this." "Angeline..." "I know you're listening." "Angeline?" "Are you out there?" "Bones, she's gone." "What?" "She's gone." "Well, you mean to tell me, after all of the things you taught me," "I'm so used to running, I don't know how to stay?" "Yeah." "It's called living." "But then I guess you've never had anyone to teach you how to do that, have you?" "Yeah, I have." "The man who brought me back to life."