Game of Chicken
Friendly Fire
Free Agent
For Cod's Sake
Flirting and Frust
Flames and Enduran
Fight for Your Lif
Feels Like a Rolle
Fear of the Unknow
Philosopher of the

Get to Gettin'
Gettin' to Crunch
Girl Power
Girls Gone Wilder
Glitter in Their E
Gloves Come Off
Go for the Gusto
Go Out With a Bang
Going Down in Flam
Going for the Osca
Gender Wars...It's Getting Ugly Out There A great many people just don't realize that men and women are totally different, and I know why: the left has spent the last half century teaching us that. They've tried hard to get us to believe that men and women have exactly the same desires and values, and that both sexes want what the other one has, no matter what... but, just the opposite is true. Read: Women Can Become Great Mothers Without Losing Their Desires, by David Buss. (That's a quote of mine from a post on TMP) (That's what a friend of mine sent me in response to my last post, above...) The New York Times is just too funny... They have this great article on how boys aren't better off than girls. Yeah! Wanna read it? (I sure do.) Well... here it is, in all its glory! You have to pay to read the complete article, of course. But they are only $4.00! Wow, the things that are changing! Read it, and you'll understand why the Republican party is not on the right track. (And, as always, you can order the article (and hundreds more) with your credit card on-line at our website.) Order the article now. The link to go to their website is in the sidebar, and it's free! There's something about him that scares the crap out of the Democrats... The last thing Democrats want is to actually come out and say what's wrong with men. They don't want to talk about any of this, because they know that it'll make men mad... and who can blame them? The Dems have already got control of everything else. They're in charge of... all kinds of places: political, legal, private, corporate, academic, academic, academic... They've got all of this stuff covered... And they're soooo in charge... how can they even begin to understand that men want to be in charge too? And, if they can't understand what men are saying, then they can't listen, because they'd have to admit that they really aren't in charge. Their entire world has turned upside down. And the Democrats are so mad that they can't understand what's going on... but don't worry. This all figures into the long-term plan of the left to destroy masculinity, male authority and male strength. "It's time to get tough!" It's time for the Democrats to wake up. The Republicans aren't making a move like that. If it looks like a move to me, then it must be a move. It can't be a counter move. This is why I don't want Hillary Clinton as the Democratic party candidate. I can't take her seriously. She's a phony. She'll do what the Democrats want her to do. She'll do anything to be "relevant." And the Dems have been doing what the Dems want to do. They've been losing ground for a while, but they've been on their heels for quite some time now. Even if they haven't lost their grip yet, that will change soon if they don't start to get tough. If she was elected, all she would do is to continue their program. Well, Hillary is just a distraction, but we need to have some talk about how the Dems can really get back into the political game. The left doesn't really need them to win elections. It already has the media and the academia. These people are the ones who aren't getting enough recognition... So, I went to The Truth About The New York Times yesterday, and I was really surprised by the changes in that publication. I've been reading it for nearly 40 years, and the last few years have been very interesting. I don't read it every day, but I do read it once a week. The paper looks like it's been taken from right-wing publications from several decades ago, but they're still writing exactly like they did when I first started reading it. Some people might even think that I've been reading it for 40 years! That's because The New York Times has been in charge of the news for so long. Anyway, I got tired of my favorite author, Mark Ames, and I wanted to see if there was anything else interesting to read, so I checked out some of the other sections and found... well, you know. This is what I found: A nice article about Sarah Palin. We'll see what she does now. An article on whether Obama will support stem cell research. What is stem cell research? Do you even know what that is? No! Neither do the people in the Obama administration. It's just another way of making moldy dead things not alive. It's a way of re-making them if they aren't working right. Then you can make them alive. But, it isn't regeneration. It's just a re-do job. They still can't say that women can be just as good as men at fighting wars. They even say that woman's hormones are different, and have to be treated differently. No way. We all see through the garbage, and most of us aren't the least bit confused when we watch men and women at work. If you had to fight a war, and you had a choice, you'd definitely pick the man. The Democrats still think women are only supposed to be in charge of home life and child-rearing. They say this right in the article: "But it was not just about who got out of the way of their children. It was about who, as feminists declared with increasing energy in the 1960s, got out of the way of things... In the 1950s, the liberal vision was of a new and egalitarian world, where everyone could be a maker or a mate, and you could have it all. It was only later, as the second wave hit, that it became about women’s rights as a way to improve the lot of men. Now, women are no longer merely “moral agents”—agents whose lives can be a matter of progress... Rather, women have been told they are leaders in their own right." The Democrats think that because women aren't good at fighting wars, then they should only be good at... making babies. How pathetic! Women were created for something else besides making babies. And men were created for something else besides having babies. There's a big difference between the two. If women are really so useless in military action, then it's not women that are missing from the military, is it? I'll tell you what's missing: leadership. And... men are missing from the military, too. Women are too smart to make decisions that could get men killed, so they don't. The Dems just can't believe it. Even if they have to lie about it, they'll say it's about "women's right to choose," and to have equal opportunities. The Democratic Party has not really gotten its act together since the 1960s, and I think that was a big mistake. They've let women into the picture, and women don't give a rip about men. When women get together, they form groups that are run by women and for women. It's very hard for men to get in, especially if women are all the leaders. Men are the losers in this. There's nothing more pathetic than being a loser in the minds of women. It's even harder for men who are "victims." In the 1960s, women began getting in charge of universities all over the country, and these were a disaster. How does a man deal with this when a woman is in charge? How? Men are forced to get in touch with their inner feelings and have to pretend they're just as sad as the women running the university. There are men's rights groups, but they're in name only. There is a strong belief in this country that everyone is equal, and in theory that's true. However, we know that it just doesn't work that way in practice. The Democrats love making false promises about equality and freedom and rights and justice. You can believe all that garbage. I don't have to. I know what the real world is like, and I know that the best ideas and people always rise to the top, and always get the power. This is just how it's always been. When the left gets power, it will always turn bad. Just look at their record. It's no good for anyone. If women really were just as smart as men, then they would know that men are just as smart as they are. That's just how it is. I don't know why women don't seem to realize that, and I don't know why men have to explain that. What a terrible mess! We know that some men will never really grow up, and these people are the ones we need to watch closely. If they get some power, you can be sure that those women and feminists will