She Annoys Me Grea
Shark Attack
Seems Like a No Br
Secret and Lies an
Second Chance
Say Goodbye to Gab
Salvation and Dese
Rustle Feathers
Running the Show
Running the Camp

Shocking! Simply S
Shot Into Smithere
Signed, Sealed and
Sitting In My Spy
Slay Everyone, Tru
Slayed the Survivo
Sleeping With the
Snakes Are Misunde
So Smart They're D
So You Think You C
She Obviously is Post-Op! [Gem] It's too much pressure [Freya] No, it's fine. I'm, [Fades Out] [Freya] We should stay. [Gem] This makes more sense than the last two hours [Gem] If, in any way, you think this is better, then why wouldn't you do this? [Freya] I don't. No. Not with that thing with that thing. [Gem] Why do you think you're not going to do this? Because I think I'm a bad actor? Okay? It's not me being fake. So let me, I think the thing that we said was just a lot of people aren't gonna know that I have breasts and we should just avoid putting that out there, and this has put this out there and it's fine. [Freya] Let's just assume that it'll get bigger from here and we can't hide it for the whole thing. [Gem] It's not about that. This is, no one cares if you have a boob job, right? It's just gonna be weird. Why would you want to do that? [Freya] I'm scared of it. Like, there is a fear here. [Freya] This is me trying to process all this. [Gem] And so maybe you won't do this scene, then? You can go home and have a cry about this all you want, but I'm getting a call. I'm doing this thing. I'm a woman who likes making money and my mom loves me and my dad loves me and this is the thing I have chosen to do. [Freya] Yeah, but it's like, why are you so mad? Are you mad at me or are you mad at yourself? You're upset with the world? [Freya] What do you think about my boobs? Because I can't work out. I can't find a bra that fits. I need someone to help me put that on, and you're in shape and you wear a smaller size bra and you're happy and if anyone gives you any kind of a hard time about your boobs, you tell them to fuck off. [Gem] It is possible that what you're saying is it's not a big deal, it's not a big deal. And when you're talking about it in the present tense, it's less of a thing. But you're thinking about this, you're already upset that it's here, so maybe think about this the other way around, you know? Because I don't want to be upset because of you and what I've done to you. [Freya] But that's a trick. I think you're saying it because it's so nice and kind. It's not a trick. It's the only thing that's keeping me from not leaving this apartment. This is a terrible lie, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, Gem. [Gem] No, I think I just think it's important that we talk about it, because it's a part of you that's really important. You love and value your body, and that's not false for anyone who's not okay with them, and you can't be okay with me because I'm not okay with me. But it's okay to talk about how we feel. [Freya] I want to talk about how we feel, too. How you are, how you are for me. I know we're just friends and that nothing will change, and I'm also so scared of the fact that I like you so much and what it could mean. And I wish you could show me how I am to you. I wish I knew if I was okay with you. [Gem] I've been with you for so long and it never changes. You never have to worry about anything changing. You'll never have to worry about me getting attached to you, you'll never have to be scared of that. And there's no changing. I'm not capable of changing. So yeah, this is just a part of who I am, who you are, and I love you for being able to show up when I can't do it, which is way more than I can do right now. [Freya] We're in here. It's fine. [Freya] We should have gone inside anyway. We can talk more in there. [Gem] We should talk more in here. I just want to talk more in there. [Freya] Okay. But I have another thing. Okay, hold on. It's okay. It's okay. [Gem] This is such a Gem thing, that it doesn't have any place here. [Gem] You keep saying, oh my god, I don't have boobs! This is so dumb, they're so small. And it's, this isn't a good thing to be like, ooh I don't have this. [Gem] I know, because it's not true. I don't care. It's fine. Let me do this. I don't care what people say. This is my job. I can do my job and also know that you do not like when I tell you to call me mom and you tell me to put you in a cage and I say no. Let me do my job for you. [Gem] What can I do for you? What can I do for you to help you? [Freya] You don't even have to do that. I mean, you're just doing it because you feel like you need to. [Freya] That's fine. But this is me telling you that I value you and I'm so glad you're here and that I know I'm in control of this and this is fine. I am not going to be scared of what happens because if this didn't feel right to me, then we would stop and we would go home. I think there's no weird situation that can happen where you have to be okay with that because it's fine. [Freya] It's fine. [Gem] I love you, Gem. [Gem] Okay. [Gem] This is me saying that I love you. [Gem] This is me saying, this is going to be fine. This is just going to be fine. [Gem] Even if you're here for the rest of our lives and the cameras are around, I'm going to be a great mom and you're going to be great. And even if you get annoyed with me, I will always have you, you're gonna be here, and that's just how it is. [Freya] Okay, and this is, this is us, right? This is us. This is just us talking. [Gem] Yeah. [Gem] This is us being friends and us being friends can be scary, but this is what we do. We do this every day. [Gem] And when it's not okay, when we don't want to do that anymore, then we can stop. This has never been a problem. And that's how I know that everything is going to be okay. This is not a big thing. It's a small thing, but I know it's going to be okay. [Freya] Okay, this is us. It's not like you can't see me. You can see me. I have boobs and I'm fucking fine with this. I want to know if I'm fucking fine with this. [Gem] What? I'm fine. I think that this should not be a big thing. [Gem] Yeah, I'm fine with it. That's it. [Gem] And so, okay, you don't have to hide them from me. That is fine. I'm okay with it. I can't wait to make more money to get more boobs that make my mom happy. [Freya] You don't have to leave here, Gem, if this bothers you so much. [Gem] It doesn't bother me. This is a good situation, this is fine, and you can see me. I'm all the way here, I'm right here. I'm the same person. This is not some weird thing, it's fine, I'm fine with this. [Freya] I love you. [Gem] I love you. [Freya] I love you. I love you. [Gem] This is fine. [Gem] Okay, so you're gonna tell them to take it out. [Gem] Just ask the director if we can stay. They should know that you have feelings. [Freya] I don't know if I want them to know that you have feelings. [Gem] They have cameras everywhere. [Freya] I'm gonna ask, and you can make sure it's okay to do so, but if they don't want to stay, we'll go home. I