On this day, in
Mad Treasure Hunt
The Big Adventure
War is Not Pretty
I have been asked
Livin' On the Edge
Slip Through Your
Never before seen
I promise that you
Bad first-date ide

Gouge My Eyes Out
Go for the Gusto
Sometimes, I want
Ransomware, Crypto
Mama, Look at Me N
And, as I know per
This Isn't a 'We'
Rustle Feathers
Stir the Pot! The title “Shrek” comes from a scene in the film where, after Shrek drinks some of Princess Fiona’s healing potion, his body starts to transform and he transforms into a Donkey. The scene then segues into a chorus of the same song (“Shrek, Shrek, Shrek, Fiona, Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo.”) This video is a spoof of that scene and the entire movie itself. It’s a bit silly. They’re dancing, they’re munching on grapes. They’re just having fun together. In all honesty, it’s not that good as far as these sort of spoofs go. But, it’s still a pretty funny song. There was nothing better than when those first few notes of “Shrek” played at the beginning of the movie, because everyone started singing the chorus together in anticipation of what was about to go down. There were so many happy memories from watching Shrek and all the other “Shrek” movies. I was always excited to start another “Shrek” movie. The Shrek series was one of those rare film series which I was always excited to start again. It had gotten to the point that I wouldn’t start watching until I knew exactly what movie I was going to see. Sure, I enjoyed the first movie more than the rest, but I never saw “Shrek” the way I saw the later ones. I don’t know what it was. It was just different somehow. Each of the three movies (well, two if you don’t count “Shrek 2″) seemed to play out a little differently. Sure, they still had the songs, but I never really got that same feeling. I didn’t feel the same way that I had before. But, I still had a lot of good memories. And yes, those lyrics in the chorus of the video might as well be the lyrics to my personal history with “Shrek.” My memories can’t exactly be summed up by the words in a song, but they’re still good. They’re good memories. It was an experience that I will never forget. I may never remember many of the details of the movie, but I will always remember the good times. It was fun. The only thing that could have made it better would have been with Princess Fiona. She was definitely one of the best parts of the entire experience. But, the memories, the good times, the songs, the friends, the memories of good times… They’re all a part of the memories of a “Shrek” experience. They’re memories that will stick with me forever. Thanks for sharing these with me. I enjoyed them as much as you did. There’s nothing that beats coming up with new memories with “Shrek.” This was a great post. Hey Jimbo, Thanks. I agree. I’m glad you enjoyed it. 🙂 If you liked this, check out my post on the music of “The Godfather” Thanks, as always, for stopping by and for the comment. 🙂 And I agree, there really is nothing that beats having a new memory with “Shrek.” It was something that could never be forgotten. The memories will always stay with me. When it comes to movies, music and books, the only thing better than finding new ones is finding your own. So thanks for being my personal cheerleader, helping me find the ones I’m looking for and making sure that I make new ones that I wouldn’t have made on my own. I appreciate that more than you’ll ever know. If you liked this, please leave me a message on Twitter or Facebook or Tumblr or Google+. Just let me know what you liked, who you want me to talk to, what you want me to talk about, where I’m going with the blog, etc. And for anything else, I’m always available through my personal e-mail. Thank you so much for reading. 🙂 As a kid, I wanted nothing more than to live my life in a cartoon. And, in a way, I’ve done that. Life has gone by at lightening speeds. But, in many ways, I’ve never been more content with life. I’m happy that I’m still alive and that my time here has been good so far. In some ways, I don’t think my experience is all that different from what you’d find in an animated movie. And that might be my biggest wish right now. But I don’t really care. I’m content. 🙂 But that’s enough of that for now. Just know that this wasn’t a post about me waxing poetic about my life. As I said, it’s a post about movies. And it’s a very cool one at that. So let’s talk about movies. I was surprised to find out that Spiro Agnew got away with that. I was really hoping that the media would get on him about that. How is it possible to say things like that and keep your position as Vice President of the United States? And for an elected official, I don’t think I would have been too happy with someone saying those types of things to me in private. “Well, I’d love to help you, but it looks like the only way we can be together is if we’re going to work together”…saying stuff like that would have really stuck in my craw. But, I was very glad to see him go. And that made me think about something that came up in “The Shrek Series. I really liked that movie. Yeah, Spiro Agnew had no problem saying those types of things about President Kennedy. He said it at a luncheon on Air Force Two and there was actually footage of it. That was really hard to watch. I’m sure he didn’t mean it as anything more than a joke. He probably didn’t even believe that stuff about Kennedy. He wasn’t a real fan of JFK at all. That’s not the way I would have reacted. It just made me question the guy. It’s hard to imagine what someone who said those things would think about me. I just couldn’t imagine. The one thing that I couldn’t understand about the guy, when you looked into it a little more, was that when he got angry, he had a bad habit of stuttering. It took so long for him to get the words out. I think he was like that in the second part of the film, too. He said something so poorly that it was hard to believe he was the same person. As far as Agnew is concerned, I am really glad he left the Vice Presidency and never had to do it again. But, I’m just guessing that that had something to do with him getting fired from the position. Just as some general entertainment…I don’t really like “Shrek.” I mean, I liked the original a lot. I don’t like sequels, so I never got that. It just goes to show how shallow I am. But, now that I’ve seen it and know what’s going on, I like it a lot more. I’m just not really sure if it was worth seeing in 3D. But I could have been wrong. My opinion of the movie has gone up significantly since I’ve learned more about it. I still don’t think I’ll re-watch it or anything like that, but it’s a lot easier to defend a movie when you know more about it. I really don’t understand why some people don’t like comedies. Seriously, it makes no sense. I don’t get it. You have to either enjoy comedy or you’re not allowed to laugh. It doesn’t work that way. I know it doesn’t make any sense. But that’s how it’s always been. It was that way with comedy when I was a kid. I could never get my mother to watch “Caddyshack” or “The Naked Gun” or any other comedy with any regularity. She would either say she didn’t like the jokes or that she had no interest in the plot. I couldn’t understand it then and I still don’t understand it now. You just need to see a movie. If you think that it’s bad, go ahead and say that you don’t like it. But, if you don’t understand it, why are you going to have an opinion about it? It’s hard for me to tell someone