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Release me. Now. O
Release me. Now. O
Once considered th
Tiffany, you reall
That turned dark q
We've recently dis
Once considered th
Quitetly, Quiggly
Chapter 1. Our st

Quitetly, Quiggly
That turned dark q
Tiffany, you reall
Release me. Now. O
Quietly, Quiggly s
Quietly, Quiggly s
We've recently dis
Tiffany, you reall
Stop dancing like
But first, you and
Quitetly, Quiggly stepped into the darkness as he stealthily approached and steeled himself as he waited for the man to make his move. His eyes scanned the area around him, constantly moving. The area around him was black as pitch and it was hard to make out any details. He could just make out where a tree was, and the general area in which the two were located. Quiggly took a deep breath as he tensed his muscles. He stood up and his body stiffened. An earth tremor. Quiggly felt like his veins were filled with adrenaline as he stood waiting in the darkness as he observed the man. The man took out a lit cigarette and had it stuck to his lips as he pulled off his face mask, and took a drag, the glow from the smoke reflected in the dark. The man spoke, and his voice echoed in the darkness. "Smells like you're in the trees," said the man's voice in the darkness. Quiggly couldn't make out the face as it was lit by the faint glow of a street light on the side of the road, but his voice was unmistakable. The man's gruff, accented voice was deep, "And I'm in the trees." He lifted up the smoking cigarette to his face mask as his smile became visible. Quiggly tensed his body and watched as the man lifted up the cigarette with a steady hand. As the cigarette was lifted, so was a long object. It was a knife that was held with both hands. The man was gripping the handle. He tensed his body as he felt his fist tighten at his side. A few moments passed. Quiggly watched as the man spoke. He was still quiet, "And if you would like to see how your friend's doing." The words hit Quiggly like a freight train as the man took a step forward and swung the knife towards him in a sweeping motion. The knife passed just inches from Quiggly's face. Quiggly saw the man's silhouette in the faint light, as he took a step forward. Quiggly kept his eyes on the man as he tensed his body as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a steel blade. The man turned around and looked at Quiggly, as Quiggly placed the blade against the man's neck, pressing down. The man grabbed Quiggly's wrist as he tried to stab him with the knife, "You're a dog's breakfast!" "I'm no dog!" said Quiggly as he pressed down with the blade. The man let go of the knife, "What's your deal?" "You're the dog!" said Quiggly, "I am just defending myself." The man smirked, "If I weren't bleeding out, I'd show you what a real fight was." Quiggly squeezed the handle of the knife with his free hand as he pressed the blade harder against the man's throat. The man held Quiggly's wrist. "I didn't know you were a fighter." "You don't know anything," said Quiggly. The man looked over at the knife in Quiggly's other hand, "Give me my blade." Quiggly pulled the knife out, and turned it around and let the man take it. He could feel the man's hand on his wrist. He turned back to the man, "You're not getting your blade back. Now, stay back and don't get too close or I'm going to slice you up." The man tensed, "You'd be a fool to run from a trained fighter like myself." Quiggly pressed the blade up against the man's neck and said, "You seem awfully familiar with that knife of mine." The man put a hand on his own knife as he backed away, "You're a trained fighter?" Quiggly took a deep breath, "Let's just say that I know how to handle myself." The man looked at him with a grin, "Looks like you're gonna need to learn how to handle me." "Let's see what you're made of," said Quiggly. The man took a step forward and Quiggly squeezed the handle of the knife, then pushed it into the ground. The man stepped back, and Quiggly tensed up his body. They were a few feet away from each other. The man readied the knife, "It's time to go." The man jumped back and swung his hand at Quiggly, but it missed. Quiggly stepped forward and punched him in the face with a knife in his hand, "You were about to stab me!" The man took a step back and raised his hands in the air, "I was about to get away." Quiggly stepped forward and raised his knife, "If you want a slice of me, you got it." The man's eyes widened, "Then give me the sword." Quiggly raised his knife, "You're not getting it back." The man took a step back as he looked over his shoulder, "Is that the best you got?" "No," said Quiggly as he stood up to his full height. The man smiled as he walked closer to him, "Not yet." Quiggly stood there as he watched the man approach. He kept his eye on the man as he felt the adrenaline rush through him. The man swung at him, but Quiggly was expecting it and brought his arm up. He blocked the man's fist as his hand opened up and he grabbed Quiggly's hand. The man pulled back and punched him in the face again, he fell to the ground, he felt a dull pain as his nose broke. "You're not getting away so easily," said the man as he took a step forward. The man took a step back as he took in Quiggly's movements. He'd seen him fight before and was prepared for anything that he could throw at him. As the man got close to him, he grabbed his collar and smacked him in the face. The man let out a quick yelp as he let go and backed away. The man smiled as he straightened his collar, "That wasn't so hard." Quiggly stood up to his full height as he spit blood out of his mouth, "It's not over." Quiggly grabbed the sword and the man tensed up, "What are you doing?" Quiggly stood there, his body tensed up as he tensed up his body, "It's me or you." The man stood there as Quiggly tensed his body and waited for him to make his move. The man took a step back, "Fine, but make it quick." Quiggly tensed his body as he raised his sword, he tensed his legs as his fist came up and connected with the man's chin. As the man's head tilted back, Quiggly took his stance, "Show me what you got." The man's head swung to the left and he was forced back, "Well?" Quiggly looked at him as he spoke, "I just broke your nose." Quiggly took a step forward, "You're going to pay for this." The man got ready for the strike as he could feel the adrenaline in his system pumping through him. Quiggly took a breath, "Where's the rest of the team?" "This isn't the place," said the man as he took a step back, "We'll meet again." Quiggly tensed his body and moved his stance as the man made his move, "Let's see how much this sword can cut." The man jumped back as Quiggly swung the sword towards him, "What are you doing?" The sword slashed through the air and severed the man's arm, which flew to the side. Quiggly felt it out in his head. The blade glinted as it connected with the man's upper arm, tearing it open from the middle of his arm to the elbow, and ripping open his coat and the lining. Quiggly fell backwards as the man's eyes widened, "Where'd you learn to use that thing?" Quiggly stepped back and his feet pushed him backwards as he pulled the sword out and threw it to the side as he made sure it would land on the ground, "How'd you get that sword?" The man looked down and saw the sword out in the open, "They gave me this sword before I even set foot on campus." Quiggly stood there as he grabbed the sword and used it as a crutch as he took a step back, "And how'd you end up on the school campus?" The man stared at him, "My name's Derek. What's your name?" Quiggly took a step forward, "I'm Quiggly, it's a pleasure to meet you Derek." Derek watched Quiggly as he walked forward, "I figured you could be anyone," Derek said