Chapter 1. Once
Stop dancing like
Quitetly, Quiggly
Stop dancing like
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Joe's Bar and Gril
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Chapter 1. Once
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Quitetly, Quiggly stepped into the darkness as he stealthily approached and steeled himself for another life and death battle with his foe. The first thing that Quiggly noticed was the blood that was seeping onto the floor. He then noticed the lifeless body of Balthazar lying next to the doorway. Quiggly then turned and faced the massive beast that would soon kill him. Balthazar quickly rushed towards Quiggly with an insane fury in his eyes. Quiggly stood his ground and attempted to put all of his might into another round of blows. Once again he missed with his swing and once again he was slammed into the ground. Balthazar then took one last slow deliberate look at his helpless opponent and made his third and final blow. Once again Quiggly moved in for a second attempt and this time was able to avoid the first swing. Then Quiggly swung at his attacker and once again missed with his head and shoulders the impact would probably be less than either were expecting. But it was enough to set off Balthazar's deadly strength and when Quiggly was sent flying and sliding through the dust, Balthazar was on him like a wolf on its prey. Before Quiggly could do anything more, Balthazar had landed two solid blows upon him. Before Balthazar could do anything more, he noticed something odd. Quiggly had fallen into what appeared to be a trapdoor that should not have been there. Balthazar did not want to waste his energy on trying to force it open, as this might lead to his demise, and instead he just walked over to the doorway, pulled out a knife, and finished the job, cutting the rope and throwing the trapdoor open. Once again Quiggly found himself flying through the air once more and before he could make any sense of this he was once again slammed to the ground, this time the sound was much louder than before and Balthazar laughed to himself as his prey cried for help. Balthazar had now successfully killed Quiggly and was now free to kill another victim... (OOC: If Quiggly had been killed, someone would have needed to do a report for this game, please PM your player if you wish to do so.) Quiggly never even got the chance to cry out or even try to lift himself from the ground. His body suddenly exploded, like it had been hit by lightning, killing the poor little fellow instantly. Balthazar laughed to himself again and walked to a corner of the cavern, picked up his bloody knife, and leaned against the wall. The sounds of the other creatures echoed all around him, but none of them even cared. Balthazar was hungry, but he also felt tired, and so after a short nap in this cavern he intended to go out into the wild, looking for a new place to rest. (OOC: If you have any questions or need to PM me for any reason please feel free. I am also going to work on the new characters, so if you wish to reserve one and have already started it, just PM me after posting in the "Players" chat.) Re: [RPG] A Dark, Dungeon-like RPG [A Dark and Brooding RPG] The Darker Dungeon-like RPG[Dark] Spoiler: Years ago a new type of darkness reared it's head. The darkness engulfed everything. It was dark, black, blacker than black. One could see but one could not see. The darkness slowly engulfed every living thing. First plants, then animals, and then to last the last of humanity were enveloped and killed in this darkness. The Darker Dungeon-like RPG tells the story of that age long ago. "What are you doing?" the boy cried to his father. "I need to be alone. The time has come. I will become a Knight of Light and fight this darkness once and for all." "No son, you can't do that! That is Darkness itself. It will devour you! Leave my sight before it claims you. You could one day become a monster like no other!" said his father as he turned and walked away. The boy was upset, but knew that his father was right. He did not want to become a monster like his dad was. So he left to find a place to hide where the darkness could not find him. But the boy did not know of the darker darkness in the heavens. A wicked one of great beauty. She thought she was the most beautiful, which was in many ways, a dangerous thing. She waited for her son to grow into a man so she could take him from the world. But she waited for a long time. One day her son found her and was in awe of her beauty. "Now she will see. Now she will be mine. I will make her my bride. I will make her mine." the boy thought to himself. But as he layed his hand on the beauty of the night he felt something strange. There was a pull, almost a force of two coming from her. The boy did not know what it was, or what to do. The pull of the night was getting stronger. He thought if he could not touch her that it might stop, but he could not resist. He placed his hands on her. He began to drink in her dark energy. It was delicious, it felt so good. Soon the boy forgot about the pull. The pull still existed, but he forgot it. The pull became part of him. His body became more darker, more darksome. Soon he became dark. Darkness was born from the Darker Dungeon-like RPG. Darkness was now both male and female. He was her lord and she was his wife. They grew to become the darkness of night. But like all evils there was balance. Two forces lived in their darkness. They tried to destroy one another, but neither could. Soon the Light tried to destroy them and they did. The Light, the darkness, and the balance of nature. They died and became only one being. The darkness knew there was a balance in nature. She understood it better than the others. And as she became stronger the Light became weaker. "The darkness will rise again and destroy all that is left!" the Light cried out. "You don't know what you have done!" the darkness said. "I will always be stronger than the Light. The Light of the new day will destroy you." A great light of hope lit the darkness. It was almost like the beginning of a new age. And now the darkness once again begins to rise. You know, before I had read the description of this game, I thought it was going to be entirely dark. As I read it, I thought the entire story is going to be about the new Dark Dude's adventures in a darker (no pun intended) world. But then I read the introduction and realized that the "Darkness" in the name is a literal darkness that once overtook the world and nearly took over all life. The story continues from there. How it starts? Darkness is awakening! But what does she want? What happens? You decide! *Battle on* Name: WitsName of Player: (You can put their in the general chat if you so wish)Character Type: (Dark Lord, Villain, Heroine, etc)Character Name: (Briefly describing your character/s)Character Backstory: (They can say more in their post if you want)Character's Role in the Story: (How will they interact with the others in the story?) Character's Background and Personality: (You can tell me anything you think i want. A little background is fine.)Character's Appearance: (No need to put much thought into this if you don't feel like doing it. I can always suggest to add a few images or stuff like that in the description.)Brief Character Description: (Use your own judgment on this)Battle Plans: (Will you be fighting many enemies? What are your plans?)Character's Personality (Please make this as detailed as possible. I'll give you a hand.) Last edited by Quiggly on Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:51 pm; edited 3 times in total Re: [RPG] A Dark, Dungeon-like RPG [A Dark and Brooding RPG] The Darker Dungeon-like RPG[Dark] Spoiler: Years ago a new type of darkness reared it's head. The darkness engulfed everything. It was dark, black, blacker than black. One could see but one could not see. The darkness slowly engulfed every living thing. First plants, then animals, and then to last the last of humanity were enveloped and killed in this darkness. The Darker Dungeon-like RPG tells the story of that age long ago. "What are you doing?" the boy cried to his father. "I need to be alone. The time has come. I will become a Knight of Light and fight this darkness once and for all." "No son, you can't do that! That is Darkness itself. It will devour you! Leave my sight before it claims you. You could one day become a monster like no other!" said his father as he turned and walked away. The boy was upset, but knew that his father was right. He did not want to become a monster like his dad was. So he left to find a place to hide where the darkness could not find him. But the boy did not know