Ransomware, Crypto
Love Goggles
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Opening Pandora's
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botdump.com. What's your opinion about the news that the NSA may have been snooping on the communications of the Supreme Court? Well this is so funny I wanted to share it with everyone. I just found this post on facebook and I love it. It explains so much about Facebook. It is actually for all of us out there that I like to refer to as 'Facebook Snobs'. You know you have a facebook page and want everyone to be able to see it right? Well... Check this out. If I want the world to see my facebook page I have to add everyone in my phone book. I tried to put my husband in my phone book but facebook asked me if he was a friend and not to add him if he wasn't a friend. What the what? Now why would Facebook do this? Why would they not let me post his picture that he is in my phone book? Well they did. And, when I tried to put my ex boyfriend's photo in my phone book they said no. They want me to add him. And, when I tried to add people who are not on facebook...Facebook said, No! You have to add all your friends, family, and co-workers. Hmmm Facebook is so funny. I want to add everyone. I don't want to add someone who was just introduced to me, but then I remember that I can't just add everyone. This site just saved me from getting into trouble with Facebook and it might save you too! Check it out, and if you need help with what is all this stuff here is the source: http://www.getoffmylawnblog.com/2010/06/is-facebook-snobby-a-review-of-the-facebook-application-on.html Why Do You Do What You Do? A Blog that is Worth Reading...and a Good Question. Why Do You Do What You Do? By Darci Carlson I want to tell you a story. Not mine but a story about my best friend, my friend since preschool. She’s awesome and a few of you already know her because she’s been a guest blogger here and at her own website. She’s also an amazing athlete. She’s a college runner and the NCAA national champion in the mile. My friend, Lindsey, is not your typical 17 year old because she has a career goal that’s so out of the box that it’s scary. She wants to be a professional runner. When she first told me she wanted to run professionally I was so proud of her, but at the same time, very apprehensive. Why? Because in all the years that she’s been running, she has never won a national championship or even a national qualifying race. She’s very good and she knows she has a huge passion for running. Every day she wakes up and asks herself, “How am I going to do today?” What she doesn’t know is how much it’s going to cost her emotionally to do this. She has to deal with injuries and pressure. All of these things are things I know well, and I feel good that the best way I can help her is to let her know that all those things are possible. We have to talk about why these things happen. We can’t keep blaming “the body.” If there is something she wants and she will never have if she keeps doing what she’s doing now, then we need to look at what is going on with her in order to make decisions that will help her reach her goals. She’s going to be at the NCAA track nationals next week and a question was asked to the runners and coaches. “What do you believe is the hardest thing to do as an athlete?” The coaches all had the same answer. “Finding their goals.” I think we can all agree that it can be easy to get lost in the running world. There are so many options out there, so many opinions, so much information, so many experiences that we can become confused and overwhelmed. So I think it’s an important question we need to ask ourselves and ask one another. How are you going to do this? Where is your head and what is your passion? And, if you are running, how does that affect your training and racing? What’s Your Number? A lot of us runners love the number on our shoes. The number is a symbol that stands for so many things. But in all honestly, there is a number that is more important than any other number you run. It is the number 1. My friend, Lindsey, was asked this question and said that she feels the most pressure to run well in competition or meet a deadline because she doesn’t want to be a failure. She does her best and doesn’t see how all these expectations add pressure to what should be a fun time. For you see, she isn’t a runner at the national level, but she does a lot of things at the national level. And she does a lot of things with her coach that I don’t think anyone should do. And that leads me to the question. What about you? What is the number 1 thing you feel you need to do? Running Shoes Make me a Slave to them... I just feel like I'm spending too much money on shoes and not getting enough out of them. I started off with the Skechers, and now I'm trying the New Balance. I love the weight and the cushioning, but for me, the stability is more important, and it's not there. I've had major issues with my knees. I think I'm too heavy on the arches. My right leg is always killing me when I'm running and I want to replace it with a running shoe that is more forgiving on the feet and has more support. I don't know if you can help me but if you do, please send me some of your advice on this. I'm thinking about running for the first time in Asics. This is from a friend of mine who was a runner (a world class runner) and an orthopedist. So if you want to help her with her answer, share a comment below. This has been a problem that I have been battling too. Running long distance is what my body is really good at, but so am I. If you know of a good running shoe that has more heel than toe (and not too much heel) please let me know, I am getting frustrated! The Problem... This is the problem with finding a good shoe to solve your dilemma. Is that they have to fit you perfectly. We as runners are the most picky in the world. So when I buy new shoes I don't think about how much I'll be wearing them. I'll buy them based on the color and the trend of the week. There is nothing wrong with this and actually, it helps the shoe companies make more money. But then I go home and try to run in them. That's when the problems start. The solutions.... So why not pick the shoe based on how it fits? What do I mean by that? Let me explain. Go to a running store and get a set of shoes that have about 4 or 5 in the store. Run on the treadmill and walk through the store wearing the shoes you have on. If they are too small, get a size larger. If they are too tight, get a larger size. Here's another trick...Go out and run for 10 minutes with the shoes on. See if you can tell anything at all. Another tactic...Go try out a pair of shoes in the store, go for a walk or run in them, and come back and tell us what you think. That is if you don't care if you hurt your feet. I hope this helps you. These have all been some of my problems and these are some of the solutions I have come up with that work. The answer is... I've made the switch to using my ipod to listen to my music while I run. It's easy. I plug it in my ear, and away I go. I don't have to think about it. It's like your foot never touches the ground. In case you can't find your way here from here, don't let me put you off! I hope this message finds you in a good mood and with something to be excited about. My last blog was a little sad and if you read it you can see why. I think it is important to look at your past. Why? Because every day we are the sum of all that happened to us. We grow and become who we are today because of the lessons learned from all the mistakes we've made. A bad experience can be a great teacher, and we learn and live from these experiences. We are the sum of these experiences. But how do we deal with our past if we don't see the positive side of life? It is a matter of balance, balance between life and the law of attraction. There is a saying that goes like this: “How