Stop dancing like
Quietly, Quiggly s
Tiffany, you reall
Stop dancing like
Tiffany, you reall
Chapter 1. Our st
Tiffany, you reall
Quietly, Quiggly s
Ships were lost du
But first, you and

Chris! I told you
That turned dark q
FTL is not possibl
Quietly, Quiggly s
Chapter 1. Our st
Stop dancing like
We've recently dis
Stop dancing like
That turned dark q
Release me. Now. O
But first, you and I must come to an agreement. What can you bring me to help clear away these pesky police?" "Oh, I know just the thing. All you need do is to tell me where they are hiding. I have a few things that are sure to please them. They will do as they're told once they smell the perfume of my breath." "As I already told you, I don't know. And if I did, I could not tell you. After all, I am not a person. If I were, then I would have some good advice on where they are holed up." "I realize that. That is why I will have to be my own person in this. The only thing I am after is you out of jail, and that only if you help me. What do you say?" "Okay. I need some information first. Who put you up to this? What is your name?" "It doesn't matter. Just tell me what I want to know. Otherwise, they will be calling you a murderer. And you don't want to go there." "That's enough. Are we at an understanding?" "Yes." "Tell me who put you up to this, and what I need to know." "I would, if you could help me. But there isn't much I can do for you, so I guess I'm on my own." "No, you are not. That's why I asked you to accompany me. Now I have someone to go with me, and I don't have to be afraid. I don't like the police. I'll have to have a word with the officer who placed me in the cell. I'll tell him to keep his damn hands off of you. That I will. I guess you're done for now. I have to go to the bathroom. Don't be afraid to talk if you hear anything. I'll be right back." "Alright. I'll wait for you." ### * * * After several minutes, the door opened, and she returned. "Ready to talk some more?" she asked him. "I am. Let's get on with it. Who put you up to this, and what do you need to know?" "Alright, but it better be good." "It's the deal I made with a lawyer friend of mine. He's a private investigator and specializes in murder. I didn't think it would do me any good, but there you go. Anyway, he said this is his job. What is the deal? How does it work? What do I get?" "You are free of him. But don't say that I told you to do so. And don't try to get out of here. The second you do, you are a dead man." "I didn't get much time to ask. But I did get one question that's been bothering me, but I forgot to ask him. How does he know I'll do as you say and cooperate?" "Well, that's a good question. In fact, I would like to know, but what do I care. Let's move on." "Well, tell me, at least the name of this friend of yours." "You can call him The Czar. He is the boss of everyone and everything. I am but a minor general. I don't know the details of what he plans for you and this world. All I know is that he wants you out of the way. You see, he was on the way to ruin the plan. You have nothing to worry about. He's only a man who wishes to help. You would do well to listen to him." "Well, just tell him, in the beginning, he was wrong. And I hope that he doesn't kill me for nothing." "Well, you were wrong about me being a minor general. I am a vice president." "So, what's my next move?" "The only thing I can think of is to head back to where I came from. I'll be back in a minute." ### * * * In a few minutes, she returned and said, "Good, we're finally on the same page. I guess I should tell you, though. The Czar said that once we are past a certain point and you have your new identity, that you would be home free. No more running or any more fearing for your life. You have been a police informant for the last several months. That's why you were running from them. Right?" "Right. But I don't see how that concerns me. The guy will have to explain to his superiors that my previous life was spent in this prison. I have nothing to hide." "Trust me. The Czar will take care of it, if you do as he says." "Alright. I am ready to get on with this. Let's get out of here." "We will be close, so don't get in my way. But once again, I want to know who this lawyer friend of mine is. I mean, there has to be a catch. Maybe I can turn it all around in my favor if I know. Come on, I'm sure I can trust you." "Alright. I believe you. Just tell me how, and I'll tell you." "That's all I ask." "Okay. Here is what you need to do. First, we have to get past the guards at the door." "How are you going to do that?" "That's what I want to know. You have one minute." "Go ahead. Don't stop." She pointed and said, "That guard there, he will ask if you have any medication in your pockets." "He doesn't look like a pharmacist." "He isn't. He is going to reach in your pocket and turn on a small flashlight. That is why you are wearing those dark shades. Now walk over to the door and flash the light into his eyes." "Why?" "Just do it. Do it now. He will turn, take your arm, and guide you outside. Once outside, you will see where to go next. Now, go." "I don't like it." "That's why you're a private detective. Now move it, or I'll be out of here before you get outside." "Then what?" "I'll do what needs to be done. But you can't go back. That's my job." "Where am I going?" "Don't ask so many questions. And I don't want to be told that all I can do is ask. Just be patient, and you'll be on your way home. If you aren't, you know that I'll be following. You have no other choice. Now go." ### * * * When he left, he stood and watched as she pointed and nodded to the guard, telling him that it was okay. When the door was opened for her, he was in the hall. He looked around and quickly walked out the door. Standing at the door, he could not believe how easily she had done it. For the life of him, he didn't know what to do. _Where do you go from here?_ he wondered. _Now, where did she say I'm to go?_ he asked himself. He took a step forward and realized that she could be one step ahead of him. He began to worry that maybe he should have stayed in the cell. There was no one around to protect her, and he had never heard of her being in a prison. But then he remembered her explanation about her being a vice president. He moved off to the side, and she came out a minute later. He went with her to the same turn that they had gone to before. This time, she was going in the opposite direction. _Okay, I'm going to get the hang of this. I won't get fooled again._ he told himself. _My God, who am I fooling? Why did I ever agree to this?_ _It won't do any good to think like that. If I'm going to keep my life, I'll have to trust her. I have no choice in the matter. I'll just keep an eye out for trouble ahead._ "Over here," he heard her say. He saw a man and woman sitting on a couch in an alley way. A woman with long, curly hair sat next to him. It appeared that he was holding her hands. They had been embracing each other. The man wore a black suit. His short dark hair was greased back. He was smoking a cigarette. _I bet that he is in the Secret Service. That's what she said he was, but I had to ask. I guess he couldn't wait to check her out in the most important hour of his life. If she was what she said, then he would have seen her face to face many times._ He approached them and took a seat next to her. The guy with the greased back hair was staring right at him. He asked her, "What's the plan?" "Just keep being who you are," she said, "and everything will go as planned.