Quietly, Quiggly s
Release me. Now. O
Tiffany, you reall
That turned dark q
Quitetly, Quiggly
Quitetly, Quiggly
FTL is not possibl
Release me. Now. O
Release me. Now. O
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Tiffany, you reall
Stop dancing like
But first, you and
Release me. Now. O
Quietly, Quiggly s
Joe's Bar and Gril
FTL is not possibl
But first, you and
Tiffany, you reall
Quietly, Quiggly stepped into the darkness as he stealthily approached and steeled his aim, "We are all going to die," thought Quiggly, his heart aching as he realized who may be involved in the murder of their friends. As the dimly lit hallway stretched off into darkness and gloom, the evil monster Quiggly faced was the true definition of evil. A creature with a hideous appearance and grotesque appearance. For the first time in his life, Quiggly did not feel fear, but only sadness as his friends were violently murdered in front of him, but still he did not move a muscle. His mind remained clear, focused and purpose driven. No matter what monster approached, his mind was focused on the target and that target was the leader of the Dark Elves. Dark clouds billowed thick and black, as a monstrous black shape floated overhead, as it slowly approached the front of the village. Dark trees and rocks cast shadows on the village, while thick mist, billowed around the dark figures as the shape swooped low, the wind from its movement made the branches of the trees sway, as it slowly began to lower and to the ground. An aura of power surrounded it as a foul smell poured from it, as the shape landed in front of the three friends, a chilling feeling rose from the black mass. Quiggly could smell something evil, evil that emanated from the very being of the evil creature that stood before him. The Dark Elf leader raised a large rock over his head and brought it down, causing the villagers to scatter, as the stone crashed against the wall. A large hole now revealed itself behind the monster, as Quiggly stood his ground, he raised the crossbow he had kept stashed in his bag of holding. As the shape reached down into the hole, Quiggly had decided to put the safety on the crossbow and with his aim steadied, he pulled the trigger on the crossbow. The crossbow fired, as the Dark Elf leader's hand was raised to shield his face from the blast, the bolt grazed his cheek and struck a nearby tree with force, as the Dark Elf screamed out and fell backwards, as the massive rock hit the ground with a thud, as the blast that was fired from the crossbow echoed and bounced all over the village, it bounced off the Dark Elves, who scattered in all directions. One by one the Dark Elves fled the site and the one called Sly Fox, who was the leader of the Dark Elves, stumbled from the village and rushed for the safety of the nearby forest. As Sly Fox reached the woodland, Quiggly and his friends were watching on, from the village and were about to chase after him when they saw the leader of the Dark Elves rise from the grass, they could see by the strange glimmer of his eyes, the evil that burned in him, "What just happened to him?" Quiggly thought to himself. The Dark Elf had risen from the forest and disappeared into the shadows as the night wind howled all around, as it howled, so did the spirits of Sly Fox and his people, so did their souls cry out for revenge. Quiggly and his friends were now very wary of their surroundings. It was clear by the actions of the Dark Elves that they did not want to get any closer, so Quiggly and his friends, decided to return to their hiding spot, when suddenly one of the Dark Elves fell from the sky, Quiggly was confused at first, then realized that the Dark Elf was now in league with the Dark Power, as it landed in front of the three friends and stared them down, "Run, the Dark Elf told Quiggly. "You and your friends cannot stop us now. So run back to your homes or you will be forced to join the Dark Power." Quiggly had a sinking feeling in his stomach, as he felt the Dark Elf's words pierce into him and as the three friends quickly retreated back to the village. They needed to report what happened to the village council and for that they had to find where the Dark Elves had taken the rest of the villagers, the three were determined to find those who had been taken prisoner. As they entered the village, it became clear the Dark Elf had caused quite a stir in the village, as the villagers looked on, shocked at the events that had just unfolded. "Did the Dark Elf harm any of the villagers?" Asked one of the villagers. "No, all we found were the villagers' dead bodies," said the villagers that had arrived on the scene. "And the Dark Elves?" Asked Quiggly. "They are gone," answered a female villager, "They have taken most of the villagers. All we know is that they were taken to a place called Sogol, we believe they were taken there, for a party." "They did not seem to want us to follow them," the village leader said, as he shook his head in disbelief. "What are we going to do now?" Asked another villager. "We shall deal with the Dark Elves later. We are going to Sogol," said the village leader. Quiggly nodded, "It is time for us to find Sly Fox and his people and exact revenge on them," said the quiet teen. As they headed back into the woods, Quiggly and the rest of the village, headed to find the Dark Elves. A few hours later, Quiggly, Wiggley and the village council arrived at the Dark Elf base, they crept into the clearing, when they heard voices coming from the base. "We will attack tomorrow and defeat the inhabitants of this village," said one of the villagers, "Then take their bodies back and to Sogol for the Dark Elves to feast upon." Quiggly, Wiggley and the other villagers hid in the forest and listened as one of the dark elves talked, "It is time that we put a stop to the actions of the Dark Elves. It is time to do away with them, for the village will remain destroyed and the Dark Elves will be responsible." "What will we do if they cannot be found?" Asked one of the Dark Elves. "The villagers have a plan to deal with that situation." As the Dark Elf leader spoke, Quiggly crept close enough to the base and as the other Dark Elf left the Dark Elf leader talked, he also noticed, that the Dark Elf had a familiar look about him, as his strange burning eyes reflected the moonlight and seemed to look through the trees as if the grass was not even there. His voice was deep and his tone was as rough as it was. A voice that was as dark as the night and made you feel as though darkness was about to consume you. As Quiggly and the other villagers watched on, the dark elf stared hard at the forest and Quiggly noticed that the Dark Elf had a strange look on his face, a look that reminded him of a hungry dog that is about to tear apart its prey, "Get back, he is coming," the Dark Elf said. Quiggly and the other villagers were shocked at the words spoken by the dark elf, but as the Dark Elf moved out from behind the tree that was blocking the path to the village, Quiggly saw that his Dark Elf friend was actually the leader of the Dark Elves and that the other Dark Elves were his henchmen and that he was out for blood. As the leader of the Dark Elves approached Quiggly and the other villagers, he began to taunt them, "You three are just the villagers," he said, "You will never stand a chance against the Dark Elves." "It is our sacred duty to defeat you and your people," said one of the villagers. Quiggly thought, "He seems so confident, but what would cause him to think he could defeat me?" "Did you hear that Wiggley?" Quiggly asked Wiggley as the villagers looked on. Wiggley nodded, "I heard it." "Who would dare challenge us?" The Dark Elf leader said. "You have no chance against us," Quiggly said, but the Dark Elf leader just laughed at the thought of the three village boys being any challenge, "I am Quiggly, but these two are Wiggley and Wiggly, Wiggley is the shortest of the three," he said as the village leader gasped at the thought of the three of them being one person. "You are the three that have killed all of our children," the Dark Elf leader said. "We have killed no children," Quiggly protested. "The Dark Elves and the Dark Power have taken the children to their land and they are having a feast," the Dark Elf leader said, as he grabbed Quiggly by the shoulders. "What makes you think that we would be any match for the Dark Elves?" Asked Quiggly. "The villagers who were with you have confessed, that is why I am here to finish the job and to ensure that you three are no longer a threat to our race. The three of you have now declared war on us," said the Dark Elf leader. Quig