Bad first-date ide
There's Gonna Be B
Still Throwin' Pun
I could fall aslee
Not Going to Roll
Million Dollar Dec
One of Those 'Coac
Mad Scramble and B
This tip is all ab
Exile Island

Never before seen
Slip Through Your
Livin' On the Edge
I have been asked
War is Not Pretty
The Big Adventure
Mad Treasure Hunt
On this day, in
Stir the Pot!
Gouge My Eyes Out
I promise that you’ll never find another like me. No one is like me. But you’ll find another me.” For a few years, maybe three, if things go well, you might stop looking. But, eventually, you realize that you can never stop looking. There’s always someone out there looking for something, or someone. There’s always someone who can do what you do. Maybe they’ll never be exactly you, but you can train them to be as close as possible. And then, all of a sudden, you’re back where you started, waiting to find the next me or her. Maybe you’ll never be as good at the thing you do as the people who are out there right now, or will be, but you can look around and see that, no matter what you decide to do with your life, there will always be another me out there, waiting to be found. You’re my big sister. How about that? I didn’t know that you had a sibling for so many years. A few years back, after your friend introduced us, you were going through your belongings because we were packing up your living quarters. You found a few photographs that you knew I had taken of us, but you didn’t know what they were. One was of you, dressed as a cat, looking at the camera in a most adorable way. I remember at the time, thinking about how adorable you looked. The next one was of you looking away from the camera at an awkward angle. You were laughing really hard, really hard, and it was the best laugh I’d ever heard. And then there was the third, which was of you, smiling at me. That was the one that you pulled out. You asked me if I’d ever seen one of us together. I said yes, it was the one I took when we both lost our jobs at the same time. You asked me if I knew what it meant. I told you that I did, and that you should send it to me. Since then, in between the rest of my life and yours, we’ve shared countless letters and phone calls. I’ve told you about the cat who has stolen my heart. You’ve told me about your latest job and how terrible you feel for me, and how good it feels to go to sleep at night knowing that you have an apartment and that there are people there who love you. You’ve called me, and I’ve called you, to ask how you are doing. We talked a few months ago about a job opening in your hometown. I told you that you should call and ask for my old boss, the one who thought I was so talented and gave me my first promotion. He’d know how you might do well at the company. You agreed, and are going to take that next step in your career. A few weeks ago, I received a package. In it was a box, that didn’t look like much, but in fact, contained three of the pictures that you’d found. Each one had a story, in a way. The first was the picture of you, as a cat, laughing at the camera. The reason you held that pose, in my opinion, was because you were really angry. You were sitting there on the ground and it was clear you were not having a good day, no matter what you were doing. You had your arms crossed and your eyes looked so cold. You were holding a cigarette and were squinting, as if the smoke hurt your eyes. You looked at the camera and your eyes said, “What are you doing here?” The second picture was of you and me, standing together, smiling. You look happy in that picture. You were smiling in a way that I could never hope to be able to do, and I thought, “I have no idea what makes her smile that way. What is she thinking?” And what you were thinking is that we were standing together and looking at the camera, and we were happy for a reason that we’d forgotten. The last picture was of you smiling at the camera. The emotion was gone from your eyes. But it was one of the few moments that I was able to capture of you being really happy. I’m so glad that you found each other, and I’m so proud of what you two do. It doesn’t surprise me that you were one of the best people on the team. You were such a leader, always going above and beyond the call of duty. And you were always willing to help someone else out, when it was in your best interest. You made everyone around you better, and at the same time, I knew you were going to be just fine. You were my big sister, and I’m proud of the person you’ve become. I’m glad that we have those pictures, and they mean something to me, in a way that words alone could not convey. I think about the times when we were together and how lucky I am that we still get to be together. You’re always just a phone call away. So that’s how it is. My sister and I, together again. We’ll talk soon, I hope. I’m glad you are able to make a difference, and I wish you nothing but the best. To all my other siblings out there, remember that your time together is short. You may not know it right now, but you never know when the last time will be. I am so proud of you. I love you all. And I hope that you’re happy, wherever you are. I can still picture you, as a baby. You were so small, and you smiled at me when I held you. The first picture I have of you is one of the most special ones, because we’re not looking at the camera, but at each other. I’m the one smiling at the camera, and it looks like your eyes are looking right at me. You must have taken those pictures of me when you were about four. You would sit right next to me on the sofa and ask me to take your picture. You would sit there, smiling and staring directly into the lens. It was strange to see, because I couldn’t believe how much you knew what you were doing. You’ve always had an eye for the camera. And the thing about it is, that with the camera is where you can always see yourself. I hope you know how beautiful you are. I hope you’re going to be really great. And I hope you learn to like yourself. There’s nothing like you in the world. Your family always looks out for you and will always try to help you. I know you’ll do well. I love you, and I hope to see you again soon.