Like Selling Your
Persona Non Grata
People That You Li
I know that you me
Down and Dirty
Perilous Scramble
Reinventing How Th
Times were tough,
Student buy Essay

Thought lost forev
Most of the time
One World is Out t
Their Red-Headed S
University of
Socks, Sandles and
Chaos Is My Friend
Quick on the Draw
So Smart They're D
I'm a Wild Banshee
Sitting In My Spy Shack I can’t wait to get out my spy camera to see where he’s working. How can I be sure it’s him, and how will I get him to open up to me? He’s all closed off! I am going to keep an eye out for clues, and maybe if he sees my spy camera he’ll want to talk. If he has a girlfriend, this might just be a good way to get my message across! Or maybe he’s been hurt in the past and doesn’t trust girls… I just realized he’s not wearing a wedding ring. My, how things change! Oh well. I have a good feeling about this, I just have to be patient. Soon enough, he’ll be going home to his family and I can get all the answers I need. If he’s not married or in a relationship then I know I can reel him in, but if there’s a girlfriend in the picture that could be a big problem! Ahhhhh…. I can’t wait to meet him. I am going to try to be cool and not get too worked up over it. Just being an investigator with a secret camera can’t hurt right? I would have to act like I was his neighbor or something if anyone noticed I was spying. No way would I be a cat burglar! Of course, with the risk of losing a job, I could always go back to my old one! I might even ask him out to lunch, my boss is pretty nice, I am sure he would understand. Plus he’s hot! This is going to be an exciting night. I have not been this excited since I stole that painting from the private collection at the mansion in the middle of the night. Maybe I was just excited then because I was nervous…I know I wasn’t the first one to go in there, that’s for sure! I must be crazy, but it didn’t really hurt me, did it? Well, at least I know what a real man looks like! Admittedly, my spy craft with spy cameras is getting a little carried away. I am going to try to be cool and not break into anyone’s house again! Just being an investigator, with a little spy camera might be a much better alternative for me. I won’t get in trouble at work. I won’t get caught with stolen pictures. All I’ll have to do is be a regular girl. How could I? I don’t have a gun! Of course, if anyone tried to attack me, I would have to defend myself. A gun is a little bit of overkill for me. I would prefer to be able to defend myself without having to have such a big piece of metal. It wouldn’t even have to be loaded. All I would have to do is give it a quick once-over, if I could. Would that make me a bad girl? Naw, everyone needs a hobby! I am just really curious about my friend’s friend. I didn’t even know he had a friend and he has been talking about her since college! Where can I get more information about her? Maybe it is a good thing we just met. I don’t think he wants me to look at his private messages. That is probably his girlfriend’s job, if he has one. Well, I know I’ll be going to work soon and I have a feeling he might be there! He looks like the kind of guy who might take a girl for lunch after work and talk to her! No, he wouldn’t date a co-worker, but I don’t work at the house, I am at another branch so I wouldn’t be in the same building anyway. When he gets home he is going to have to drive back here, so I don’t think he would want to sit at a table in a restaurant all by himself. I could maybe ask him out to a quiet restaurant! I could have the server set me up next to him. It might be easier if I just let him get to know me first. I think he’s cute, I might have to tell him about myself. He’s probably not as open as my friend would be, but I don’t need him to be! Maybe he doesn’t even like eating out. Maybe he only goes out to eat with friends. I can’t just go up to him, I am not a very good pick up! I have been a shy, introverted person for most of my life, and there is nothing wrong with that. I am good with people, and I am a good talker, but I am not just like some of my friends. They never seem to get along. I don’t know why. I always take the most honest approach, and that’s something that seems to really upset them. And then they get really quiet! I think it’s because they don’t have my work ethic. There are times when you just have to give more than you get. I really admire my friends for their skills, especially my boss who has the personality of a rock star and can handle any kind of situation. He also goes out to dinner with different people at different times. It might just be a matter of time for me. I think I am finally going to have a shot at getting someone who isn’t either my friend or someone that I went to college with. I’ve always liked him, but he seems so shy. Now that I am getting to know him a little, I feel like I might have some control over him! I am a little shy, and I can understand not knowing what to say sometimes. I can relate a little, and that means a lot to me. I just don’t want to talk about him in an email and then he doesn’t respond. It is important for him to know that I am thinking about him! I do not want to overwhelm him, though! I don’t want to make him feel uncomfortable. That is something I hate about a lot of people, they make it so you can’t talk about things. No, I am not going to push the relationship. Instead I want to spend time getting to know him and enjoying his company. I will have to make sure to have the right kind of camera so that I can zoom in without being obvious about it. I will have to also have a little talk with my friend. She would be horrified if she knew what I was doing. It would be too embarrassing. I will have to lie a little, I can’t very well tell her that she wouldn’t approve of what I am doing. So much for sharing with my friends! I am not sure what I would do if he actually said yes! Maybe I should have a conversation with him first. No, I can’t just go up to him, he probably has a girlfriend. There’s no way to know for sure until I have a chance to know him better. But if that were the case, then he might let me take his picture without his knowing. I think I will call it a night and go to sleep and see if there is a message waiting for me in the morning. If not, I can just use my cell phone to take pictures of him at work and look through them for clues. This is going to be a little exciting! I just have to remain calm, I can’t go too far with this, but it might still be worth it! And if he’s not married, then I have a chance! Oh yes, my friend is going to be really mad when she finds out! This will be an even bigger secret than when I went out to spy on the house next door! What if I get fired? If my boss finds out, he might not like me very much. After all, he’s not the only one who knows my secret! I wouldn’t have to say anything to anyone, I don’t think it would be necessary, but my boss likes me enough to give me a chance. I am going to try not to get too excited though. I am a bad girl. No, I will not leave any signs that I am taking pictures, no matter what happens. I will leave the shutter open so that he doesn’t think I was spying, I don’t want to lose my job. That is the best thing about my job; it has a little bit of everything. I can get information out of some, I can get pictures from others, I can even get money if I can catch them at the right time. I’ll leave this one open so that he won’t go running off. I am sure this is going to work out well! Okay, I think he did go home already. I guess he didn’t need to get fired after all, my friend would never forgive me for doing this! I will wait until the next day to ask him out to lunch so