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botdump.com/showthread.php?t=113490 moo :p nikin: no, you need to use /dev/sda1 soundray: I would very much recommend it if you're trying to boot a kernel that your monitor can't handle. I use it on my laptop how can I find out if i need to run a script on startup ? nikin: sda1 is what is at the beginning of the drive when you have your bios showing all connected drives, so it may not be sda when you can mount it bittorrent is working, the linux client... but i have a question about the torrent servers in general in Gentoo I just looked for one of these in init.d/* and it was up there, easy to figure out, but I'm running ubuntu and can't find a simple way to figure out this... LethAL: so I must reboot after the kernel change? are they like the magnet links that you can download from? Razgriz: in ubuntu it depends on the program - if the service runs in the foreground it will show up LethAL: how does the system know when to reboot? Hey all, I have a problem with my wireless... I'm on a desktop, running Ubuntu 6.06 LTS. The wireless card isn't working - its an IBM WLAN Notebook Adapter. It's on the list of supported network cards, but it doesn't seem to be working. Anyone got any ideas? soundray, I don't know; I use a KVM switch thoreauputic: it's rtorrent, i'm using the terminal command: rtorrent -u usr -d localhost:6969 /home/...torrent Vandalite: are they magnet links LethAL: thanks ah yes, zorba Razgriz: usually you create a symlink to a script in /etc/init.d/ but you don't want to run a bunch of scripts from the command line when you start up your computer LethAL: thanks a lot for your help -- I'm booting right now soundray, You're welcome Vandalite: if so, then you need bittorrent with encryption jrib: ah, ok. jrib: so how do I do it then? jrib : its not hda , but hdb1 ah, i see so the torrent servers have to be encrypted? Razgriz: if you want it to start at boot, check in /etc/init.d I believe it uses the update-rc.d command thoreauputic: ok, thanks. Razgriz: create a script and call it in /etc/rc.local or make a symlink to /etc/init.d/name_of_your_script_here LethAL: if you have a chance, could you try a different boot option? but i am still stuck... grub sees that sda, but not sda1 :S jrib: thanks :) i need to get a kernel and set the root to my drive zorba: thanks for your time. how about ebay? i can see that there's a bit of difference in quality as it comes from an ebayer rather than some ubuntu user soundray, I could try "debug" (I think that's the one...?) LethAL: did you set that in grub? soundray, Nope LethAL: you have to add a line to your boot stanza in /boot/grub/menu.lst Vandalite: not sure, never used ebays nikin: use: root (hd0,1) not sure either Vandalite: you can download torrents as magnets from any mirror ok soundray, I thought that was it... I could try the debug one, the other only said 'Ubuntu' will try I have accidentally removed my /dev/cdrom device from the desktop. How do I get it back? Vandalite: it's called "magnet" Razgriz: you can use update-rc.d if you want ah, i see thanks for the tip, thoreauputic LethAL: also, you should use your kernel version name, not 'Linux' hmm this works now :D Vandalite: it's supported by all torrent clients that I know of nikin: excellent! just i had to set the root correctly soundray, I have done that, you just said it twice ;P !cdrom I know nothing about cdrom - try searching http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu Vandalite: I don't think the magnet links will be blocked by ISPs, but just as downloads, it's not guaranteed that they will be fast soundray, I would use default except... :P LethAL: my apologies then. Have you tried the debug option, as I asked you earlier? nikin: what device is your root drive on? soundray, I have jrib : i have 4 partitions, hda and the first one is set to root Vandalite: e.g. it's pretty slow for me - in fact very slow i think its hdc aha, i think i get it. the reason why i'm finding the files is because of the .torrent extension, right? if i was to use windows clients it would probably not find the .torrent files if they don't have the extension. right? thoreauputic, Isn't it illegal? like, for instance, i have a file called rtorrent.tar.gz LethAL: so I can't set it to boot without mounting root? soundray, Are you using 2.6.15-27? but when i click on it in windows, it says i need to install it nikin: what are the options in /boot/grub/device.map for root? LethAL: I'll try it with a debug line. But that might be a bit drastic. and that's because it has no extension. when i go and grab a .torrent extension, it opens it in azureus instead, right? LethAL: yes Vandalite: in fact most torrent clients check extensions, so I'd doubt they would see the magnet link unless it has the .torrent extension Vandalite: azureus has a search function for magnet links - it's quite sophisticated Vandalite: it's also really slow on my system right, right jrib : i have root (hd0,0) <-- hda1 , (hd0,1) <-- hdc1 and then root (hd0,2) <-- hdb1 and hda5 soundray, Set it to debug and also do sudo update-grub afterwards LethAL: I see, the debug option should log more output jrib : what should i set in device.map? soundray, I'll do both at once... Vandalite: try a different port - it speeds