Ships were lost du
We've recently dis
Concrete may have
Tiffany, you reall
Stop dancing like
That turned dark q
Chapter 1. Once
That turned dark q
Chris! I told you
Tiffany, you reall

We've recently dis
Release me. Now. O
FTL is not possibl
Quitetly, Quiggly
Tiffany, you reall
Release me. Now. O
But first, you and
Quitetly, Quiggly
Stop dancing like
Ships were lost du
Chapter 1. Once You may be used to seeing me wearing a headset with my computer. The reason is that I used to be a computer programmer that needed the headset to test if a computer program works for a new user. I have been retired from that job for about two years. However, in the past I have worked for several private firms. Therefore, when my friends and family visit, I usually give them a tour of the house and also the computer stuff and explain how I can use the computer. Recently someone has become a fan of the TV Show Mythbusters, which is about people using tools to disprove or prove myths and things. I have given up explaining the computers so easily. Therefore, I want to know what it would be like if I was in a position where I was writing software and needed to have this conversation in this way: [You: Hey, can you come over here for a sec.] [Me: Sure, give me a minute.] [You: It is kind of important. And, I also want to show you something that I got for Christmas from my kids. And, it has to do with computers.] [Me: Sure, no problem.] [You: Please sit down. I sit at the other computer and you are talking to a friend] The reason I want to do it is that I want to describe in detail what happens. I want to explain what I was doing at the moment and what I was thinking about when it happened. I am not the one giving the tour, so I need to answer my friend's questions the best way that I can. I am looking for what should I say and how should I say it to be very helpful. I have watched TV shows to help me come up with the things to say, but now I am asking you. The reason I want to do this is because I know that my friend will probably not understand any of the things that I say. It will be like I am describing a math proof with a person that does not know math. Would you be able to help me with a conversation like this? Would you be able to tell me what I should say and how to say it in detail? A: Well... ...just show him an example of what a typical conversation you had with a friend, and then switch to showing him the other PC. After that, you can ask him whether he is curious about the computer. If he is, tell him a little bit about it. You can use this as an example: Hey, can I ask you something? Sure, what's that? I have to explain something that I don't understand... I'll try to explain as much as I can. My wife has a laptop in her purse [show her the laptop] Well, we were out shopping for a gift and I saw this computer. Do you see it? Yes. And she said she wanted me to get it for her for her birthday. Yeah, but, this is a bit unusual... We don't have one of those at our home. I don't know much about these, but I knew that we needed one since she was tired of having to go to an internet cafe to do stuff. What sort of stuff? Well, for example, I want to know what my son is up to on his laptop... What's he up to? ...but I'm not allowed to look at it. And you told me this story because? I want to know if I should look into getting this for her. Does she know you want it for her? Nope. I want to surprise her on her birthday. And then, show her a video of my son doing something that I don't want to see. Do you have a video camera? No. But, I have a tablet. Try this with your friend. I don't think you'll be happy with your conversations, but there are some examples that you can use in your next conversation with your friend. Good luck! A: I think the best option would be to show your computer. You'll need to be careful on what you show, though. This is a bit hard to explain, but this is what I'd recommend: Show the guy your computer, show him the things you normally do. Then show him the one you'll use with him. For example: You'd say "Here is the PC. Let me get to work here with this. It's very cool, let me show you." or something along those lines. Then you show your friends the desktop (not the inside of your PC) or whatever software you normally use. Then you change and show him the one you'll be using with him. Then you talk about a normal day with him using that PC, and after that ask him if he's interested in using it. When your friend wants to look at your computer, just give him the other one. Another option is to simply say that you normally use an internet cafe to look at the websites, but then you might just say something like "I didn't have to do that, since I had this nice new computer. " I see that you have a laptop. When I have a computer with a laptop, it's usually this one. I looked up the web page on Google but then I found this: I have this one, and you can look at it through my computer. The biggest thing you should take into account is that your friend may think that you are being lazy and that you do not care about what he thinks. You should think about the things your friend may say when he sees your laptop for the first time. This is why you might want to keep the conversation simple. You want to show that you have this new computer, but that you are still going to do the things that you did before. But make sure that you give a little explanation at the end of the conversation. Let him know that you've moved to something else since the last time you talked. In other words, explain things that you did not tell him at that time. After all of this, you should ask him if he is interested in using the computer. Then you say that you used to be with a company, and you needed to program the computers. You also say that you will show him some things, and after that you take him to show the computers. Tell him that you see that he is interested in computers and you think that is awesome. Then you give him some time to explore your computer and the games that you have installed. If he seems really interested, then just be honest with him: Your company does not have computers anymore. You've sold it to a company in the city, and you are with him to show him some of the new computers. That was your first thought, but it can be seen as a joke by some people, so you have to be careful on how you introduce him to the thing. I don't know anything about your friend's personality, but I would recommend against the conversation that you proposed. That is going to make people really suspicious of you. If that's the way you are, though, then do it. Just be sure to explain to your friend about your relationship with the computers. A: As @Fudge mentioned: You just tell him to wait as you show him the other PC. (You show him the keyboard, mouse, etc. of the computer you're using at the moment, and then you switch over to the other one - usually by standing up and looking at him, and then move your hand over to your backpack.) You can then simply say: The other PC is slightly more advanced than this one. Would you like to use it? As @Sobreira said, just don't try to show all the fancy stuff (you can ask him if he'd like you to show him any new games for example), but just show that it has a much bigger memory and a faster processor. If he says no: That's okay, I am happy to sit here with this, and just tell me everything that you need to say. This way you won't seem to be hiding anything from him.