Rule In Chaos
Ride the Workhorse
Rice Wars
Reinventing How Th
Reap What You Sow
Ready to Play Like
Ready to Bite the
Quick on the Draw
Q and A
Pulling the Trigge

Everyone is hookin
People are leaving
New employees have
Major competitors
Capital investment
Ruling the Roost
Running the Camp
Running the Show
Rustle Feathers
Salvation and Dese
Thats an entire nothing burger, i'm having a party for the full moon, who's in?' I said I was busy, and this girl was like 'ok, bye' (and then some random guy who has no relevance is like 'but man you're a fucking bitch.' and I was like 'i'm sorry you don't have to have sex with me to support me, fuck you.) I was like I don't have time for this, so i'll just leave that out of there, so here's a short list of stuff that's been going on. I saw 'the last of us' the other day, and as a HUGE fan of games, I fucking loved it. There was a section of the game where you go 'off-screen' and it goes all the way up to the top of the screen, and then to the right, and then i was like 'WTF?' i thought it was something going on with the laptop that was just glitching, but i checked all my settings and then I realized the TV was off center, and I hadn't put it there i was pretty much in tears for like a week because my mom is such a meanie, i can't get new tires for my car (because she wants me to pay her back first), and this last snowstorm, i had to walk everywhere, and there were 4 foot drifts up to my ass, i'm like 'i'm still going to stay here because i don't want to face your disappointment.' so, that's it for now. thank you for reading! I hope you have a great weekend, and I will talk to you next week. Monday, March 18, 2013 It's been three weeks, oh how i hate three weeks! I am about to have a mini meltdown. I can hear it now "It's only been three weeks?! How is that possible??" I can hear all the 'fuckers' that haven't been following me... I'll just fucking leave it right here then. i'm going to try my hardest to make this short, but it's not going to happen, so I'll just explain myself and get it over with. I am sorry for not giving you updates about the things that have been going on. I have had a lot of shit going on, which is why I've been silent lately. I still have a few days to go to complete my 30 days, and when I finish this, I am going to have so much stuff to talk about, I can't wait. I am sorry for not writing like I said i would, i have so much shit to work on, that it's not easy. so this is where the post gets REALLY short! I promise you all, that I will do my best to update you next week, because all of you are so fucking important to me, but if this post is super short, and I say i will have something to say next week, just know, I will say it. i can't start something without finishing it, because I'm an artist. I'm getting way ahead of myself, though, because I'm not really going to talk about anything special, it's just that i have been so distracted lately, i didn't write anything. So, that's the whole story with that. If you want to hear more, you know what to do. I apologize again for all the times i was absent. thank you all for reading. Tuesday, March 12, 2013 Ok, Ok, So I didn't end up posting in the past week, because I started school, and i had like, a bunch of things to catch up on, but I'll try to give you an update today. I am happy to say I ended up talking to a few more people. I had to call off that last night (I'll talk about that tomorrow), because I wasn't so sure if I was going to go or not, and it was getting annoying. but I think everything's ok now. Last week, I had lost all control of my feelings (I know, i know) and i talked to this one kid that I actually really like. we went to the mall and I told her 'about all the fucked up things I've been through, and how i was just about ready to get rid of everything'... and she's just like 'nooo, don't do that.' I felt so close to her, but then when we got to her house, she asked me if I wanted to stay the night. 'yes' i was like 'I'm a fucking girl, you know' and she said 'ok.' and I was like 'ok.' and then she made all these jokes about how many people she has slept with (and i just felt like saying 'what a dick'), and I was like 'don't' and she was like 'why not?' and I was like 'just don't.' and she was like 'ok.' i knew that the next question would be something that would make me lose my temper, so i told her that it was none of her business, and she said, 'OK! we'll just get coffee tomorrow. see you.' and that was that. all in all, I actually felt more comfortable around her than I do around a lot of the people that I interact with. i always feel like i'm not good enough, and it doesn't help that i end up talking about everything with everyone. it was good to get some things off my chest, and the weekend is coming up pretty soon, so that gives me something to look forward to. i'm looking for some good advice for when i talk to this other person, that I've actually talked to several times, and when I try to interact with her, she seems to not know how to act around me, and just doesn't respond to me. I need advice on how to try to befriend her. we were best friends before my mom ruined everything, so how do I get her to talk to me again? and also, how do i get her to stop being super touchy feely with me? I can't keep touching her shoulders and holding her hands. I have a lot of things going on with her, but I'll try to be short today. Saturday, March 2, 2013 I can't believe it's been a week since i've written. I've been extremely busy and super stressed out lately. I have been making an effort to get things done, but honestly it's been hard. I know I said that I was going to take a break, but it's not going to happen, so instead of staying up late or falling asleep on the couch, I am going to get all the extra work done, and i'm not going to procrastinate and just watch some pointless shit on my youtube. I hate that you can't make a list and leave a note on the door when you're gone, and also that i can't set timers on my ipod. i know i would be able to do something else while i'm away from it, but then I wouldn't have access to it when I wanted to listen to music. The thing is, I would love to be more organized, but it's just really hard to be when i feel like there's always something going on, and i can't focus on anything because my laptop is broken, and i can't download shit off the internet without my battery draining (like youtube and stuff),