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Fear of the Unknow
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I'm in Such a Hot Pickle!", (Dublin), 22 April 1936; in John B. Keane (ed.), _An Irish Autobiography_ (Cork, 1937), 17; "My Irish Journal for 1937", in Keane (ed.), _An Irish Autobiography_ , 72. On _The Plough and the Stars_ , see P. J. Mara, _Irish National Cinema_ (London, 2003), 14; and Declan Kiberd, _Inventing Ireland_ (London, 1995), 60–61. 42. See Declan Kiberd, _Inventing Ireland_ (London, 1995), 59–61; and Brian Friel, _Living in the Borderlands: Selected Essays, Journalism and Memoir_ , ed. Seamus Deane (Lilliput, 2006), 37–40, 56. 43. See _Sunday Tribune_ , 30 September 1936, 2. 44. For accounts of Haines's career, see Michael McLaverty, _James Joyce and the Revolution of the Word_ (London, 1977); James A. Joyce, _A Passage to Joyce_ (Dublin, 1987); and Donal MacDonagh, "Michael Longley: a New Generation", _Irish Studies Review_ , Winter 2003, 1–20. On the rise of "revisionist" studies of Joyce, see Christopher Fox, "The Riddle of Joyce: 'The Sublime Dreadful Nothingness of it'", _Cambridge Journal_ , 22:3 (1980), 353–72. See also, in general, Joseph Brooker, "The 'Boom' in Joyce Criticism, 1966–9", in Brooker (ed.), _The Cambridge Companion to James Joyce_ (Cambridge, 1989), 59–86. On the idea of "Joyce", see Seamus Deane, _Reading in the Dark_ (Oxford, 2001), 16–42; and R. B. Kersh, _Sinn Fein and the Dail_ (Dublin, 1972), 12–13, 59, 64. 45. Seán O'Casey, _Dublin Bay: A Poem in Three Cantos_ , edited with a critical introduction by Donal Ó Drisceoil (Dublin, 1934), 2. 46. See Declan Kiberd, "The Irish Literary Renaissance, 1920–1940", in R. F. Foster (ed.), _Modern Ireland 1600–1972_ (London, 1988), 212. See also, Joseph Lee, "The 'Irish Literary Renaissance'", in Ó Drisceoil (ed.), _Dublin Bay: A Poem in Three Cantos_ (Dublin, 1973), xxii. 47. O'Casey to Denis Johnston, 13 July 1923, in _O'Casey: A Documentary Volume_ , ed. L. M. Cullen and M. G. Quin (Dublin, 1979), 28. 48. _James Joyce Quarterly_ (1982), 1–2; quoted in John O'Hanlon, "The Greatest Event in the History of Irish Literature: The Importance of Dublin in Joyce's _Ulysses_ ," _James Joyce Quarterly_ (1981), 7–12. 49. See Declan Kiberd, "A Disappointing Landscape: John Millington Synge, 1904–1905", in Kiberd, _Inventing Ireland_ (London, 1995), 101–12. For a history of British Ireland in the 1920s, see Declan Kiberd, "A Lost World: Irish Life in the Dublin of the 1920s", _Irish Studies Review_ , Winter 1997, 1–30. 50. See Eamonn Callan, "Irish Identity in _Dubliners_ and _A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man_ ", in Declan Kiberd, _Inventing Ireland_ (London, 1995), 47–75. 51. See Kiberd, "A Disappointing Landscape", 103–12. For more on Synge, see D. George Boyce, _Nationalism in Ireland_ (Dublin, 1994), ch. 5. 52. Synge to Maurice Moynihan, 2 December 1913, in Kiberd, _Inventing Ireland_ (London, 1995), 120. For more on Synge and nationalism, see Brian Friel, _Blood Transfusion_ (London, 1975), 19–31; Seamus Deane, "The Politics of Synge", in Kiberd, _Inventing Ireland_ (London, 1995), 75–102; and Donal Ó Drisceoil, "Synge and His Critics", in Kiberd, _Inventing Ireland_ (London, 1995), 67–106. 53. See Kiberd, "A Disappointing Landscape", 101–12. 54. See John McGahern, "The Politics of Ireland", in Máirín Ní Dhonnchadha and Ciarán Ó Murchadha (eds), _A New History of Ireland_ (Oxford, 2008), 19–37, especially 33–4; _The Ireland of George Russell_ (Dublin, 1980), 39–42; and _Occasions of Sin: Sex and Society in Modern Ireland_ (London, 2009), 24–6. On Lady Gregory's life, see Lady Gregory, _Collected Works of Lady Gregory_ (Oxford, 1976), 10. 55. See Deane, "The Politics of Synge", 77–105; Friel, _Blood Transfusion_ , 31; Fintan O'Toole, _Exiles Return: Irish Nationalism and the Heroic Generation_ (London, 2009), 15–28; and Cormac Ó Gráda, "The Making of a Nationalist Poet", _Irish University Review_ , 38 (2009), 7–32. 56. For a discussion of Synge's poem, see R. F. Foster, _W. B. Yeats, A Life. I: The Apprentice Mage_ (Oxford, 1998), ch. 7; and O'Gráda, "Making of a Nationalist Poet", 7–32. 57. Lady Gregory to Joyce, 9 January 1921, in Joseph Brooker, _The Correspondence of James Joyce_ (London, 1966), 10:2–3. See also O'Toole, _Exiles Return_ , 31–8. For a discussion of "Sean-Og", see Foster, _W. B. Yeats_ , ch. 7. For a recent translation of the poem, see Joyce, _Collected Poems_ (London, 1974), 27–9. 58. See "Celticism and Irish Character", in _The Plays of W. B. Yeats_ , ed. John Wyse Jackson (London, 1948), 208. For Yeats's use of the term "Celticism", see Thomas F. O'Higgins, "Yeats's Use of the Term 'Celticism' in the 1890s: The _Fled Bricrend_ Phenomenon", _Éigse_ , 24 (1980), 69–80. For Yeats's conception of the 'Celtic Tradition', see "The Celtic Element in Literature", in _The Oxford Book of Modern Verse 1892–1935_ (Oxford, 1936), 3–21. 59. See Friel, _Living in the Borderlands_ , 37–8. 60. See Yeats, "Celticism and Irish Character", 210–11; and Yeats, "Prefatory Note to the New Poetry", in Yeats, _Explorations_ (New York, 1970), xvi–xvii. 61. Yeats to Lady Gregory, 13 December 1920, in _The Collected Works of W. B. Yeats_ , vol. 10, ed. Warwick Gould (London, 1995), 34. 62. See Foster, _W. B. Yeats_ , 210–13; Richard Ellmann, "Yeats and the Ireland of the Twilight", _American Scholar_ , 30 (1961), 5–20; and Ellmann, _W. B. Yeats_ (London, 1966), 2:3. On Joyce and Yeats, see Brian Friel, "On Reading the Plays of W. B. Yeats", in _Ariel_ , 13:2 (1978), 49–64. 63. Quoted in Kevin Rockett, _Yeats's Political Criticism: From 'The Calvary' to 'At the Hawk's Well'_ (Dublin, 2007), 4. 64. On "The Statues", see Joseph Brooker, "W. B. Yeats, Maud Gonne, and the Statues", in Michael McLaverty, _Irish Writers and Their Worlds_ (Cork, 1983), 31–5; and John McGahern, "A Visit to Maud Gonne", in _Occasional Essays_ (London, 1986), 59–68. On "The Statues", see Brooker, "The Statues", 31–5. 65. See "Dublin Letter: The Irish Question and English Art", in _Samhain_ ,