Reinventing How Th
Times were tough,
Student buy Essay
Create a Little Ch
This Has Never Hap
A Giant Game of Bu
This brings back m
Vitamin, Protein,
SuspicionPerilous Scramble by Javier Gullón,
a book that’s a lot of fun. You can
pick it up for your tablet. You
don’t even have to read it. You
can just stare at the gorgeous
color illustrations that give you
the story of a young boy on a
beautiful island surrounded by
mountains, and some big hungry
mouths like a shark, some whales,
and… you guessed it: piranha.
The second activity is called “Piranha’s Revenge!” And I just want to
quickly explain to you how these activities work. First, in “Piranha’s Revenge!”, you’ll solve the
puzzle by doing some simple tasks
in the app. And the first task is to
doodle Piranha’s face. Yep, you draw it yourself. You are the artist. I’m not lying. In fact, you can print
out the picture if you want to and
hang it up on your fridge. I haven’t. But I will someday, I promise.
And then in Piranha’s Revenge! you learn how to add your own color
to this beautiful paper, called origami paper, to make it alive and move around and have a mood.
It’s all about the light. Do you
understand? And then at the end,
I’m happy to report that your Piranha is happy.
Okay, so what kind of fun
stuff can we do with the apps?
Well, we might be able to go for a
swim with Piranha and see how
the waves change the color of the
Piranha’s back. You can also give
yourself a little bit of art therapy
by watching it move around. But
the most exciting thing about this
is that you get to decide how many
layers are going to be on Piranha’s
back. You get to decide what colors
you want to add. And you’ll see that
it changes the way that it looks,
the way that it behaves, and even
how it sounds. It’s all about adding
a little bit of color to the natural.
So, let me take this a little bit
further. Why would we use the app?
Well, let me tell you a story. My
girlfriend and I have been dating
now for about three years and
I’ve always made it a point, when I go
over to her house to watch a movie,
to watch some really long movies
just so we can enjoy each other’s
company more. And that doesn’t
mean I’m trying to sleep with her.
And I just love her because she’s
so cute, and she’s so kind, and she’s
so very loving. So she’ll come over,
she’ll bring her own food, she’ll
bring a bowl of pretzels, and we
have a little pillow fight, and I
have to go over and remind her
to breathe. And it’s great! And one
night, we had a movie night, and I
saw the movie called “Adventure Time.”
And I’m looking at the screen and
I’m trying to keep up with the images
and music because there are a lot of
little things that happen and I’m
always thinking about them while
I’m watching the movie, but then
all of a sudden there is a quick cut
to a picture of an animal. And I
didn’t think to myself “Oh boy!
It’s a Piranha!” And I didn’t think,
“Oh no! It’s a shark!” It didn’t
even occur to me to think about
the animal or the word because
the story was so beautiful and so
cute and so full of life and so funny.
And I wasn’t distracted at all.
And then when the song finished,
it went back to the first scene.
I thought that was beautiful.
I thought that was funny.
And I thought it was full of life.
And I thought to myself, “I really
like this movie.” It didn’t have a
hunchback or a purple tie or a
disfigured face. It was all about
what life is all about. And so
then I knew that I had to figure
out what that music was, and then
I could talk to my girlfriend and
get a reference for it, so I could
find out what it was. And in the
search, I found out that it was
a band called “Ariel Pink.” And so
I googled “Ariel Pink.” I read a
little bit more about the band.
And then I found an article that
had some more of his music up there.
And then I was able to listen to
it. And you know what? It’s amazing!
It’s very dreamy. It’s all about love. It’s all about the
girl you’re with and the way you
feel with her and the way you
breathe together. And it’s all about
life. And that’s what I’m talking
about. I’m just waiting for an invitation.
And it goes over and it gets a little
bit better when Piranha moves in front
of us, which is kind of cool to see
what’s going to happen. So what is
it? What is the magic of Piranha’s
Revenge? It’s like this: The more
I talked about Piranha, the more I
realized that it’s a story of a band
that created music that wasn’t
actually music, but it was just
one piece of the story of life.
And I started to think about what
are we going to do when we get to
the end of our life and we have all
of the information about what it
is that we did and how we felt about
it, and what we saw when we were
thinking about everything and when
we had the best times and the worst
times and when we were sad and when
we were happy, and what kind of time
we had with ourselves, and with each
other. What are we going to do?
What are we going to leave behind?
We’re not going to leave a painting.
We’re not going to leave a statue.
We’re not going to leave a building.
We’re not going to leave any art
at all because that’s not what
we are. We are life. So when I
get there, let’s leave an app.
Let’s leave a story. Let’s leave
a video that teaches us how to love
and how to appreciate what we see,
how we feel, and how we move through
the world in a positive way. And
I really hope that my girlfriend
and I can still have fun together,
that we can still watch movies together,
and that we can still just breathe
and breathe in the life that is all
around us. Thank you. (Applause)
On April 1, 2014, a
strange black cat wearing a
red bow tie named Charlie was
walking down Folsom Street
in San Francisco, a famous road
known for sex workers and
prostitution in the city.
As he walked down the
street he saw some sex toys
and he noticed something
strange. He said to himself,
“I wonder if that’s a penis!”
The cat looked at the mannequin
as it was laying there in a
sling, it’s fake penises jutting
out towards Charlie. Charlie
was confused. He said to
himself, “I can’t believe this.”
It looked like he was on a
date with an alien.
But why was he on a date
with an alien? Was it a sex
date or was it a date date?
He looked at it and he saw it
and thought to himself, “That’s
a penis on the left, and this
is a penis on the right, I’m
not sure.” And that’s how he
knew that this was love.
He saw something that was
new to him and it looked
like a lot of fun. So he had
the urge to touch it, and he
saw something really crazy.
It looked like a hand. And he
thought to himself, “I can’t
believe this.” It looked like
an octopus but it was attached
to a hand. He looked at it and
he noticed the hairy tentacles
and he said to himself, “Oh wow,
this is super disgusting. Wow!”
There was something going on
in the sky, I mean he said,
“Wow, this is crazy.” He saw a
blade come out of the sky, and
it pierced the sky and he
saw blood in the sky and then
he saw a little bit of purple.
He said to himself, “Wow this is
the biggest penis I’ve ever seen.”
He started to touch it and
then he looked