Ride the Workhorse
Rice Wars
Reinventing How Th
Reap What You Sow
Ready to Play Like
Ready to Bite the
Quick on the Draw
Q and A
Pulling the Trigge
Price for Immunity

Thats an entire no
Everyone is hookin
People are leaving
New employees have
Major competitors
Capital investment
Ruling the Roost
Running the Camp
Running the Show
Rustle Feathers
Rule In Chaos” The idea of “chaos” as a rule is a dangerous concept. Like the idea of a “free market” its destructive application is clear. Lets apply that to one situation, a young pregnant girl who needs a termination: 1) In “the good old days” before Roe v. Wade these women couldn’t get a termination and would suffer from physical injury. 2) So “the good old days” is a good time for women to suffer. After all it was “better.” 3) Since we have the luxury of time to think about the past then it is acceptable to do the same for future generations as well. 4) We don’t have to worry about these women since “all we need to worry about is the baby.” 5) We shouldn’t worry about these children as “once the baby is born he/she will not be kept in this type of setting.” Since “it’s only temporary.” This is a blatant contradiction of the word “temporary” and an example of intellectual dishonesty which should have serious consequences for the individual involved. But when it comes to a “pro-lifers” own “temporary” needs then it is no problem. Lets take our logical process to the extreme and apply it to all “the ‘good old days.’” 6) The babies in this particular situation can also be described as “just collateral damage.” 7) All those deaths and rapes aren’t anything important since they’re in the past so what’s to worry about? 8) “The future is irrelevant to me and cannot be used as a reference point.” 9) This argument is also applicable to “the future.” 10) My “actions can't affect anyone or anything in the future” so why worry? 11) The “past is irrelevant to me” and I “cannot be used as a reference point.” 12) You need to be very careful when taking anything from the “past. There are those who will use this argument for their own agenda. 13) If you are truly concerned about others then “the future is equally irrelevant to me and cannot be used as a reference point. 14) Once more the “future cannot be used as a reference point.” 15) It doesn’t matter what others are doing so we can ignore what others have done in the past and “why should I worry about the future? We have now got to the end of the argument. Aren’t you glad you have been brought to this conclusion by this logical process? “Why should you care what other people do in the future? We should only care about ourselves.” “We should not worry about the innocent because they are expendable and our actions should never affect anyone or anything else.” We should be worried about ourselves only. 16) I’ve been “convinced” by the arguments presented above that it is my responsibility to NOT “concern myself with the situation that another person is in. My concern must ONLY be for myself. 17) It is acceptable for me to only worry about my own “temporary life” and what I’m willing to do in the present and in the future to “live this temporary life to the fullest. I must never look at my past and it’s effects on people or anything else.” I must take responsibility for my “temporary life.” This logic isn’t meant to apply to all personal situations but only in the situation of abortion. We can apply this logic to other personal situations as well. We can say that it is acceptable to ignore the fact that a man who spends his life in an “environment of substance abuse” has left a legacy of alcohol and drug abuse for his children and for his children’s children and possibly for his grandchildren. We can also say that it is “ok to not worry about the consequences of allowing companies to pollute the environment and harm the environment.” We can also say that we should just forget the future and “don’t worry about our actions and the legacy we will leave on our children.” This would allow the corporations to pollute the environment and harm the environment. Lets not worry about what our children will face when they have to fight in wars for us. I’m sure that those soldiers will fight for our rights and in the future all of our rights will be secure because we’ve allowed our representatives to “help us out” with war time taxes. This type of mentality is called “apathy” which is like the opposite of “altruism” which is defined as the “desire to make others better off. In a “selfish” society with the ideology of individualism the idea of an “ultimate altruism” isn’t possible. When we think about ourselves only, we won’t worry about the future and its future consequences on the environment or other people. These are meaningless problems because all you’ll be remembered for is “how much you did for yourself. You’re only worry should be about your children and future generations. Why worry about anyone else? Wednesday, April 17, 2013 Since we know that the “selfish gene” is just an ideological concept used by individuals to justify selfish actions and that genes are not selfish. Instead the idea of “altruism” can be found in the human community and not in the “gene pool. So who is it who wants to make others better? The idea of altruism can be found in the community but where did the idea come from? From a “free market” which creates a “selfish gene.” When we take things from the environment then the environment loses some of its own characteristics. Instead we are creating a “selfish gene. What is a gene? “A gene is a fundamental unit of heredity that determines an inheritable trait. It is the smallest unit of heredity that can affect the phenotype or physical appearance of the organism.” But what is a “physical appearance” without a “genome”? The answer is that nothing exists in this society that cannot be reduced to a “selfish gene.” The selfish gene can explain everything. A physical appearance can be reduced to “genotype” and “genetic code. Lets take another example of a “selfish gene” to help explain. The physical appearance is what we think of when we think of ourselves. So the “gene pool” can have many genes that impact one’s physical appearance. This can cause the physical appearance to be diverse. But how does one explain “what is a gene? and a physical appearance without a gene pool?” This has been explained by social theory. It is used as a model to explain diversity within the society and the many characteristics of a group of people. So what is a “social gene pool?” The answer to the question is “a group that shares certain characteristics and has certain genetic makeup. This is the genetic makeup of the “general population. The genetic makeup of the general population is shared by many individuals, each of whom has a genome that has adapted to its environment. These types of genes are shared by many people but don’t represent an “individual” or “selfish gene” in the strict sense. The environment can produce these “social genes” but they are still “part of the gene pool. A social gene pool is a collection of many individual genes and the environment can create different types of “social genes.” These social genes exist as a collection but they do not “act alone” or as an individual. When a collection of many individual genes has a similar function or goal, it can be called a “gene pool. The social genes also need a gene pool. The same goes for a “social genome” which is a collection of social genes.” So the gene pool is a collection of “social genes” which have a “common genetic makeup. The genes are like “tools” used to do a task within the gene pool. The “social genes” make up a group of many individual genes that carry out some function or goal. The goal is determined by an individual and not a “genetic program” and it is carried out by a “bunch of individual genes. The goal might be to preserve their genetic code or they might act together to get as many resources as possible from the environment. When they carry out the “individual task” it doesn’t matter if it is good or bad for the gene pool or individual gene as the gene pool or individual gene will carry out its goal or task at the expense of another individual or gene. The individual genes will not act like a “selfish gene” but instead will act like an “autonomic system of autopilot systems.” The idea of a “social gene pool” is a social reality that “exists.” In addition, every time a gene takes action it always carries out its “social goal” which is the outcome of an “environmental trigger.” This is the concept of a “goal” where “genotype” and an “environment” work together to develop the “mating strategy” and the “genetic makeup. The environment has a huge impact on what genes are created. Genes are part of the gene pool but they also need a gene pool. Genes that have a “common genetic makeup” would go against the concept of an “individual gene. The gene pool can “act” on the basis of its “social goal” without any regard to what the individual gene thinks. The gene pool is just a collection of genes that are part of the environment and