I have been asked
Livin' On the Edge
Slip Through Your
Never before seen
I promise that you
Bad first-date ide
There's Gonna Be B
Still Throwin' Pun
I could fall aslee
Not Going to Roll

The Big Adventure
Mad Treasure Hunt
On this day, in
Stir the Pot!
Gouge My Eyes Out
Go for the Gusto
Sometimes, I want
Ransomware, Crypto
Mama, Look at Me N
War is Not Pretty. The following article is a very important one because of the content, not the quality of the article itself. I’m sure most of you know this already, and as for those of you who do, you probably know this from experience and are too busy to care. Regardless, read it. The following article was sent to me by an anonymous reader whose name I will keep anonymous in this article because for the sake of this article I must hide their identity in order to reveal the information they shared. If there is any reason as to why the reader should not want their name shared, please message me and I will remove it. Please share this information with everyone you know. If we all make enough noise about this atrocity, maybe people will start paying attention. The government has tried to keep this knowledge away from the public, and in the case of the government and corporations they always win. It’s time that we all stand up against tyranny. The article is broken down into two parts, but I’m including the first one here for your reading pleasure. This is just a copy and paste of the information sent to me. To Our Fellow Americans, We’ve been watching for quite some time now… The lies about Iraq, the missing WMDs, the war crimes, the torture, and now the slaughtering of innocent lives in Iraq is just the beginning. How about that slaughter of our fellow Americans at Fort Hood… What about the innocent civilians who were killed by police officers in Ferguson, Missouri… Or the families that lost their jobs and homes due to Wall Street’s greedy practices? The ones who lost their homes to foreclosures because they didn’t have the cash to make the payments? The thousands who were taken advantage of due to our country’s economic troubles and had their credit and savings compromised due to unforeseen circumstances? I bet you thought things like that couldn’t happen, right? Well, unfortunately it did. We are a country of free market capitalists and yet we cannot make a decision to help our fellow man when they need it. We cannot help people when they have become victims due to our own country’s policies, and yet we can give tax breaks to billionaires and corporate interests. Now it’s time for you to see what happens when people become “political victims” of America and get what’s coming to them. There is a new reality TV show called Running Wild with Bear Grylls (a show I love by the way, but let’s stick to the facts) where Bear goes on “challenges” to help save the world from hunger, disease, and other threats. The latest episode features Bear and a survivor of the horrific Indonesian tsunami, as they travel to the disaster-stricken location and help the survivors of that disaster. Bear and the survivor spend time in a remote village and see how things are run in a third-world country. The show makes it seem like this is a real thing that’s happening, and when the camera catches a glimpse of a black man in the background, you see what’s really going on. Bear asks the man what his name is and then proceeds to make fun of him (while making him the butt of a joke on national television no less) and proceeds to make fun of the people there because they are different from Americans, and because of his skin color. He goes on to make fun of the man by labeling him “African, African,” and “Africano.” It’s sickening. However, it’s not surprising. This isn’t the first time these types of things have been happening. All across America, the police departments have been getting away with murder against African Americans. They have shot unarmed men, women, and children, and then proceeded to make them the butt of a joke in order to turn a whole race of people into “less than” human beings. They are the bullies, they are the bullies, they are the bullies. Our own president calls this African American man in the next episode, “Mr. Tickle” and does this to other people of color as well, while he continues to make ignorant comments about the race he has nothing to do with. He also has his racist Uncle Ruckus, who is a congressman representing Georgia, at his side. The rest of these men on the show are white people who feel it’s okay to degrade and make fun of the African American people. I am ashamed to say that I know two of them personally; and they are some of the most ignorant people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Yes, these are the very people who are making decisions for all of us, and we sit by and take it. But the worst part of all this, is that nobody is doing anything about it. Nobody cares about the murder of African Americans, or the treatment of Hispanics by the police force. The people of Hispanics living in the United States of America, not citizens of the United States, are being harassed and forced to take on jobs they are not trained for. They are being put in danger by having their housing destroyed due to foreclosures. There is more proof that Hispanics are second-class citizens, and yet our representatives have done nothing to improve the conditions for the masses. Now, it’s time for the people of color to see what it feels like to have a white man come in and talk down to you and feel the need to make fun of you, all while the government looks on and does nothing. The world is watching, and the whole world is laughing at us. Now, they can see the true face of America. Now, they can see what happens when an African American speaks out, or when a Hispanic is not in favor of something the President has done. We are hated and we are laughed at by the world. We are discriminated against. We must be crazy, or we must not know English, or we must not know the culture. There is an even greater danger though. Now the African Americans, and any person of color is being killed by the police, being harassed, and being treated like a second-class citizen. So now the rest of America, and any other nation for that matter, will see what happens to those who are considered weak and less than. We will all be at risk. We will all be oppressed. And all this is just the beginning. You see, we have a lot of African Americans who are sick and tired of living in a country where they are looked down upon by their brothers and sisters. No more can this society look down on the African Americans and say, “Well that’s what you get for being black. Look what your people did to us!” No more. I can assure you, there is nobody on this show who is not sick of the treatment of white America. We are sick of being treated as slaves. It is time to take action and it is time to end this madness. You see, it’s not about Barack Obama or George W. Bush. It’s about tyranny. We are in danger and America has never been in this danger before. For the majority of the population, the “land of the free” has become a police state, an oligarchy, and now a dictatorship. We now live in a police state. It has been said that, “it’s okay to be ignorant, just don’t be stupid.” However, I beg to differ. Ignorance is not an excuse to be stupid. We are all educated. We all know right from wrong. We all know racism is wrong. We are educated. If ignorance is all it takes for stupidity to exist, then I must be stupid. So let’s take a look at what happens now. If a police officer sees an African American man going somewhere that he is not supposed to be, whether it’s the bank or the grocery store, he doesn’t see a man who needs help, but he sees a “thug.” A thug who, without a gun and a badge, is considered a menace. He just wants to kill something. There is an article online which proves this with a video. We will just tell you right now that you will know what’s coming once you see the video. You will know why the police are running down these streets. Now, the police are being trained as well, not to consider a white person a threat to society, but an African American, Hispanic, Asian, or anyone else of color. They are not trained to stop a robbery or a violent crime. They are trained to run. They are trained to run from anyone they consider a threat. They are trained to kill a man who is running away from them. Now, imagine this as your worst nightmare. A fellow citizen is running from the police. He is your friend or family. His family is going to have the death of a man on their hands because these officers thought he was dangerous, and killed him in cold blood, never mind that he had a wife and three kids and now they are orphans. And if you don’t believe me, you can watch the video in question and decide for yourself if this is just the police state I am talking about or if I am crazy. I ask you, who in their right mind would feel that this is okay? How about a black man being in