Secret and Lies an
Second Chance
Say Goodbye to Gab
Salvation and Dese
Rustle Feathers
Running the Show
Running the Camp
Ruling the Roost
Capital investment
Major competitors

Shark Attack
She Annoys Me Grea
She Obviously is P
Shocking! Simply S
Shot Into Smithere
Signed, Sealed and
Sitting In My Spy
Slay Everyone, Tru
Slayed the Survivo
Sleeping With the
Seems Like a No Brainer It seems obvious that people would want to stay indoors, so they should stay indoors. At this point, I feel like I’m missing something. You can buy a mask, but, as seen in many places around the world, that won’t protect you. Your car or your office isn’t going to protect you either. You can stock up on bottled water and canned goods, but, again, there’s a shortage, and, well, what’s the point? Is there a limit to how many masks and water bottles a person can own? How much canned food do you need to survive the apocalypse? Are gas stations going to be selling these items? What about public transportation? Who wants to ride the bus when everyone else is riding their bikes? Not to mention the buses are going to be filthy with all the coughing. Maybe not as filthy as the streets or cafes, but still — that’s going to be unclean, too. Public transportation is also going to get more crowded the longer you stay indoors. And as the days and weeks go by, you’ll be forced to stay home, which means you won’t be able to walk to the grocery store. How will you get food? How will you get water? I’d argue that you probably don’t need to stock up on food. The grocery store will have enough. But I’m starting to see the light. I’m starting to see that this crisis is just like any other crisis. When people feel like they have something to lose, that they have an investment in something, they become anxious and they make their own decisions about what they should do in order to save what they have. As the years go by, people get older and feel that they have something to lose. As they get older, the stock market crash of 1987 becomes less of a memory and more of a scary nightmare. People become more concerned about 401(k)’s than they do about the possibility of a zombie apocalypse. Maybe they work in the world of finance and they don’t want to lose any value in their stocks. In other words, people become worried that their stocks will get devalued and that their money will be taken from them, which results in people acting like scaredy-cats. So, yeah, that’s what’s happening. People are acting like scaredy-cats because people are starting to see how all of this could affect them. And, frankly, I get it. The fact that people aren’t already stockpiling goods and supplies speaks to the fact that no one wants to be the last one out of the store. Everyone wants to get out of the store before they run out of supplies. And even if they don’t run out of supplies, they don’t want to be that person that didn’t get anything. It’s the same thing as how when you see a fight in a cafeteria you never join. Even if you don’t mind fighting, you’re sure as shit not going to go over to the other side and start a fight. People can’t be bothered to fight for survival in the event of a zombie apocalypse. They feel like they can’t win. But then they see how a group of soldiers can take down zombies or rioters. They see how the Marines are taking back the Statue of Liberty. They see how the Army has been successfully defending a dam against thousands of zombies who are trying to get over the dam. They see the fact that some people can survive while others die and it gives them a sense of hope. There is only so much time to prepare for the inevitable. People will either turn on each other or they’ll live together and suffer together. What we see in the media is people preparing for the end of the world. People who have been trained to defend themselves from a zombie attack. This is the moment when they realize that it’s not a movie. We are in fact in the end times, which means that we will be eating the flesh of others. Will that be as hard to stomach as it was for me to write that? In the end, this is how people will deal with the possibility of an apocalypse. As a man washes his hands in preparation for a zombie apocalypse, the people who are left behind, a couple minutes later, will see that man as a hero. Meanwhile, in another part of the city, a woman is putting on her husband’s clothes because she doesn’t know how she’s going to survive. To make matters worse, the majority of people who survive will say that they would have done things differently had they known they would survive. They were not prepared for what they will need to do. Just remember that you can’t survive if you don’t make it through the week or the month or the year. You might not make it through the next day, so whatever you do, don’t overthink it and plan too far into the future. You can’t have a plan that’s made too long in advance. And the world of self-help advice has also come in handy. I was reading a “personal growth” book the other day and it had a part where the author tells you that he never takes action unless he knows how to back out of it, so as to avoid a loss. I’ve seen people like this all my life. Their motto is “never invest anything you aren’t 100% sure you’re going to lose.” But if you don’t start the game and you don’t invest anything, how is that ever going to get you closer to your goal? You have to take a risk. There’s a possibility of a loss and there’s also a possibility of a gain. Don’t dwell on the fact that you have to win if you want to win. Just go out there and do your best. If you’re in the business of growing, like an army, then you need to win. Otherwise, I guess you’d better try to figure out a way to live without using military tactics. If you have no other choice and you can’t find a way out of this, then just make sure you win. If you can make it through one day in the life of a zombie apocalypse, then you can live another day to prepare for the next day, or just a few more minutes. So, yeah, people can’t be bothered. This is the attitude that needs to change in order to make us ready for the end of the world. If we have no fear, and if we aren’t going to survive, then why not be the life of the party and eat some brains? If you want to watch a video on apocalyptic survival, go here. [adinserter block=”2″] The article does get political. I didn’t want to include this in the first draft, but I had to throw in the fact that people that have no interest in doing anything about the apocalypse that they’re waiting for will vote for Trump. People who are apathetic will vote for the first person that has all of the answers, when in fact they’ll need to be prepared on their own. Trump is a bad leader and the people who want to survive will be better off if he doesn’t get elected. For a long time, we’ll see them defending themselves from Trump’s dumb decisions. In this world, they’ll have to defend themselves from themselves. If you’re into survivalism and not into the politics of it, then check out this article about how to start a prepper journal that’s not political. You don’t have to start your own survivalist club; you can just collect the materials to create your