Chris! I told you
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Chapter 1. Our st
Chris! I told you
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Chapter 1. Once
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Chapter 1. Once
We've recently dis
Release me. Now. O
That turned dark quickly. Instead of a happy little Christmas number, I was thrown into a terrifying nightmare for the rest of the piece. It's this kind of thing I need you to help me get right. For all its simplicity, your mind is astonishingly complex. So, please. Try to just focus on singing, and forget about the audience. OK, you're in the right mindset. Now try and imagine that we're just by ourselves, here. That we're on an island, alone together. That we're standing close to each other, and we can almost feel each other's breath. And that we know each other better than anyone else on Earth. But what we're about to do is going to change that forever. So, let's make this perfect. In this moment, no one exists but the two of us. There is no audience, no camera, no music publisher, no critics, and certainly no one to judge us. No one at all. I am you, and you are me. And now, we're going to sing this song. At this moment, our thoughts are one, just as our voices are one. We're looking into each other's eyes, and we know the words. I am singing for you and you for me. We're moving together. It feels like we're falling in love, and all the worries of the world fall away. Together, we're breathing in and breathing out, and we listen to the song as if we were doing nothing else, and we feel our hearts beating in unison. And while we're singing, our bodies become one, and our hearts beat together. We can feel the vibration in our bodies, and at the same time, we can feel the vibrations in the air. At the same time, our bodies move and our voices move in time. We move together in unison, and our feelings become one and move together with them. All of this is happening in harmony, together, and it feels amazing. But the song is not over. I am the light and the warmth of the morning. And in my heart, I see that you are the fire in the middle of the night, and the coolness of the sea at the end of a hot summer day. You are to me, the morning sun, and the moon at night. You are like a calm sea that can never be stilled, and you are like a raging fire, like the sun in the middle of a blazing summer day. Together, we breathe in and out, and we're singing. We're falling in love again. We breathe together, like the waves of the ocean that never die. We rise and fall together, like two falling stars burning up in each other's arms. We breathe together and sing together, and the song never ends. For as long as I live, I will never forget how the song felt when it was just the two of us. We found each other in a world that has more than 7 billion people in it. And we found each other in that space, and that feeling, it gave us life, and when we shared it with others, it gave them the same gift. At the same time, we have a responsibility to try and bring that gift back out. We have to go out into the world, and carry it to them, as long as it is within us. That was the whole reason why we were given that song. And you and I know what it means to sing it. It means to be honest. To speak from the heart, and to accept your heart's longing. Because your heart's longing is my heart's longing, and it is the longing of the world. We all fall into the same trap of thinking that other people can be more like us. But that is a lie. Some people are closer to their happiness than you might ever have imagined. There are even people whose hearts are close to yours, they're just separated by the mountains and deserts that separate their bodies. As great as this world is, you can never be everywhere at the same time. And you can never see everything with your own eyes. No one ever gets to be Superman. No one will ever see all of the possibilities in a single glance. For that, you need a different kind of seeing. You need compassion.          A heart filled with love,          and a mind that can see deeper,  than any person could on their own.  Because to see and understand the world around you,  you have to get out of your own way.  And you have to leave the judging to someone else.  We can try and do that for each other.  For me,  I could get lost in your eyes.  I would love to stay up all night in your arms,  because I've never felt such a safe place.  I feel like no one could ever hurt me there,  I'm sure it could protect me,  and keep me safe from danger.  Like the love you hold in your heart,          could keep me in its arms forever.  I feel protected there,  and warmed in the sun,  and soothed in the wind.  As long as I am near you,  my fears can't find a way to creep up on me.  And when you sing that song,  I'm not sure I'd want to leave.  In fact,  I hope we never stop singing it.  Not for all the world  could I imagine a time when we don't sing.  I want to start the whole world singing it,  and for us to live and die like that.  The best love songs never lose their meaning.  They make you feel like no one has ever felt before.  The song we're listening to,  I hope we can bring it back out,  and share it with others.  We can make others fall in love with each other.  And maybe one day we will find each other,  and be able to spend our lives singing that song.  We're always in good hands when we can feel your touch.  There's something we were born to do,  and your thoughts are a beautiful kind.  And I know that when the two of us are together,  we can bring light to the world,  and help to shine a little light in others.  We were born to bring hope to others,  and I believe that in you I have found that hope.  And your voice reminds me of a love song,  that I have carried deep inside of me,  for all my life.  So, I will always remember you,  and hope that we can create hope for each other.  Thank you.  And I'm sorry I'm not here.  This next song, is for both of us.  Thank you so much for taking the time  to watch my video.  This next song is called,  In My Mind.   [The song ends] Spanish: El cuerpo, la respiración, es fácil, cuando estás conectado con alguien, sabes muy claramente que es solo el momento, el ahora, hay un estado interior de la mente, en el que estás en presencia de una persona que te alienta. Y en lugar de ver la tensión, la tensión que podrías percibir si estuvieras viendo a alguien en el que tienes deseos, y luego el dolor que podrías sentir, porque eres la persona, y sabes lo que la gente siente, si no estuvieras luchando con ello. Si hicieras algo, como, en cuanto al ensoñamiento y todo eso. Pero en la ensoñación, ¿qué estás experimentando? En el ensoñamiento, ¿cuándo puedes hacer que las cosas que te gustan se hagan realidad en la vida como algo que se convierte en una realidad, en tu vida? El tema es, no hay que hacerlo una y otra vez y otra vez y otra vez. La gente se emociona y en el momento en que comienza a llorar y a quejarse en vez de quedarse allí y pensar esto, y así, lo hago, y así, es bueno. Bueno, eso fue todo. El tiempo para dormir era de las cosas a lo que debía volverse ahora. English:   [Song fades out