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Chapter 1. Our st
Quietly, Quiggly sOnce considered the most complex solution, we are now driven by
the need to provide an automated, paperless solution to a very manual
billing process and the need to meet the new challenges posed by G/L
We are currently testing the Synergy Billing system which will replace the
old Unify system. We are very optimistic that we will have it ready to go
live in a test environment by the middle of next week. The production
environment will be up and ready by August 8.
Synergy Billing was written in house, a team of developers from across
Enron bandwidth and claims, is now working on modifications to make it
"business ready". The new Synergy Billing system uses existing functionality
of Concur (G/L Accounting) and CTS (Corporate Travel) and adds some new
functionality like codition based invoices and online payments.
We will roll out the Synergy Billing system to all operational groups over
the next ten weeks and we plan to fully migrate all new deals by October.
New Training Classes
Because of the high demand for the Beta program, we are putting new weekly
training classes in place for Beta Customers. Here are some dates:
Class 1: July 8 - Houston, 77002
Class 2: July 9 - Portland, 89701
Class 3: July 10 - New York, 10017
Class 4: July 13 - Denver, 80001
Class 5: July 17 - Houston, 77002
Class 6: July 23 - Portland, 89701
Class 7: July 24 - New York, 10017
Class 8: July 26 - Denver, 80001
All of these classes are provided at the Enron Bldg, but you need to call the
Reservations number to register. Each class is limited to 50 participants.
Seats will fill fast.
EWS Training Team
EWS Training has been the "voice of EWS" throughout the organization. Now,
it's our turn to show EWS what "we know" can do. In order to provide a solid
foundation for our "new" strategic direction, EWS Management has put together
an EWS training team that will provide dedicated, one on one training,
technical assistance, planning and implementation. This group has been
working in the EWS Training Department throughout the year and will be
available for any team member that will be interested in attending a class.
Your cooperation in helping us "Spread the Word" to the rest of the
organization has been a key to our success so far. All team members in the
Settlements and Volume Management, Risk Management, IT Systems Development
and Operations and Customer Service Groups have been handpicked from "here
and there" to provide specific targeted training that will help us to resolve
some of the problems we have identified. We have identified 6 senior
leadership/change agents and have given them each the responsibility to
maximize EWS knowledge within their area of responsibility.
Click below to view a printable version of this document.
EWS Budget
The EWS budget has not been provided. While we have attempted to make cost
savings in all areas of the EWS budget, the largest area has been with the
implementation of "Phase I" of EnronOnline. We look forward to providing
your business unit the "EWS Training Budget" as soon as possible.
EWS Business Partners
All "new" EWS business partners and customers will receive a visit from the
EWS Training Team to review EWS related products and services, answer
questions and make/facilitate "on-line" deals.
EWS Business Houses
EWS marketing/sales personnel have been working with potential EWS business
partners throughout this "new economy" to raise awareness of EWS capabilities.
Many of these potential EWS deals have been with "new" customers or "new"
business partners. New associations with former customers and business
partners are also important.
EWS Staff/Employees
Certain EWS employees/units have been or will be retrained. For example,
EWS Legal will be changing its name and some personnel. Additionally, as
the "new" EWS business units become operational, our "ex-EWS" employees have
been asked to remain within their current EWS units. Also, certain other EWS
functions (IT, HR, RAC, etc.) have been or will be retrained.
The above represents the efforts that have been expended to make EWS "new"
run as smooth as possible. There have been "a few" hiccups and we know that
you will continue to be a key part in getting EWS operational. In order to
provide the best and most comfortable learning experience, the EWS
Training/Business Partner Teams will continue to "push the envelope" in your
training and business partner development efforts.
Thank you for your efforts and continuing support,
Stan "Ron" Horn
Director - EWS Training and Business Partner Development