Running the Show
Running the Camp
Ruling the Roost
Capital investment
Major competitors
New employees have
People are leaving
Everyone is hookin
Thats an entire no
Rule In Chaos

Salvation and Dese
Say Goodbye to Gab
Second Chance
Secret and Lies an
Seems Like a No Br
Shark Attack
She Annoys Me Grea
She Obviously is P
Shocking! Simply S
Shot Into Smithere
Rustle Feathers' new song sounds really good; even if it does make me feel kind of nauseated. This is the first time I've been impressed by a band I've discovered through Soundcloud, so it's kind of hard for me to express why I feel that way, but that's really not important. The important thing is, despite this seeming like a gimmicky move to me, you've clearly gotten some good responses on your Soundcloud. Also, you know what's more interesting than talking about music? This is an unusual topic, but I feel it needs to be addressed. I've been playing the game Call of Duty: World at War for a little while, and it's actually really good. I have played many of the recent CoD titles, and this is my favorite one by far. In a nutshell, you will find that this is by far the best CoD game yet. This has not been a good year for shooters (for me, at least) and so, because of my love of the CoD franchise, I'm going to do a brief comparison to see how this game compares to the recent CoD titles. Call of Duty: World at War is a game that really requires you to think and strategize. I like that. The maps have changed, which I don't mind at all, they've added more realistic weapons and equipment, maps are smaller, and there are now maps that are focused more on vehicles. The campaign is the same format as in the recent games, but it's all tied up in a story which really makes the game for me. The multiplayer... well, it's just really good. This is by far the best online multiplayer ever. Most matches are played at around 60FPS, and it has a very fast pace. I mean really fast. I'm the type of person who likes to play the tactical shooter games, but these new tactical shooters are just too slow for my tastes. This game runs around the 60-80FPS mark and is insanely fun. There are also maps that allow you to play 5v5 team shooters. That is incredibly fun. There's also a lot of interesting features to make the game easier on your eyes. I won't ruin everything for you, but just know that the HUD is really, really minimal. I've yet to experience a game with a less cluttered, more convenient HUD. This is the game that I consider to be the apex of multiplayer shooter games. This one definitely took a beating from the community, but I feel that it is a must play for every single CoD fan. The only real downside is, due to the multiplayer being so fast paced, it can get very addicting. Some people really love this game, and other people really hate it, it's all personal preference. All-in-all, I can say that I thoroughly enjoy every aspect of this game and consider it a really worthy addition to the series. For anyone who hasn't played the new Warcraft III: Frozen Throne, the first thing to know is that this is a RTS. If you're new to the series, it's basically a massive RTS, and you can either go with an Allied Expansion pack or continue with vanilla gameplay. If you've played Warcraft III before, I think I can safely say that this game's version of RTS is extremely well done. In World of Warcraft there is the base resource of gold and the expansions and the raids. In this game, there is a certain amount of energy that will run out every 30 minutes if you don't make new units, so in a way, it is still Warcraft 3 like with the expansions and such, but it's more like it was in StarCraft and other RTS games like that. The gameplay mechanics are pretty much what you would expect to be in a game like this. In StarCraft and other similar games, one could pretty much just run in, build a base, and use units to harass the enemy. Warcraft III: Frozen Throne adds a lot more strategy to the game, in the sense that it's not quite so direct. The basic strategy, which is what I'm going to call it anyway, is really the best. You can pretty much go in, build a ton of gold, and use your experience units to attack, then you'll only have to rebuild your units every 30 minutes, but if you're lucky and don't lose all of them, you can start the game all over again. It makes the game take forever and a day, but in the grand scheme of things, it's fun. The biggest thing that I don't like about Warcraft III: Frozen Throne is that everything is ridiculously expensive. In particular, I'll just talk about the starting units. It's pretty much impossible to start the game with any units without grinding for a while, which is something I think could have been taken into consideration. It makes the game a lot less fun and gives everything a grinding feel. The best part is, the game is cheap! I'd definitely recommend buying the Frozen Throne expansion, since it's extremely cheap and gives you access to the entire map of Warcraft III without any grinding. So, there you have it. Those are my five recently played games, and I just want to say that I feel like I have too many right now (I am literally currently playing Skyrim and trying to get through Halo 4). So, next time you see my blog entry, I might have three or four on it, so I just want you to know that it's a really recent thing. I don't know if I'll post this much again or not, so I just wanted to get it out there. But it's okay, I'll just play more games! I have to get back to my Skyrim grind. Friday, May 10, 2013 A new topic? Yeah, I know. I wanted to do a series of posts on the different music that I listen to, but they didn't come out. It's not that I stopped wanting to post them, but they just didn't happen. I would say that this one will be somewhat similar. I'm going to do a music video review, or video review for short. What a wonderful word! So... I think I will start off by saying that this is going to be a bit of a joke, so I hope you're okay with it. If you're not okay with it, then I don't know if this will work out for you. I'll give a preview of what this is going to be like: a video review of a music video by a band who has the same name as a word for a disease. It's really funny. I'll give more of a preview of the videos I'm reviewing soon. I'm going to start with my recent favourite band: The Bunny. The band has two videos. I'll be talking about the first one, which is "Do What You Want". The song is... weird. It's a pretty simple beat, but the way it's performed is interesting. It's kind of like a ballad of the most beautiful person, which I guess is what the song is trying to tell you to do. Also, the girl's voice is absolutely perfect. As far as this band is concerned, this video can be watched as the first video, the song is a little over 5 minutes long, and then you just start thinking about how awesome it is and go onto the next one. However, there's more to it than that. There's an acoustic version that I really like, so that's what I'll be reviewing next time. The singer is good. She's really nice. This band is really, really good. This video was amazing. The band also has two acoustic videos: "Stuck in Your Head" and "My Favourite Song". I don't think I need to say much, these videos are just as good. "Stuck in Your Head" is so good. I would say that I'm really liking The Bunny a lot. I'll be listening to them often, but that's just my opinion on this, don't take it too seriously. I want to say something. I want to know why people find the name of this band so funny. I really like the band, but if you find the name of this band weirdly funny and find it amusing and hilarious, then that's fine, but if you don't like it, please do not hate the band because of their name. Wednesday, May 8, 2013 I'm sure that you're a little confused. Yesterday I posted a piece that was going to be a book review, so obviously I didn't do that. However, I actually wrote up a review. Obviously, this isn't a review of a book. This is a review of a television series. It's really hard for me to write these without a link, so I can't make the link. This show's name is called 'American Horror Story'. Let's get into it. This show is by Ryan Murphy, who I am a huge fan of. The show's title is a reference to the show 'American Horror Story: Murder House', which aired in 2011. The first season, 'Murder House', is basically a slasher film, whereas the second season, 'Asylum', is a haunted house where the characters are trapped in an asylum. The third season, 'Coven', is an ancient history class where witches run the school. The fourth season