Quitetly, Quiggly
Chapter 1. Our st
Tiffany, you reall
We've recently dis
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Once considered th
But first, you and
We've recently dis
Concrete may have
Quietly, Quiggly sOnce considered the most complex solution, we are now driven by
the need to increase the velocity and the level of confidence of market players
when entering into these deals.
In order to do that, we have decided to focus only on those aspects which
were considered non-critical in previous evaluations, while the other, more
critical, aspects will remain under review. As a consequence we will
probably have to sacrifice some additional features considered extremely
important in the past.
To this respect, we are reviewing the possibility of changing the following:
Deal Coding:
- the key-name, which is the primary key-name in the system, will continue to
be the Reference ID, as agreed with Risk Controls.
- the description of each product has been reviewed to be more concise. The
positioning of every item has been re-considered in order to facilitate the
from a different point of view.
Each counterparty will have to identify the GTC/GTC limit we are going to
trade (even if they are the same as the one already expressed in the product
description) when submitting the request to Enter a New Deal.
Credit, Legal, Operations
It has been decided that in order to increase the velocity and the
level of confidence of Enron Market Participants, an automatic confirmation
letter would not be issued. This implies that Deal Confirmations will have
to be sent manually.
I would like to point out that this is a result of the recommendations that
did not find their way into the first version, but as Market Confidence is
not something you can just switch on and off it's crucial that we get these
sorts of decisions right.
Again, thank you for the valuable contribution.
---------------------- Forwarded by Andreas Radmacher/FRA/ECT on 05/03/2000
13:18 ---------------------------
From: Mark Taylor on 05/03/2000 11:39 CST
To: Greg Johnston/CAL/ECT@ECT, Andre
Nelson/LON/ECT@ECT, Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT@ECT, Elizabeth
Labanowski/EPSC/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bruce
Eichmann/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Luke.j.mfferrin@enron.com, Rob
cc: Paula Gurley/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Barbara N Gray/HOU/ECT@ECT, David
Forster/Corp/Enron@Enron, Jeffrey T Hodge/HOU/ECT@ECT, Travis
McCullough/HOU/ECT@ECT, Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Steel Physical Products; Follow-up on Steel Confirmation Letters
I recently sent each of you a memo regarding the status of the commercial and
legal teams on the processing of a final version of the Steel Physical
Product Long Descriptions. Attached, for your reference, is a memo from
Travis McCullough, Managing Director of Steel Origination, which summarizes
the current status of the product descriptions.
As you can see, there are still a few issues remaining, the most important of
which is the product description for Selmony Hickok, the 1/48 scale J-61.
There are two issues here: (1) an important commercial point (i.e., pricing)
and (2) our legal obligations.
Please call me with any questions.
Mark (x37459)