Quitetly, Quiggly
Quitetly, Quiggly
FTL is not possibl
Release me. Now. O
Release me. Now. O
Once considered th
Tiffany, you reall
That turned dark q
We've recently dis
Once considered thThat turned dark quickly. Instead
of a short, simple "hey - this is your site, use it and have fun" thing,
they've got one with disclaimers, and some legal mumbo-jumbo.
It's also a pain in the butt. Instead of "log in", it asks you to
"create a user profile" - which is an empty directory in the site.
You'd think these would try to simplify instead of complicate. There's
nothing wrong with their site, and we are just confused.
It's been fun. I know there are some other folks out there in the real
world using this page. But if you'd like to use something a little more
professional, and have it a little easier on the eyes, you may wish to
give the following page a look. It's a really nice web-page you've been
waiting for, IMHO.
You are encouraged to use this page as your home-page as often as you wish
and in any way you like. If you prefer, you can link to it from anywhere
else on the Internet or anywhere you can put a URL.
A special thanks to Dave S. for volunteering to do the legwork and compile
the HP Documentation! And also for doing the whole thing over a lunch
break, while I had lunch with an ex. We're big kids! ;-0)
H. Michael Milone
Web Master
H. Michael Milone
Web Master
H. Michael Milone
Web Master
H. Michael Milone
Web Master
Last updated: 11 May 2000 17:49:31 -0400
Created: 11 May 2000 16:14:43 -0400