Who wrote this?
What you're tellin
The actual interes
Cooking with AI
We forget it but i
Not for lack of tr

Philosopher of the
Fear of the Unknow
Feels Like a Rolle
Fight for Your Lif
Flames and Enduran
Flirting and Frust
For Cod's Sake
Free Agent
Friendly Fire
Game of Chicken
Wow, that's a little high." "Okay, okay." "No, no." "No, no, no, no." "I like this spot." "I got it, I got it." "Oh, here we go." "This is good." "Look at that." "Right?" "This is a beautiful image here." " The earth." "The sky." " Yeah." "You're right." "It is." "It's, uh" " It's not boring at all." "Hey, um, can we- can we make this quick?" "I got a plane to catch." " Where are you going?" " Uh, Miami." "And I gotta tell you," "I may not be able to come home for a while 'cause I got some new opportunities out there." "Hey, what kind of new opportunities?" "Well, that's the end of the conversation right there." " No, no, no, no." "Come on." "Come on." " Come on." "We gotta talk about this." "Okay." " Okay?" " Now" "This is why I didn't want to tell you on the phone." "Look, this thing in Miami- It's a real job, Eva." "In fact, I'm starting to wonder if this is any kind of life for me." "And what's gonna happen to us?" "Look, you know I'm the best at what I do." "And I'm good at it." "I mean, really good." "But all this, you know- the stress, it's starting to get to me, and I'm sure getting to you too." "Okay." "So, uh, we pack our bags, and we take a trip." "A trip?" "To where?" "I don't know." "Maybe California." "Maybe Florida." "Somewhere no one knows us." "Right?" " Okay." " Okay?" "You can go to Miami, but I am not leaving my life here." "What if I can't find you?" "What if you forget about me?" "You're gonna find me." "What if one day you look up, and you forget who I am?" "Lily, that's not gonna happen." "Okay?" "We're gonna make it happen." "Okay." "And you're gonna be there with me." "Excuse me, sir." "Hi, um, do you have any toilet paper?" "Oh, uh, this should cover you for now." "Uh, it's just a phone call." "I don't think that'll take too long." "Thanks." "Thanks, guy." "I got here as quickly as I could." "Okay, let's get down to business." "Wait." "Okay." "Wait." "I told her I had to leave town on a business trip." "What was I supposed to say?" "It's bad enough that you lied to her, but did you have to make it a long trip?" "Trust me, man." "I'm not getting into it." "Okay?" "Look, what do you want me to do?" "I got here as quickly as I could, all right?" "She doesn't know what she's talking about." "I need you to keep her there for a couple more days." " What?" "No way." " I know." "I'm sorry." "You're not sorry." "That's the problem." "If you're gonna do this job, you got to learn to think on your feet." "No problem." "Just call me as soon as you get there and I'll let her know, all right?" "All right." "Thanks." "Hey." "Oh." "Hi, Uncle Saul." "What are you still doing up?" "Look, I know I said I was going to bed, but I just needed to talk to you for a second." "I need to ask you for a really big favor." "Yeah, anything." "What is it?" "Can you just keep an eye on Grandpa for me, just for a few days?" "Uncle Saul, I can't do that." "Oh, come on." "It's just for a few days." "Please?" "Please?" "You're the only one I can trust." "Okay, fine." "You got it." "Thanks." "Thank you." "I love you, okay?" "Love you too, sweetie." "Thank you." "Hey, what do you say we go downstairs and let Mommy get some rest?" "Good idea." "Come on." "Uh, okay, but how are we gonna explain him to Grandma?" "I don't know." "If he can leave without leaving any traces, I don't see a problem." "I think he's gonna have trouble walking when we're done with him." "Come on." "We're gonna need a bag of ice." "Yeah." "Hey, it's me." "I'm sorry I woke you." "I had to get out of there." "Yeah, um, I need you to do me a favor." "Yeah, okay." "Yeah, as soon as you can, can you do me a favor and-and, uh, pick up Mom from dialysis?" "I kind of promised her that I'd do it, but I can't right now." "Can you do me a favor?" "Thanks." "Bye." "Don't worry." "I'll figure something out." "You all right?" "Yeah." "Just go do what you got to do." "I'll see you at the lab, okay?" "I'll be back as soon as I can." "Are you sure this is the place?" "The sign says Red Road Supply Stop, and that's what we need." "Oh, I don't know, man." "It just doesn't look like much." "Uh, I guess we'll find out." "You guys ready?" "Who are you?" "No." "We just need some supplies." "No one's allowed in here." "What's in the back?" "My stuff." "We can't have you messing around with it." "I just need your name and some identification." "My name's Johnny." "I don't have any I.D." "Can't help you." "This is a private truck." "No one's allowed to just walk in here and start messing around." "We're just gonna need some supplies." "Well, they're in there." "You can look if you want." "I got this." "I guess it's your lucky day." "It's a little too much heat for the AC in this thing." "What are you doing?" "Well, I'm gonna put on a little show for you." "How does that sound?" "You can't be serious." "What do you think, we're stupid?" "No, I think you're dangerous." "Oh, you know, this kind of stuff just tickles me." "It's a little hot in here." "It must be that new air conditioning they just put in." "So, what do you think?" "I think you're a sick bastard." "Oh, come on." "This is for your own good." "You know, you're not dealing with an ordinary man, okay?" "I can crush you if I want to." "You know that, right?" "Oh, please." "You think I was a punk once?" "Let's see what happens now." "I have nothing to lose." "You understand me?" "Oh, yeah?" "Well, maybe I have something to lose." "Really?" "Let's see." "I can't do that." "You know why?" "'Cause you're going to be dead." "Please." "I can smell your fear." "L" " I'm not afraid of you." "L" " I can take it from you." "I know you're scared, but I can take that fear away." "But you need to leave." "Please, please leave." "Leave." "Leave now." "Leave now." "Leave now." "Leave now." "Leave now." " Leave now." " Leave now." " Leave now." " Leave now." "Leave now." "Leave now." "Leave now." "Leave now." "Leave now." "Oh, so now you're going to beat me up?" "No, not at all." "A little bit of your fear might come in handy, but, uh" "Hey." "What's the matter?" "I just" " I don't get it." "Who are you?" "I thought we were on the same side." "I don't know what you're talking about." "I know who you are." "You're that cop that caught me at the airport." "I did not catch you." "You ran like the crazy person you are." "That cop wanted me dead." "So?" "It's not my fault he couldn't do his job." "Who are you?" "Why don't you sit down?" "I need you to do something for me." "I'm not going to help you." "You already did." "You called him." "I didn't call him." "I think he's looking for me." "Maybe he wants to kill you." "You don't know what you're talking about." "Okay, he's looking for me." "He found me." "Now he needs my help to get out of this country." "Why don't you just tell me who you are and why you're