Feels Like a Rolle
Fear of the Unknow
Philosopher of the
Wow, that's a
Who wrote this?
What you're tellin
The actual interes

Flames and Enduran
Flirting and Frust
For Cod's Sake
Free Agent
Friendly Fire
Game of Chicken
Gender Wars...It's
Get to Gettin'
Gettin' to Crunch
Girl Power
Fight for Your Life or Eat an Olive." "Take Your Best Shot or Eat an Olive." "Fight for Your Life or Eat an Olive." "Wakey, wakey!" "Hey, guys!" "The sun's up!" "We've got to go to work." "I know." "I'm just so excited about today." "First you get to see Bob, and then you go shopping, and then you get your uniform." "I feel like I'm gonna burst." "Oh, yeah, all that and a haircut, you'll fit right in there." "Come on!" "I'll race you to work!" "Here you go." "It's all you." "You sure you don't want me to come in with you?" "No, I can't let you in." "We're gonna be so late." "See you at 2:30!" "Bye!" "Bye!" "And don't forget the big TV dinner on the way home." "Oh, Mom!" "Don't worry, okay?" "I'll probably be out by then anyway." "Okay." "I love you." "I love you too." "Good luck!" "Bye!" "Oh, my God!" "The tomatoes are ruined!" "Don't worry about a thing, Mrs. Krantz." "Giorgio can fix it for you." "Really?" "Are you sure?" "Absolutely." "You've got nothing to worry about." "Okay." "You guys, just relax." "I'll be right back." "Did you hear about last night's catastrophe?" "No." "She was up all night scrubbing the floors and mopping up tomato sauce." "Are you kidding?" "Why would she do that?" "She'll only end up peeling and cutting more tomatoes." "It'll take days to clean up this sauce." "I think I better call in sick for her." "No, she needs to learn how to handle these things." "Let's face it, the woman is inept." "Oh, God." "Not this shit again." "You gotta be kidding me." "I don't believe this." "These shelves were wobbly when I bought the house." "I can't live like this!" "My God!" "If I didn't know better," "I'd swear you were trying to sabotage me." "Why would I want to do that?" "How would I know?" "Oh, I know." "I know!" "I know!" "She's lost it!" "What's wrong?" "Don't come in for a few hours." "I gotta think this thing through." "Do you remember what happened the last time you had the flu?" "The last time you had the flu?" "I don't think I'm going to get the flu this time." "If you have the flu, we're screwed!" "It's a epidemic." "I can feel it in my bones." "Look, stay away from me for a while and see how you feel later." "I'm fine, see?" "What is that?" "It's a tomato." "Do you have the recipe?" "Well, tomato sauce is tomato sauce." "You don't need a recipe for that." "So how's it going, pal?" "Just great, Joe." "Thanks for asking." "So, did you get to see Bob last night?" "No, I got stuck in the old toilet." "I didn't get into work till 8:00." "What happened?" "He took one of those home pregnancy tests that you're supposed to do at the drugstore." "You know, that kind with the two pink lines." "One was for the positive, and one was for the negative." "Now, get this." "He left the negative line in the toilet." "That's so funny!" "What an idiot!" "Who?" "Bob." "That putz." "No, Bob is not an idiot." "He's actually a really nice guy." "You've just got to get to know him." "You can't judge him off the bat." "Let me tell you something about Bob." "Bob was in Vietnam." "What are you doing?" "I've got a problem." "What is it?" "What's wrong?" "It's Bob's tomato sauce." "I'm starting to hallucinate from the flu and it gave me acid reflux and it's burning through the enamel!" "I have got to get to a dentist!" "You have to relax, man." "You don't want to drive during a panic attack." "I don't get panic attacks, I get anticipatory attacks." "Well, same difference." "Not exactly." "One comes before the other one." "Okay, I'm imagining the worst possible outcome." "Just try to control it." "Just relax." "It'll be okay." "You don't know what the worst possible outcome is." "Gloria, you should feel my abs." "You should try to feel my abs." "That's not very relaxing right now." "I mean, if I die, the funeral's going to be very boring." "Well, this should help." "We are not going to panic, okay?" "I don't want you to think of me as some crazy person who can't control his own anxiety and emotions." "Okay." "That's it." "All right?" "I'm good now." "Good." "No, I'm good." "So where are we going?" "Chili's!" "Anybody with me?" "We'll see you there, Bob." "Good, good." "Okay." "Where is it?" "Okay, it's in his lap." "Okay." "Yes, he's holding the bottle." "Okay, it's coming up." "It's pink!" "No, it's not." "It's orange." "No, it's not!" "Red." "The water's red!" "No, it's not." "What does it mean?" "Are we having children?" "No." "Are we in space?" "No, it means the yeast is fine." "It's all fine." "It means it's good." "You're just having an anxiety attack, that's all." "I do get them." "I do get them." "Red yeast." "Could I get a large pizza with jalapeƱos?" "Jalapenos?" "Oh, no." "Just a salad." "I'll have a salad." "A salad?" "That sounds delicious." "A salad?" "Is that a large?" "I don't think we have a large in the house but I'm sure I can whip something up for you." "Just give me a minute." "Okay." "I see." "So, what are you doing here?" "Oh, I'm looking for a wedding photographer." "Oh, well, you came to the right place." "We can do black and white." "That's great." "I'll give you 1 0 bucks a photo." "Okay, that's actually a deal." "How about that guy over there?" "Perfect." "I do have a couple of questions about your policies." "Like, what happens, say..." "Excuse me?" "What if I wanted a refund?" "You don't want to do that." "I see the writing on the wall." "The people at the lab promised me a tomato sauce that was dark and delicious and bubbly, and I'm very, very close to finding out that you just can't buy that kind of quality." "So I don't think it would be fair for me to get the one thing I want out of your company without taking the one thing I've paid for." "So, what do you say?" "Can you give me my money back?" "This tomato sauce tastes like crap!" "So give me a refund!" "How about that guy?" "Excuse me." "Excuse me." "I'm looking for a wedding photographer." "How do I get a refund?" "You can't!" "The food isn't that bad!" "It's disgusting!" "I'll give you 10 bucks for a photo!" "I'll give you $1 00!" "I can't believe he actually made me pay for these!" "These are crap!" "I want my money back." "You can't get your money back!" "It doesn't work that way!" "Okay." "Thanks." "Thank you." "Bye." "Hello." "Your photos are crap!" "How could you do this to me?" "You promised me a dark, delicious and bubbly tomato sauce!" "I am your number one wedding consultant!" "You can't do this to me!" "You think I'm kidding?" "What's going on?" "I don't understand what's happening to me." "You better hold me, man." "Wait!" "No!" "What are you doing to me?" "What's happening to me?" "I think he left." "Hey, buddy!" "Hey, hold on!" "Hold on!" "Come back!" "Hold on!" "Hey!" "What's going on?" "We have got to get him!" "We have got to help him!" "This isn't good." "Let's go." "It was right here." "Hey, open up!" "Let us out!" "Who's that?" "Hey, come on!" "Get out of my way!" "What are you doing here?" "That's all right." "I've done it before." "He knows this guy?" "He