Most of the time
Thought lost forev
Sitting In My Spy
Like Selling Your
Persona Non Grata
People That You Li
I know that you me
Down and Dirty
Perilous Scramble

Their Red-Headed S
University of
Socks, Sandles and
Chaos Is My Friend
Quick on the Draw
So Smart They're D
I'm a Wild Banshee
Young at Heart
The Sole Surviving
One World is Out the Window We are only just beginning to see the ramifications of an “experiment” that the powers that be are attempting to undertake on every person on this planet and that they are doing so with some of the greatest military weaponry known to man. The only issue being is that no one is really talking about it. What they are trying to do is, by means of the geoengineering of the planet, completely change our weather systems and our ecosystem in such a way as to completely destroy all life on this planet. But who are “they”? The powers that be are primarily Wall Street and its allies who are attempting to create a new and much more efficient economy that is not based on debt (which means they are attempting to make the current banking system disappear), and they are doing this through the means of genetic manipulation. They have been doing this in their own small way for many years, through things like vaccines and toxic GMOs (genetically modified organisms), but now they are doing so on a massive scale that can affect the entire planet. The powers that be are not only involved with the genetic modification of people, but they are also altering the genetics of our planet as well. Are we “altering” our planet? Well, that is a bit of a misnomer. It’s not us who are doing this. They are. However, we are allowing them to do this. We have become so complacent that we have started to believe that this is normal, but it isn’t. For anyone that has been paying attention, they know that what we are doing to the environment is going to lead to some very devastating consequences, and for some people that are waking up to this information, they are becoming very depressed about it. That is because they have started to have an awareness of what is really going on and what these things that we are seeing in the news and on the internet are really about. And what they are really about is the most depraved group of people that this planet has ever seen. This particular group of people believe that they are “divine” and that they have the right to rule over humanity. This group of people use a philosophy called Agenda 21, and it is a complete ideology of death. Agenda 21 has a motto that has been adopted as one of their guiding principles that states “Sustainable Population – Sustainable Planet” and the group that promotes this agenda is called Agenda 21. If you haven’t noticed that it is really the group called Agenda 21 that is being promoted on this planet, you really should take a look at what this group believes, because it is the philosophy of death, and it is directly responsible for the destruction of the environment that we see all around us. Now that you know who the “they” that are attempting to do all of this damage to the environment is, you need to understand who are the people that are causing this damage and why they are doing it. They believe that all humans on this planet are a blight on the environment and that they have to be eliminated. There are very few people left on this planet that can call themselves humans, and there is no one being considered that is of any value to them whatsoever. So the next time you see an airplane flying across the skies, you can now see that the true purpose of all of these geoengineering programs that are being carried out is to kill off as many people as they can. Once they have gotten rid of all of us, they will begin to change our environment to suit their own needs. This is how we are being “saved”, and it is far from the truth. The truth is that these geoengineering programs are just killing off the environment. They are killing off our planet in order to eliminate as many people as possible. Once that is done, they will turn their attention to the global economy, because that is the only thing that really matters to them. But do not worry, as long as the “they” can get rid of the people on the planet, there will always be another race of people ready to be brought into the planet to be the new “sheeple”. They will be more than willing to replace those who were killed off by the “they” because they love being sheeple and they are really good at it. You see, the ones who created this system are very good at designing a system where they can completely control everyone on the planet. This is one of the main reasons why they allow the planet to have an ever-increasing population. This is all a means to an end, and once all of the people are gone, they can start their new system. Do not ever doubt the evil that is lurking behind the facade of “they.” They are so evil, that they believe that they should kill off 90 percent of the people on this planet. And this is something that they can do in an instant. They could bring the whole planet to an immediate standstill and the majority of the people on this planet would have no idea what was happening until it was too late. You see, they love being able to control the masses. They can do anything to the people in this regard, and they don’t hesitate to do so. Now you know who the “they” is that is attempting to turn the earth into a giant concentration camp. The very people who have already turned this world into a giant concentration camp are those that are in control of the global financial system. The bankers who run the banking cartel know what they are doing, and the globalist agenda is part of a plan to have as many people on the planet as possible in order to control everyone. This is a real agenda that they are promoting, and they have no shame in admitting that this is the agenda that they are following. They have very few moral boundaries, and their only concern is the amount of money that they can control at the same time. This is their modus operandi. They will say and do anything to control more of the planet and to accumulate more wealth. They want to enslave as many people as they can, and in the long run they are not going to care if you live or die. They see you as a number. They see you as a cost to be eliminated. If you can be eliminated, then so be it. And they don’t care if you are the 99 percent or the 1 percent. They are going to eliminate you if they need to do so in order to preserve the system. But the agenda that they are promoting is nothing new. It goes way back. There was an agenda long before they came on the scene, and it revolved around bringing in the New World Order and establishing a one world government where one man could control everyone and get rid of anyone that stood in his way. They were very open about this plan. The Illuminati made this known long ago in their writings, and the reason why they did this is because they already knew that they were going to do what they are doing. This is a philosophy that was developed over hundreds of years, and there are many who are well aware of their plan and are still in agreement with it. It has nothing to do with religion. This is a philosophy that is based solely upon money and on how to get more money. It has everything to do with the accumulation of money, and this is what they have based their entire ideology on. As we stated earlier, the Illuminati is a group of very powerful, extremely wealthy people that form a very large part of the global elite. If you have been paying attention to what has been happening on this planet for the past couple of years, you would see that the global elite has been on a roll and they are not slowing down. This is really the group that controls everything and they are really pulling out all of the stops in order to control more and more of the planet. They have succeeded in taking over the world’s economy, and they have a direct role in controlling the global monetary system. The “they” that is attempting to destroy all life on this planet has been in control of our world’s economic system since the 1970s. They are simply another faction of a larger group of people that have been ruling our world since it began. The true face of “they” is that they are those that control the world’s economy. They are very much aware that in order for them to maintain their “control” over people on this planet, they must enslave as many people as they can. And this is one of the reasons why they do what they do. They don’t believe that they should have a problem killing off 90 percent of the people, because these are the people that they have spent a lot of time preparing for, and they don’t want to lose them. They like to have their foot on the neck of humanity. They like to hold us down because if we come back up for air, we are going to make them do whatever they want. They want to be able to tell us what to do and how to do it. They want to be able to manipulate us and to keep us down. And they know that the only way for them to continue to do this is if they get rid of most of the human population and the way they plan to do