Quitetly, Quiggly
Stop dancing like
Once considered th
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Joe's Bar and Gril
That turned dark q
Release me. Now. O
That turned dark q

Chapter 1. Once
Quitetly, Quiggly
FTL is not possibl
Chris! I told you
But first, you and
FTL is not possibl
Chapter 1. Once
FTL is not possibl
But first, you and
Stop dancing like
Stop dancing like that. it looks like someone's masturbating and no one wants to watch it. - Hey, guys. - Hi, Mia. What's going on? What's up? That's, uh... I'm trying to teach this one guy how to dance. Because he doesn't know how. - How to dance? - Yeah, dancing. He told me he doesn't know how to dance. He came from Europe, like, from Czechoslovakia. A couple of his girlfriends are here, so I'm kinda like trying to like teach him how to do it and... I don't even know how to do it. You've never danced? - I never had a girlfriend. - You need a girl to do that, right? You have to have, like, a sense of rhythm. - Yes. - You can't teach that to someone who doesn't have it. - No. - He comes from Europe, so he's going to have rhythm, I guess. Why don't we try it out? - Yeah, you wanna try it out? - Sure, yeah. - I'm ready. - Okay. So, maybe like... I don't know how. - If you come and put your hands like this. You don't wanna just, like, hit her, right? Yeah, I'm just trying to get the basics down. - It's like a-like a-a, you know... You have to get it. So I'll move a little faster. - I have to get it fast. - Like, yeah. You ready? - I wanna have someone really good dancing with me. - Okay. - Alright, I guess. - He doesn't really look like he has it. - So he's gonna like hold the girl's hips and you just gotta... I'm gonna put my hands here. You guys... You put your hands here. You know what? Let's do the other arm. Let's do the other arm. The girl you were dancing with, did you take her elsewhere, where they do dancing? We went to a bar. - A bar? - Yeah. - You danced there? - Yeah. Well, what about those people that are like the bartenders, the managers, etcetera? They just do this for the money? - Yes. - Or do you like have them in your group? No, it was like some friends... I don't know. Do you have any friends that you can ask? So you guys went to a bar and you didn't know how to dance? Did you have like special lessons? - No, not special. - I thought maybe you went to the discotheque and were like... - I don't know what discotheque is. - ... like one of those dancing bars. - Is that like a bar? - Yes. A party with dancers? We didn't have like a special class or anything, so I really don't know how to do it. - You never went dancing? - Yeah. - No, it's good. I think that's a good way to learn. I'd rather learn from someone. - Okay. - When you learn in a class you don't really learn how to do it properly and that's not fun. - Yeah, you would really have to do it over and over again, because if I don't like do it, I can't just put it back. So I'll just... I'll give you one simple thing to follow. - Ok. - You'll see. - Okay. - So I think maybe we could take the camera and you guys can dance. - Okay, sure. - Sure. I know this is... I'm sorry, I know this is kinda a little confusing, but we can... Here. So you're gonna be right here and the two of you are gonna... I'm just gonna see what happens. - Okay. - The two of you should just... Like touch. So they're holding each other right here. Can you just move your hand, so we can see who's touching each other? - Okay. - You're doing this, like, this time. Alright, and then I'll just do it with her, because she's too... You're gonna do it. - Okay. - Okay. Can you just... Hold his hand? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. - Do you wanna, like, do it like together... together, together, together... - Yes. - Okay, let's try it. Okay, just hold the other guy's hand. Yes. That's good. You're doing very well. You're doing great. - Okay, let's do it together. - Just hold the other guy's hand. Just hold it like this. You should just like wrap your hands. Just put your fingers like... Just put... This way? That way? Okay. Yeah. You wanna go? Do you wanna go? This way, yes? Yes. Try to take some steps. Try to move around a little. This way? That way? Okay. Oh! Nice! Is he gonna put his hands there? Yeah, you wanna go... Okay. You wanna try to... Yes. Now you're doing very good. Do you wanna try the other side now? - Okay. - Good. That's good. Okie-dokie. Oh, wow. You guys... You did very well. I think the only thing I would like... I don't think you wanna take off your heels in the middle of the room. - Why not? - Yeah, because it's a disco and... - You're gonna take off your shoes? Yeah, I don't really want you to take off your shoes. - Are you okay? - Yeah, I'm okay. You don't really have to. - He can put his hand over here. - No, I'm just thinking that... - You can't dance like that. - I'm just gonna put my hand over here... and you just gonna stand next to me. You know? - It's not a dance. - I think you should just keep holding her hands. I think I should just just stand right here because I'm going to get rid of my shoes. It's more like... We can be like... and you can be like... - I think you should just dance like this. - Just like this. Maybe do like a little bit more? Come on. - You can do it. - He can't. Come on. - Come on. - You did so good. - What? What did you say? - This way. - He did. Okay, now just hold my hand. That's good. No, he's not doing anything to your hands. It's like you have to be doing it by yourself. This way. Like this. Okie-dokie. You're very good. He did a good job. So you just sit over there. If you want to sit there and you don't want to move, that's okay too. So just... Yeah. Okie-dokie. You're doing great. Are you feeling okay? You're like... Feeling very... Like you're getting very crazy? - So, just like... - You like... - You can dance with her for a bit. - You can dance with her. Oh, I feel okay. So you wanna try? And now you guys can dance together? - Yeah. - Okay. I'll go there. - Okay. - Yeah, don't let go of her hand. I think we have to go down slowly. Do you have any special dances? No.