Release me. Now. O
That turned dark q
That turned dark q
Chapter 1. Our st
Quietly, Quiggly s
Chapter 1. Our st
Joe's Bar and Gril
Joe's Bar and Gril
FTL is not possibl
FTL is not possiblThat turned dark quickly. Instead
of having an actual choice in what we do,
we have become a sort of cogs in a machine
that we have no ability to control.
It is designed to work in a specific
direction. It requires that
the laws and regulations be rewritten
in the direction of efficiency.
- The regulations and, you know,
we’re at a point, in California,
where the only state regulators of water
that is the State Water Control Board.
They have always been controlled
by the political process, of the State,
from water rights, to conservation.
That’s all just been a rubber stamp.
And they’ve had no teeth, they’ve
been toothless, under the control
of political appointees, appointed
by elected people. The idea that
the public can be a part of these
policies is just absolutely ridiculous.
And so what they're doing is,
they’re looking at, you know,
the salmon, in California
and Washington state, and so on.
And they’re saying well, we need to find
more of these fish, we need to bring
the flows up, because we need them
to swim up the rivers and so on.
- One thing I always think about is that
it took maybe a hundred years, for
them to establish one type of technology
that the whole society was built on
over those one hundred years,
and it took maybe one hundred
years for the whole society
to realize that they needed to
change. So I have a concern
that we’re not thinking about
that kind of time-scales
here. - Yeah, we’re not.
We need to create a generation
of people who will have it in them
to not be bought off by the money
that’s being thrown at them.
Not being swayed by short-term interests,
their careers, and the like.
Not having greed to be the deciding factor,
and not having a willingness
to destroy the planet for a job,
or for the pursuit of wealth.
There’s so many people that just do
not have the kind of moral consciousness,
that would be necessary, to be a part of
some of this radical change that
we’re talking about.
I mean, let’s just hope that
that person will come along,
because there is this whole
population of people.
It’s like you were saying, they’re
already being born right now,
with the potential. But if they
just don’t get the proper encouragement,
because nobody is doing it.
And this is sort of the irony. It is so easy.
Just to get people to do things,
that are healthy, and things that are
reproductive of the health of society.
They don’t have to be the most
complicated things, they could be,
simple things.
But what we’ve had in the last few
decades, since Reagan’s election,
is not just a generation of people who are
unable to understand the world,
but the creation of a generation of people
who don’t want to understand it,
either. That’s what we have to fight
against. We have to get people to see
the world as it is, and not as they want
it to be. And the way you do that,
is when people are being told
there’s nothing to worry about.
And it’s the old thing.
The only thing the ruling class has to fear,
is a working class that
they can’t exploit, anymore.
Because, if the working class
isn’t being exploited anymore,
then the system, is in danger.
Then the system is in trouble.
This is the biggest, big bad bogeyman.
The most powerful of all time.
- But as an aside, I think it’s fascinating,
because, you know, I do teach, you know,
that’s one of the topics that I teach,
in some of my college classes,
because it’s so important.
But, if you ask your average worker,
well, okay, we understand that,
we understand that, you know, in economics,
the market is supposed to be
self-regulating, and it’s not,
it doesn’t work.
And I think, you know, as we’re
learning more and more about that,
you know, it becomes more apparent,
to people who are not
economists, or who aren’t
getting their economics from
the evening news or something,
that the market is broken.
And I think that we’re on the cusp
of understanding that, you know,
that the market is really not
doing what it needs to do,
and it’s become a sort of a tool
of big business, and of corporations,
and, you know, if there’s one thing
that I’m trying to get people to understand
is that when you read economic
theories, and all that stuff,
and you don’t really understand
how they can be true.
But then, when you look at the market,
I mean, you just look at it,
and there’s a, I mean, people
that are making, a lot of money,
there are no constraints
on the amount of money they can make.
But that’s just insane. You know?
So, I think, the more, we can get people
to just have, you know, understanding
of the system that they’re in,
so it’s harder for people who are
politically more in power
to keep doing what they’re doing.
But there are structural things that
we have to deal with, and that’s,
that’s the biggest problem.
- And it’s the same with the media,
and the media is the tool.
If we don’t teach young people
how to think critically,
and to not let other people
shape their ideas of the world,
then we are doomed. - Yeah.
And I think that, you know,
I’ve always been more of
a teacher-type person.
Even before I got into radio, I was,
I was a teacher, I taught English.
And it’s just one of those things,
where you get up in the morning,
and you walk to work. And you know,
nobody, there’s nobody else in
the office with you. I mean,
you walk into the building,
and there’s just, you know,
nobody else, and you’re by yourself.
You’re in the bathroom,
you’re in the kitchen,
you’re in the hallways, you’re in the,
all you’ve got is yourself.
You’re not surrounded by, you know,
people that you can really bounce your ideas
off of.
And, I think, especially if people don’t
understand what they’re talking about,
and they come up with a thesis,
and they don’t question it,
and they’re really sure
about what they’re saying,
and you know, what they’re
passing off as truth.
Then, to see that happening
through the media, or in
the scientific community,
or anything that I can think of,
it’s really frustrating.
Because, if you’re not a real well-rounded
person, that can see the world
with their own eyes,
and not just accept what
they’re being told by the media,
or the people around them,
then you’re basically just stuck,
you’re just going to stay there,
where you’re going to stay stagnant,
you’re just going to stay the same.
And, I mean, you’ve got to question,
why are people just accepting things?
Why are people just accepting things,
as a society? And, I mean,
this is the great power of the internet,
is that it’s given voice
to a lot of people.
- It’s changed things, just,
in ways, the speed of which
those things can be, you know,
in the space of one year,
you know, something could be,
like, on the table, for a debate,
and then something else could be,
well, on the side of the road
as a fossil, in a year’