Flirting and Frust
Flames and Enduran
Fight for Your Lif
Feels Like a Rolle
Fear of the Unknow
Philosopher of the
Wow, that's a
Who wrote this?
What you're tellin
mailbate.comFor Cod's Sake',
'c_2_e' => 'Wish-granting Tree Spirit',
'c_3_a' => 'Bunny Girl',
'c_3_d' => 'Lupin',
'c_3_e' => 'Poppin',
'c_3_g' => 'Pumpkin',
'c_3_h' => 'Butterfly',
'c_3_i' => 'Sugar Bunny',
'c_3_j' => 'Jinx',
'c_3_k' => 'Pirate',
'c_3_l' => 'Mage',
'c_3_m' => 'Crystal Bunny',
'c_3_n' => 'Snowman',
'c_3_o' => 'Elf',
% wf-expansion doesn't support this syntax (FIXME).
(test-section "Floats"
;; TODO: this should actually be a list, because it has multiple
;; different components.
(test "make-float"
(with-output-to-string (lambda ()
(eval '(make-float)))
(let ((o (get-output-stream)))
(write-string o)
(finish-output o)
(read (get-output-stream))))
(test "float"
(with-output-to-string (lambda ()
(eval '(float 0.0d0 0.0d0 1.0d0))
(let ((o (get-output-stream)))
(write-string o)
(finish-output o)
(read (get-output-stream))))
(test "string-to-float"
(with-output-to-string (lambda ()
(eval '(string-to-float "0.1"))
(let ((o (get-output-stream)))
(write-string o)
(finish-output o)
(read (get-output-stream))))
(test "floats"
;; This needs a different formatting of whitespace, because of the
;; different number of points.
;; NOTE: it would be nice to support a more standard test here,
;; testing the "round to two decimal digits of accuracy" part
;; separately. This is an annoying test to write.
(with-output-to-string (lambda ()
(eval '(setq floats '(1.1d0 2.3d0 3.0d0 4.0d0))
(let ((o (get-output-stream)))
(write-string o)
(finish-output o)
(read (get-output-stream))))
;; this tests the formatting of the comma that is part of the
;; double
(with-output-to-string (lambda ()
(eval '(setq floats '(1.1d0, 2.3d0, 3.0d0, 4.0d0))
(let ((o (get-output-stream)))
(write-string o)
(finish-output o)
(read (get-output-stream))))))
;; and then testing the exact formatting.
;; NOTE: this test requires a little tweaking from version to
;; version because of the way in which double formatting is
;; changed, as noted above. This means that we've got a lot of
;; different (double . (string-to-double . (setq exact ""))
;; ...) which need to be handled properly in this file.
(with-output-to-string (lambda ()
(eval '(setq floats '(1.1d0 2.3d0 3.0d0 4.0d0))
(let ((o (get-output-stream)))
(write-string o)
(finish-output o)
(read (get-output-stream))))
(with-output-to-string (lambda ()
(eval '(setq floats '(1.1d0, 2.3d0, 3.0d0, 4.0d0))
(let ((o (get-output-stream)))
(write-string o)
(finish-output o)
(read (get-output-stream)))))))))
;;; test-cases-end
(provide 'tests)
(in-package :cl-user)
(when (find-package 'tests) (package-initialize))
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(setq *features* (copy-list *features*)))
;;; tests.lisp
(in-package "SYSTEM")
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(require 'eval))
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(if (ignore-errors (require 'defun))
(defun test-name () "Return the string 'test-name'." ()
(defun test-section (name &rest tests)
"Return a section of text for use in an Emacs buffer
giving the name and the list of test specifications."
(let* ((result "")
(tests (reverse tests))
(name (car tests)))
(when (stringp name)
(cond ((consp name)
(format result " ;;%s:" name))
((integerp name)
(format result " ;;~a:" name)))
(when (> (length tests) 0)
(format result " %s" (cadr tests)))
(format result "~s" name))))))
(defparameter *tests* nil)
(defvar *test-file* nil)
(defvar *suite-file* nil)
(defun get-test-file ()
"Return the current test file."
(cond ((getenv "TEST_ENV_NAME") (getenv "TEST_ENV_NAME")))
((getenv "TEST_FILE") (getenv "TEST_FILE")))
(defun get-suite-file ()
"Return the current suite file."
(cond ((getenv "TESTSUITE_ENV_NAME") (getenv "TESTSUITE_ENV_NAME")))
((getenv "TESTSUITE_FILE") (getenv "TESTSUITE_FILE")))
(defun handle-test-name (name)
"Convert an Emacs name to the appropriate one."
(cond ((string-equal name ""))
((string-equal name "not-really-a-name")
(format nil "~S+~A~%unknown" name))
(t (cond ((string-equal name "test")
((string-equal name "test*")
((string-equal name "test-2")