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I got this error code: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '>' in C:\xampp\htdocs\\public\wp-content\themes\site\admin-template\edit_product.php on line 12 A: You are using short tags, to fix this, either enable short tags in PHP (recommended), or change your short tags to the regular syntax. To enable short tags, you have to make a php.ini configuration file, or use the .htaccess file in your root directory. If you use the .htaccess file, simply create a file called .htaccess in your root directory, then add the line php_value short_open_tag 0 If you use the php.ini configuration file, just add the following in it short_open_tag=0 Then, either restart Apache or reboot your server. After you made the configuration change, remember to restart the server. You can check if this worked by simply running phpinfo(), and searching for short_open_tag on the page. A: The error is because you are using short tags. You can disable the short tags or change them to standard opening and closing tags: 1 Has Never Happened Before! phone?> Here is a good article which covers this topic in more detail: A: Use this line in your .htaccess file: AddType x-httpd-php5-js .js And make sure your version of PHP is 5.3. PHP: 5.3 or greater --without-short-tags The --without-short-tags option instructs PHP to not use short open tags (. More details here. EDIT: You also need to enable short_open_tag in php.ini.