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Exile Island
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Love Goggles
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Livin' On the Edge
One of Those 'Coach Moments' that Are a Little Too 'Coachie-ish' We're all well aware of the 'Coach' phenomena that has developed on the internet. It's all the rage over there with pictures of coaches in various settings and 'How To' books written for other coaches. We don't talk about it that much here because there's not a lot of 'Coaches' in this area, but I'm thinking there may be a place for 'Coach' magazine here, too, but some of these photographs are just a little 'coachie' for my tastes. Here we see Mr. Coach taking his young charges into the woods and showing them how to skin and gut a deer. All three boys look excited by this prospect. I think this is the time for a little reality check! In our school system, we're lucky if a kid can handle a deer carcass in the safety of the school kitchens. This is my friend, Dr. Susan McCowan, being schooled by Dr. James Alexander. Dr. McCowan did a great post on the "unorthodox" way this photo was taken. In this picture, a very young Coach Bill is being held by his mother, Mrs. P. B., and his uncle. I don't know who his father is, but it's clear that there is some very heavy emotional baggage in the picture. That young gentleman is in the presence of the most important woman in his life (Mrs. P. B.), so there can be no doubt that he's a little overstressed here. As we saw in the video that showed Coach Bill being an extremely enthusiastic father of the bride, "Mr. Coach is always a gentleman!". Here's a photograph of Mr. Coach in the presence of the queen herself: Mrs. Prince of Wales. And that's why you want to make sure all of your students get home at a reasonable time on the day of the prom. And for that extra touch of perfection, why not add a nice Coach Pendant. This one is on sale, too! Here's Coach Bill again, this time teaching our newest members of the family some of the finer points of the old-time banjo. And, just for fun, he's having a ball with his young students, even though he looks like he could use a little R&R himself. (The Coach was known for his ability to take an afternoon off once in a while.) I really liked the last Coach pic. I've been following the blog you sent me to and I'm totally into the whole Coach/coed thing. It's great when people realize they can still have fun in their later years and not let themselves be bored to death. I'm happy you shared those Coach pics. I'm really into it. Thanks! The Coach is a character...He is so loved and admired. I am so happy and honored that I came into your life in the winter of '95. I can't believe you are not feeling well. I'd like to invite you to stop by and meet me at my blog. You would be glad you did. I am a long-time, avid fan of the Coach! Not the coachiest coach (the coachiest coach, for those of you not in the know, is the Coach who coaches with style and class), but the one who uses the sport of basketball (the coach of basketball) to teach life lessons (the coach of life)! Thank you for including these pics in the Coach blog. I can't imagine having a Coach without one, so I might just have to send one to the Coach at your request. I'll let you and your followers know what I'm looking for (there's one in my stash that's not really right) and what I'd like to do with it (I love them) and when the photos will be going live here. If you'd like to ask the coach himself about his thoughts on the Coach Blog, you could always give him a call. His number is 301-766-3481. He's a great guy. P.S. I know he is working right now, but would you be willing to help me out a little bit by adding Coach (of the Coach blog) as a friend in Facebook? I think it would be fun for him to hang out with you there. He'd feel right at home! The Coach is a real good guy (as the kids say). I am glad to know that Coach has kept on coaching and doing what the kids love. How great that you have an office full of great people who adore and believe in the Coach. I wonder if the Coach is going to teach his young charges that a good coach always puts his family first. I wonder if he will even teach that at all. How's the Coach of the Coach? I hear he's got a heart of gold, he's got a heart of stone, he's going to die alone, and he don't ever wear a tie.He's probably been waiting at the door to get in for the last hour.When he gets here, I'm going to take off and leave him alone. As the father of a 19 yr old, I found this Coach Blog interesting and very much in tune with the world of today's Coach, and the Coach he would have been (and could not have been). His love of and enthusiasm for life in the here and now is refreshing and inspirational! We'll look forward to meeting the rest of the coach family in a few years! Love the pictures. Coach Bill is one of my favorites. I am a long time lover of his. He is a kind hearted man who gives me goose bumps when he lifts his arms at the end of a sermon to help every one of us to stand on the Word of God. He is living proof that God is still in the game. Oh, and what a wonderful husband and father. Who could say that more about Coach Bill than he says himself. My best to Coach when he gets over this virus. He has done a great job and is still doing a good job. Linda T, I'm right there with you on Coach Bill. He was a kind and gentle man, and it would have been a tremendous loss if he had not died young. He was such a loving father and husband, but then, isn't that what makes him Coach? He cared about his kids and his students so much and he knew how to bring out the best in them. That's Coach all over! He brought out the best in Coach Bill. I would also like to add that Coach Bill always put his family before himself. Coach has the same sense of humor and his friends loved him because he could always make them laugh! That's just like Coach and Coach's "boys" never knew a stranger, or a boring man! It always makes me laugh when people speak of Coach and his "boys". They were great friends of Coach's. The only difference between them and the rest of us was they had Coach for a coach, not just a man.