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Down and Dirty at Our Bodies and the Environment: * Dumpster Diving for Food: * How to Make Bicycles and Cars: * Learning to Fly: * Make Your Own Gasoline, Furniture, Clothing, Cakes and Beer: "The best book about making things! I love anything and everything about it. Every time I read through the first section about making a car, I want to make another one, but this time it will be perfect. The same when reading the how to make furniture part." (Anon.) * DIY Health Care: * Making Beads: * Making Paper From Woodchips: * Making the Homemade Insect Repellent Spray: * The Best Hand-Free Braille Device and Game: "A great book to read. Not only is it helpful on how to create things and to make things you can also learn a lot from the little things that people do every day, like getting a ride or walking. It is also a great book for kids!" (Melody.) "My favorite part of the book so far are the DIY projects. I love learning how to make things, and I love how they show you how you can actually make stuff yourself that is the same or similar to what is already out there. If you buy all of these products, you spend a lot of money. You also risk that the product might be recalled or could be dangerous. This is a great book to learn how to make similar items for less money without putting your life and the life of your family at risk." (Megan.) * DIY Solar Cookers: * How to Make an Origami Garden Hose: * A Portable Homemade Dumpster: "My mother made my first origami bird house out of a dumpster that we used at our old apartment, so the word 'dumpster' made me smile when I saw the heading of this book." (Heidi.) "I think this book is great! Even though we don't have a whole lot of trash around anymore, we still have a lot of recycling, which is awesome. It gives people the idea that we do this all the time. It takes a lot of stuff that people throw away and reuses it. It shows kids that if you ask around there's always a way to get something for free or very cheap." (Carrie.) * How to Make a Toilet-Saving Shower Curtain: * Picking Up after Your Pet in Nature: "Reading through this book I got inspired by how people were cleaning their houses with just the garbage bag. We had a trashcan right by my brother's room and they left all of the trash right in their rooms. I told them to try cleaning it in their garbage can, and that it is more effective." (Amanda.) * How to Create Stunning DIY Projects from Old CDs: * How to Make a Dumpster-Diving Computer: "I really like making things out of waste products, because they are free and also easy to make, but still look beautiful! There are so many projects here that I have been trying to make." (Hanna.) "I love the look of the book. The photographs really make it seem interesting. Most of the projects are really creative and could be done by just anyone. I love making all kinds of crafts, so I think I would get a lot of enjoyment out of this book." (Ariel.) * How to Make a Sewing Machine: "The book is great because it can be used to make things for yourself or your friends. Also, if you are someone who uses disposable bags and bottles then you can learn how to make them out of waste material. This is a great book to get ideas for anything." (Sydney.) * How to Make a Homebrew: "These are the most wonderful DIYs I've seen in a very long time. I can't wait to try them. I have been wanting to make a homemade slime, too, and this book is like the easiest way I've ever done it. (Marsha.) "I have lots of time to fill, and this book reminds me why we do what we do and what is important in our life. It reminds me why we are here and makes me feel excited for the things that I'm going to create." (Ami.) * Making Hand-Made Bicycles: "I love how they're so simple. You can make these really easily, and then it just goes on and on from there. I have been wondering if they make plastic frames like this because it seems like a lot of trash to make a bicycle from." (Annie.) * How to Make a Dumpster-Diving Toilet: "They have a really cute and easy way of showing you how to use all of this recyclable stuff. It's great. All these people have done awesome things in order to make these projects. I think it's great because you can do things like this and not have to spend a ton of money." (Dalton.) * DIY Socks: "I like making things because it can cost you some money but if it's a good product, it can be worth it. I like making things that I can feel like I am helping the environment, so I think this book is great." (Gracie.) * How to Make a Solar Water Heater: * How to Make Your Own Stained Glass Windows: "I think this is the best way to make your own stained glass windows. I love how you can put your design of it and everyone will think that you have taken time to make it all by yourself, and it's all made out of trash." (Katie.) "The book is full of ideas. I am an adult, and I can't make everything they show in the book, but some of it looks simple enough for me. I love using recycled materials. It's great for your own home and it's also great for the environment. That is why I like this book." (Kristen.) * How to Make a Carcass: "I like the book a lot because it reminds you that you don't have to always have the newest thing. It's pretty cool to try and make a bunch of stuff by yourself." (Haley.) * DIY Beer: "I think this is a really great book to go through and pick some stuff that might interest you. This is a great book for anyone who likes to drink. It's great for parties and home. They have a lot of different beer recipes, and I like the ones they call 'stubby' the best because they are less expensive and taste good, and you can do anything with them." (Jenny.) "I think this book is really neat. One reason I really like it is that I have always liked fixing stuff, especially vehicles. I feel this book really helps you because you get ideas of how to fix up the insides of your own car with other people's junk and then they can sell it for cheap. That's what I like, because there are so many different people in this world, and some of them have more experience than others. The ideas are really good." (Tyler.) * How to Make Your Own Car: "I know a lot of people might not be too interested in this book, but I am because I love cars and I want to learn how to make them. I have always wanted to learn how to make cars since I was a little kid." (Zee.) * How to Create a Slime Party: "I think this is the best idea in the whole world. I know there are a lot of things I can do to make the world a better place, and this would be one of the best things I could do. The book is awesome. It's really a great book that is funny and easy to read. It has some great ideas." (Gabe.) "I think this is a really good book for kids, especially younger kids. I love the idea of picking up trash and making things out of it. I think it's great that it teaches you about ecology." (Ivy.) * How to Make a Paper Airplane: "This is a great book that teaches you a lot of things. It will teach you how to make a paper airplane that actually flies." (Mason.) * How to Make a Paper Lantern: "I like making things out of paper. I like the paper cutouts for the lantern because it's easy, and there are pictures of how you make the lantern, so it's easy for me to follow along with." (Katherine.) * How to Make a Trapeze: "This book has a lot of fun things to make. If you want to make any project, you'll be able to find it here. It's a great book for creative kids." (Amber.) * How to Make a Spaghetti Western: "If you are ever looking for a book with good stuff in it, I can tell you, this book has a lot of fun stuff to help you with your projects. I love the projects because they have pictures and a lot of ideas