There's Gonna Be B
Still Throwin' Pun
I could fall aslee
Not Going to Roll
Million Dollar Dec
One of Those 'Coac
Mad Scramble and B
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Exile Island

I promise that you
Never before seen
Slip Through Your
Livin' On the Edge
I have been asked
War is Not Pretty
The Big Adventure
Mad Treasure Hunt
On this day, in
Stir the Pot!
Bad first-date ideas include: Go to a dance club. Nothing says you don’t like each other more than awkward dancing with strangers who smell like dirty laundry and worse. Take a trip to the mall. You’ll get to sit next to each other and make fun of how ugly everyone is. Visit the museum. After walking in the museum for at least an hour, go sit in a café. Check out a comedy show. You’ll share this experience together, and you can laugh and get comfortable with each other during the comedy show. If you enjoy comedy, the show will be even more enjoyable. Try a comedy improv group or workshop. Many of these types of shows have teams that are mixed gender. This will allow you to get to know each other on a personal level. Once you are comfortable with each other on stage, you can try out your improv skills in public. Go to an art gallery or museum. Most of the art at these places is done on very large canvases. Even if you are terrible at art, you’ll still get a chance to get to know each other. Find a movie theater. They are all empty at 11:30 on a weeknight, and you’ll have all day and evening to catch up on. If you are both really into movies, watch some of your favorites together, then talk about them. Go to a comedy club. Once again, it is a time when the people watching the comedy is done for two hours. This will give you time to talk and get to know each other. Get a drink at a bar with your friends. You can get to know each other over a drink and just have fun. This will also work well if you are both single. Go to a concert together. These things are usually at night. If you need help remembering each other’s phone numbers afterward, this is a great way to remember them. Go to the library. This isn’t usually a time where the bar is right there, so you’ll have to make conversation. It’s a great time to talk about books you have read and enjoyed. Avoid spending two hours talking about your favorite TV shows. Save that for later. Go on a hike together. You’ll have time to get to know each other on your own, and you’ll be more physically close than you would have been sitting in a restaurant talking about all of your favorite TV shows. Go to a dog park. You can give each other hugs and pet the dogs and not worry about having to speak to each other in the presence of other people. This is perfect for introverts, who would be hesitant to go to the zoo or a dance club. Visit a comedy club. Make sure to go see a comedy show together, and do the same when you visit a comedy theater. They are less scary than comedy shows, especially if you have already taken an improv class. Head to a museum. Most of the time, the museums in this city are free for everyone and you can’t get in without a membership card. Check to see if you both have one. Go to the park. Spending time at the park gives you a chance to meet the neighbors who have never been introduced to you. If you make friends with your neighbors, this gives you someone to talk to when you need it. Attend a picnic or BBQ in the park. It can be hot, so you’ll be able to talk to each other without sweating. It’s also a great time to take a selfie to upload to Instagram. Visit a zoo together. You will be able to see some awesome animals, but mostly you’ll be able to hug each other and make eye contact with your favorite animals, if you have them. Avoid bringing up how you had a crush on the person you met last night. Wait until there is a good reason. Take an art class. Most of these classes are usually mixed gender, so you can make new friends. Go to an outdoor movie. If you are both into movies, this is a great place to watch them without your friends or neighbors complaining about the loud noises. Go to an outdoor party. You can relax while you are on the dance floor and you can enjoy yourself while you drink with your friends. Take your date out on a boat. If you live on the coast, this will be an awesome and fun adventure. If you live by the ocean, plan ahead for this date. You need to bring a lot of water and sunscreen to last the whole day. Go to a roller skating rink. It will be crowded, but you’ll have more time to talk. This is a fun way to spend an afternoon with your date. Take the train to a local amusement park. It’s a cheaper date, but a fun one that you can do together. Go to a drive-in movie. Many drive-in theaters do not have mixed gender couples in them anymore, so this is a great option if you are looking for an exciting date. See a late night show. Some of the shows that are in the late night hours are mixed gender, so go and have some fun together. You will need to brush up on your night vision and be out after the sun has set. Bring dinner to a park. If you get to spend a lot of time together in the park, you can buy dinner and take it with you to eat while you enjoy the beautiful weather. Take a long drive to get out of the city. Taking a road trip is an excellent way to see a new place. This will give you more time to be together. Have a picnic in your backyard. Most of the time, you will spend more time in your own house and backyard than you will in the park. If you have one, consider taking a date there. Go to a comedy club for a stand-up comedy show. The laughs are more important than the rest of the crowd, so this is a fun option if you are in the mood to laugh. Ride on the bus or subway. Most of these areas have mixed-gender seating areas that let you sit together. You may have to wait a long time to get to the front of the line, but you won’t have to make small talk with anyone. Take a tour of some museums, and sit at the cafeteria. You can sit and talk about how bad the food is. The people around you will be tourists, who don’t know how to navigate through the museum. The cafeteria will also have delicious food and coffee. Take a ride on the open-air shopping mall tour. A bus will let you spend a couple hours cruising the mall together. You’ll also be able to look at all the stores and walk out the store with something you both want. Visit a zoo at night. The animals don’t come out to play at night, so you’ll have time to spend with each other. Spend the night at an open house or house tour. If you are into architecture, this is a great time to visit different buildings to see how they were built. Go to a park on a weekend. You’ll have plenty of time to make new friends and talk to people. This is a great way to have fun together and give your date a workout. Go to a movie for couples only. Most of these movies are PG or PG-13. They are the best time to kiss and touch each other without getting kicked out of the movie or getting slapped by a parent. Ride the roller coaster. When you are on the roller coaster, everyone is focused on what is going on in front of you and everyone else, so it’s easy to get intimate and hold hands. Go on a food tour of the city. Not only will you be able to try many different types of food, you will also have the opportunity to eat in beautiful places. You don’t have to spend too much money, so this is a good option for college students on a budget. Visit a cemetery. There is no talking in these types of places, but you can spend a lot of time with each other just taking it all in. Go on a hike together. It is best if you are both active and fit, so don’t be afraid to tackle this exciting adventure. Go to a museum at night. There is no admission during the day. Go see it, because there is no one around to bother you. You can hug and kiss your date without getting kicked out or slapped. Visit a haunted house. You can kiss and touch the ghosts. Visit a local carnival. You can stand in line together to buy a game for your own private fun time. Go to a concert together. Not only is it a fun and unique date, but you can dance and go crazy at the concert. Go to an indoor movie. You won’t have to deal with hot seats, cold air, or loud noises. Take a walk on the beach. There is almost no one at the beach at this time of day, so you can relax and hug each other without having to share your space with anyone. Go to a drive