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On this day, in
There's Gonna Be Blood," it's a masterpiece in its way. It would be a masterpiece if it ended right here. Instead, it carries on for another five minutes, and once it's over, you realize it wasn't just a film about what's wrong with the American working class, or even just a movie that's anti-corporate. It's about the soul of America. The last 20 minutes of "There's Gonna Be Blood" are filled with scenes of ordinary working Americans. Most of them are black, as they would have been in real life in the 1950s, rather than the stereotypical white hillbilly. They are oil workers, and they aren't oil men at all — they're "prayers," who go down into the dirt and pray that God will help their souls be saved. (It's not a direct quote, but the idea is in there.) That's the most compelling part of "There's Gonna Be Blood," and as good as Cohn is in the rest of the movie, he's not going to win an Academy Award for playing an oil worker. So maybe the best thing a film can say about a country's soul is that it lets them come off looking better than they really are, even if they're not trying to. Bear in mind that I'm not going to claim that there is nothing for Democrats to learn from Trump voters. That wouldn't be right, and it wouldn't make sense. There is a lot, even if they're wrong about practically everything else. But it is worth bearing in mind that much of Trump's support has nothing to do with the fact that he's a Democrat-lite Republican, like the George W. Bush he criticizes so much in speeches. For some Trump supporters, he's the opposite of a Democrat in important ways — more aggressive in addressing his opponents, more willing to take risks, more willing to take on entrenched power. But for Trump to win, Democrats need to make the case to Trump voters who aren't like that — the people who agree with him about immigration, but want Hillary Clinton, and not him, as president — that he isn't one of them. Democrats should reach out to that person, and make a case to her or him that this whole election is actually about bigger things. And if the party can't make that case, then it will have lost what is, after all, a very close election. I understand why the Democrats think Trump is an electoral booby trap for them. They're right to think that. But if you can't reach Trump voters where they're at, that trap is a booby trap no matter who you nominate. "There's Gonna Be Blood" opens today in theaters and online. Watch the trailer below: