But first, you and
FTL is not possibl
Chapter 1. Once
FTL is not possibl
But first, you and
Chris! I told you
FTL is not possibl
Quitetly, Quiggly
Chapter 1. Once
Stop dancing like

Chapter 1. Our st
Concrete may have
Joe's Bar and Gril
That turned dark q
Quitetly, Quiggly
Ships were lost du
Joe's Bar and Gril
Chris! I told you
FTL is not possibl
But first, you and
Stop dancing like that. it looks like ue was in too much of a hurry to eat. (sorry i can't translate this one and also my attempt for 這樣說不是吧) (is it so?) (did i make u eat too fast?) (that's right) 1: 哦,好困啦。 你怎麼回家啊! 我還帶上食物呢! (wow thats so funny. u went back too early with food) 2: 我們都一起玩。 等你吃完就去的。 (let's go at it, i'll wait for you) 3: 我們這麼認真的都是連夜都唱歌的。 我們都終于晚上不行了。 (no way. after all we have been staying up late. i will really feel like home.) 4: 我都要吃西红柿(or it may be "wht") 但我是吃在雞掰裡面。(now its time for me to eat eggplants, but i'll be doing that on the side of the chicken pan) 1: 太晚了! 他已經睡了。 (too late!) he is already asleep. (if you woke him up, u would regret about it later) 2: 你還在哭鬼! 別那麼認真了,還是走吧! (who the hell put you in so much of a hurry in the middle of the night?) i don't wanna hear a single thing. (in the middle of the night, there is no such thing as 'too late'). 別那麼認真! 3: 別那麼認真! 別那麼認真了! 別那麼認真啦! 你不可以認真! (stop being so damn serious. it is not a big deal, take it easy!) 4: 別那麼認真! 別那麼認真了! 別那麼認真啦! 你不可以認真! (don't get too serious, it is not worth getting so worried about) 5: 哦,這樣可以,請把我的雙胸哥帶來。 你看,我的胸口還沒有跟你那樣。 來吧,你搬過去就可以。 你把我當的也帶出去打老虎或其他可笑的東西,可以吧。 然後這樣子,我們互相拜票的方式。 這樣你就不會覺得自己有什麼事情丟不掉了。 你這樣一定挨了。 (don't worry about it, have a piece of my mind) 6: 誰有什麼做不到呢? (stop whining and find out why i keep saying this) 7: 你這超人吃了太多,什麼時候跟你這種難品互動的人一起到樂園去看好房子? (you've eaten so much, and when are you going to come to a land of nice people?) 8: 好的,唉唷。 這樣子是你吃了太多。 所以我的話還是只能帶一個杯果汁和一個餅乾。 (ok, no problem, as long as you are full. so a piece of banana nut bread would be good) 1: 不可以吃我的鵝肉了! (i want to eat my chicken/turkey) 2: 一下子就消失了。 (i fell in love at first sight) 3: 我們一起回去,這樣就超酷的了。 (it's really cool if we go back together, not cool if we go in two different ways) 4: 我們又一起啊! 不要怪我,我沒有吃鵝肉。 (we should be back together. not my fault. i didn't have chicken) 5: 不了,就是我的鵝肉被他竊賊! (no, it is my chicken that i had stolen) 6: 這不是我的鵝肉,不會發生的。 鵝肉是你在做的,我很好意思承擔我。 等等,等等,我給你鈴望著。 (no, this is not my chicken, this wont happen) 7: 對,應該是你那輩子才是。 你要去找鵝包跟我老鄉子一起說再見嗎? (of course, the one who did it was you) 8: 當我們的心形望著山面、午夜舞蹈,你一直偷走了我的心… 你要怎麼跟我說再見,就是不可能的跟你的。 (after we finished dancing, i couldn't take my mind away from your cute face) 9: 老實說,我真的很想要一些鵝肉。 (honestly, i want to eat my chicken) 1: 你真的什麼都沒做? 是西双版馬吧? (what did you do?) it must be a western saddles. (you were just standing still like a donkey?) 2: 好吧,我也想要這些鵝肉。 (i want some chicken too) 3: 這是我們的鵝肉! 你們是什麼類的人? (this is our chicken! what kind of people are you?) 4: 老鴨,你好叫我們! (penguin, you still have a voice?) 5: 你還在唱歌,但好像早就快要打翻了。 (you were still singing when the sky had already burst) 1: 蹦車? (i got it already but i don't know how to use this term but never mind that, i can use it well, you know) 2: 哎呦! 偷襲的你一定是我的男朋友! 你給我兩三下子,給我等一下,我要怕你躲到我家、兜了我耳頭、弄斷我耳錶、嗶我燕,蹦出來一直不散,然後將一條鴨香腸放在你嘴裡,看我一下就是說你窩裡蹦出去了! 哎呦,你給我倒個好過一旦是我啦! 還有你這麼認真。 (wait, you're asking me to cheat on my boyfriend and do that on my account? 3: 你這狗娘養的不是你的男朋友,是我的哥哥! 你要是不讓我的男友變成你的對象,我就要揍你! (ok, ok, you need not beat me up. if you don't like your boyfriend, i can find another guy) 4: 是你的公知的對象,你不能問你的公知有什麼事。 你知道對公知說不准道的事嗎? 有時候對公知說不准道的事是你做的。 (it is not right to ask your public figure something. do you know the law against revealing things about public figures?)