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**14** **the man who would succeed was in a sense doomed:** Ibid., p. 35.
**15** **"I think I would like to speak on the point":** Ibid., p. 56.
**16** **"They were all dressed in white. I had never seen any of them before":** Ibid., p. 59.
**17** **"The meeting has been called by the Pope":** D'Aubuisson, _Final Report_ , p. 21.
**18** **"to see what it was all about":** Buitrago, _El Salvador_ , p. 28.
**19** **had become a "state of siege":** Ibid., p. 30.
**20** **the number of killings rose so rapidly:** D'Aubuisson, _Final Report_ , p. 59.
**21** **"The Church is not a party in this issue":** Ibid., p. 45.
**22** **In this respect, the Church, the military, and the right-wing opposition:** Buitrago, _El Salvador_ , p. 40.
**23** **It became known that D'Aubuisson:** Fals Borda, _The Church and the Shadows: How the Roman Catholic Church Created Modern El Salvador_ , pp. 28–30.
**24** **"It can be said without exaggeration":** Ibid., p. 31.
**25** **"I have the great misfortune of being a Catholic priest":** Ibid., p. 32.
**26** **In 1983 he told his successor:** Ibid., p. 49.
**27** **"When he arrived he saw something terrible":** Ibid., p. 50.
**28** **"The only way to ensure peace is if General [Fernando] Romeo and his MIS are no longer here":** Ibid., p. 54.
**29** **In February 1987 the archbishop was on a flight:** Ibid., p. 62.
**30** **"I was not there to receive a saint":** Ibid., p. 64.
**31** **They began to search his apartment:** Ibid., p. 65.
**32** **"I would have liked to tell him that our government is not what he thinks":** Ibid., p. 72.
**33** **"He was like a man who suddenly wakes up":** Ibid., p. 82.
**34** **"Many have tried to use the word terrorist":** Buitrago, _El Salvador_ , p. 80.
**35** **But the Archbishop was forced to resign:** Ibid., p. 81.
**36** **the country had not descended into the anarchy:** Buitrago, _El Salvador_ , p. 82.
**37** **"Agrarian reform is like any other business":** Quoted in D'Aubuisson, _Final Report_ , p. 90.
**38** **When the army invaded the town:** Buitrago, _El Salvador_ , p. 81.
**39** **But the war seemed over:** D'Aubuisson, _Final Report_ , p. 92.
**40** **"In the case of Salvadoran guerrillas":** Ibid., p. 98.
**41** **On October 3, 1989, as the archbishop was preparing to leave:** See D'Aubuisson, _Final Report_ , pp. 114–15.
**42** **For he had been convinced:** Buitrago, _El Salvador_ , p. 92.
**43** **"Don't let the fact that I have not seen him":** Ibid., p. 99.
**44** **It was a small Catholic mission school:** Buitrago, _El Salvador_ , pp. 94–95.
**45** **"This is the archbishop who wants to make me Pope":** D'Aubuisson, _Final Report_ , p. 113.
**46** **"I thought it was the greatest honor":** Ibid., p. 117.
**47** **In 1989 El Salvador had its first freely elected president:** Buitrago, _El Salvador_ , p. 92.
**48** **It became the first country in Latin America:** Buitrago, _El Salvador_ , p. 96.
**49** **"I don't think he had any illusions":** D'Aubuisson, _Final Report_ , p. 114.
**50** **"I believe that in the world there was a great deal of suspicion":** Ibid., p. 114.
**51** **But at the same time, he told the Catholic hierarchy:** Ibid., p. 115.
**52** **On December 11, 1989, they were discovered by security agents:** Buitrago, _El Salvador_ , p. 98.
**53** **"I don't think I would be alive if it hadn't been for God":** D'Aubuisson, _Final Report_ , p. 132.
**54** **Some of them were later confirmed as legitimate:** Buitrago, _El Salvador_ , p. 103.
**55** **That did not appear to matter much:** D'Aubuisson, _Final Report_ , p. 130.
**56** **But D'Aubuisson continued to insist:** Buitrago, _El Salvador_ , p. 104.
**57** **But he was increasingly distanced from the Archbishop:** D'Aubuisson, _Final Report_ , p. 136.
**58** **But the Archbishop had become very protective:** Buitrago, _El Salvador_ , p. 104.
**59** **Some of the Salvadoran nuns:** D'Aubuisson, _Final Report_ , pp. 135–36.
**60** **D'Aubuisson had said of him:** Ibid., p. 136.
**61** **"We are going to make a great effort":** D'Aubuisson, _Final Report_ , p. 140.
**62** **"That was the most beautiful thing I ever saw in my life":** Ibid., p. 142.
**63** **"There will be war":** Ibid., p. 142.
**64** **"I told the Archbishop that we had decided on war":** Ibid., p. 143.
**65** **"When I returned from Texas, I found a note":** Ibid., p. 144.
**66** **"When I arrived at the airport in Mexico City":** Ibid., p. 145.
**67** **"In his heart, he was convinced that he would see me again":** Ibid., p. 144.
**68** **"I heard that he was being protected":** Buitrago, _El Salvador_ , p. 115.
**69** **"I am sure he was assassinated because he knew too much":** D'Aubuisson, _Final Report_ , p. 144.
**70** **"The only way to do that was to kill him":** Buitrago, _El Salvador_ , p. 118.
**71** **"He would not give the order":** D'Aubuisson, _Final Report_ , p. 144.
**72** **"As in other Central American countries":** Ibid., p. 145.
**73** **"The next day I found in the newspaper":** Ibid., p. 146.
**74** **"It made me think of Christ and the cross":** Ibid., p. 149.
**75** **"That was not an easy choice to make":** Ibid., p. 151.
**76** **When the Archbishop heard the news, he said:** Ibid., p. 152.
**77** **His last act was to authorize the beatification:** Ibid., p. 153.
**78** **"I think the first mistake":** Buitrago, _El Salvador_ , p. 162.
**79** **D'Aubuisson had known he was sick:** Ibid., p. 154.
**80** **"It was just a matter of saying goodbye":** D'Aubuisson, _Final Report_ , p. 160.
**81** **"I didn't understand his logic":** Buitrago, _El Salvador_ , p. 165.
**82** **"I think they were the result of a military operation":** Ibid., p. 164.
**83** **"I don't think anybody has the right to die in my place":** Ibid., p. 165.
**84** **As D'Aubuisson wrote, "The people are at war":** D'A