Chapter 1. Once
FTL is not possibl
But first, you and
Chris! I told you
FTL is not possibl
Quitetly, Quiggly
Chapter 1. Once
Stop dancing like
Quitetly, Quiggly
Stop dancing like

But first, you and
Stop dancing like
Chapter 1. Our st
Concrete may have
Joe's Bar and Gril
That turned dark q
Quitetly, Quiggly
Ships were lost du
Joe's Bar and Gril
Chris! I told you
FTL is not possible, but Dr. Jones proceeded to offer great insight with the words, 「This is almost as bad as it gets」. It was a great quote. After Dr. Gail had finished with the introductions, she asked the audience, 「Would the panelists like to give a quick synopsis of their presentation, or will they wait for the question time?」. The panelists looked at one another, and we decided to do both, 「Waiting is difficult in the middle of a fire」, as well as, 「We do have an idea of the important points we want to make」. 「We know that it will be difficult to stop the spread of the fire in time,」 commented Dr. Frog in an airy manner. He then took us through the basic physics of flammable liquids and ignition. 「Fires occur because of heat and low humidity, which ignites the liquid with fuel. The fire is so fast that you cannot even stop it from consuming a book if you run around with it. That's why we need to control the conditions. There are several ways to achieve this. These include lowering the humidity, reducing the amount of oxygen in the air, or increasing the amount of carbon dioxide,」 explained Dr. Frog. Fight the Fire? "That's easy to say, but the real test is the actual implementation, don't you agree? I thought that you might like to see what we tried when the fire broke out in the school!」 Dr. Jones asked Dr. Frog while pointing to a small black piece of metal. The black piece of metal was a bullet that came from the barrel of a small gun. It was pointed at a large fire hydrant, which was painted in red to distinguish it from the white school. This was the so called ~Red Zone~, as explained by Dr. Jones. Dr. Frog smiled, and continued. 「See, there were two fire fighting mechanisms. First was an ice cannon, used to create large ice balls, which it hurled at the flame. Second was a flame cannon, a gun that shoots flames to the fire. What I do not understand is how they were able to obtain such a beautiful flame when the humidity was low, or something like that? 」 「I think that I understand, Dr. Frog, but why did the ice ball not go in the direction you expected?」 asked Dr. Riddle. 「That's simple, don't you think? The temperature of the fire was too high, hence ice started melting. The melting ice lost its density, and became too light to move in the air, hence it fell down, not in the direction I intended!」 Dr. Frog continued, while making a great gesture, 「I told you that it is hard to fight a fire!」 Dr. Frog continued his analysis on the fire in front of them, and suggested a number of strategies that could be used to prevent the next fire from spreading to a more densely populated area. Many people had come from all around to see the fire at the School. The news in the media had announced that the school was about to burn down, causing panic. What was strange was that the school's fire prevention system seemed to have failed. Perhaps because the temperature of the fire was not high enough, it was not hot enough to burn down the school. Dr. Jones' presentation did not fail to impress. Her expertise and insight was obvious to see. The panelists had put up a great show for the young audience. Although, we felt that the students were also at a loss for words as we took questions from the audience. "Well, it seems we have run out of time, and we would like to share some snacks with you. Hope you enjoy them!" Dr. Jones expressed her gratitude, then invited Dr. Frog and Dr. Riddle to answer some questions. "There is no need to be shy! This will be a great opportunity for you. We welcome any question you may have.」 Dr. Frog thanked Dr. Jones. Skipping the boring part. "The topic has been pretty straightforward, but as you all know, some things are not straightforward. For instance, Dr. Frog, why did you come here? It's a small island, and certainly we can survive without you, yet, you came here. Is it a way to say that the Academy has done a poor job? What else do you want to say?」 Dr. Riddle asked bluntly. 「Well, I see that you are ready to ask things. I think that my visit here shows the seriousness of the situation. First of all, I would like to clarify some things. The cause of this fire was not related to the Academy, and it was not set by some of the locals. The cause of the fire is unknown. A number of students were killed, but there are no records that show why they died. As for the rest of the students, we don't know if they are still alive, or if they have committed some wrong deed. Another thing, this is no vacation for me. After leaving London, I have been constantly observing the Academy since I was brought to this island. I have been studying the Academy's surroundings and their resources, and have discovered certain things that I thought was not good. I have decided to use the Academy's resources to create an environment that is harmful to the school. But, I believe that this can only work with your help. Hence, I have come here to see what is possible, and to try to accomplish it.」 Dr. Frog explained his intentions. 「I want to say that you will not be able to do anything as long as there is a chance that you can escape with your life!」 Dr. Frog continued, "The situation is like an island that is on fire. If you go out of the line of sight, the chances of you surviving are slim. The reason you are the ones I came to see. I believe that you can survive the fire. My task is to guide you to do just that! 」 Dr. Frog, despite the fact that he wanted to explain himself, made it clear that he was not on the clock. The panelists were all surprised to hear Dr. Frog's intentions. Dr. Riddle smiled. Dr. Jones smiled, but remained calm. Dr. Frog continued. "Of course, this is all theoretical. The conditions are not adequate, and is not guaranteed that I can make it through safely. But, we need to move on, and for that I will need your help, and cooperation. Of course, we will not sacrifice any lives for this. I want you to think about this seriously, for your own safety." "Your speech was great, but I must admit that I have not seen the results from your experiment that you spoke about. I would like to hear more about this. What did you do with the students who drowned? Will they come back? What will happen to those who survive? How can you save the others? I believe that the questions are not limited to this room. So, ask as many questions as you would like. You can be frank, but I would not like to be put on the spot." We were in a situation in which we needed to see how the story will end. What was strange was that all of the panelists showed a great interest in the result of Dr. Frog's experiment. Dr. Frog was not known for his creativity, and he usually gave the impression of being a scientist who had been told to be creative by his bosses. Therefore, we needed to get him to think without any previous thoughts and get him to see the bigger picture. "At this stage, I cannot say how the experiment will end, but my plan will only work if we take the students to a place where they are able to escape. But in order to do this, I need your cooperation, and that's where the plan is. Yes, I can take care of some of the students myself, but this is not a simple project, and I am a team player, not a lone wolf! I hope that you will cooperate and understand me, as I would like you to understand me as well. I have all of you in mind. "Dr. Frog had been thinking about his plan ever since we lost the first match. But you were able to survive alone, Dr. Frog. You've already become a great swimmer. If you really want to join forces, let's challenge the fire and have a fight between the fire and you. That's what I