Release me. Now. O
We've recently dis
Chapter 1. Once
Ships were lost du
We've recently dis
Concrete may have
Tiffany, you reall
Stop dancing like
That turned dark q
Chapter 1. Once

Quitetly, Quiggly
Tiffany, you reall
Release me. Now. O
But first, you and
Quitetly, Quiggly
Stop dancing like
Ships were lost du
That turned dark q
FTL is not possibl
Chapter 1. Our st
FTL is not possible, but Dr. Jones proceeded to offer great insight with the words, おもらいなきゃなんない. I would also have to wonder who “he” was. Who “would not have anything at stake but their livelihood” and who “didn’t show their faces again” as the doctor said? Who made them afraid of the media? Who didn’t want people to recognize them as a part of the “system”? It appears that not all the victims of MHLW knew the truth about the research and they didn’t report it. But there was someone that was threatened because they did find out and tried to speak out. They must have felt very threatened by the truth. Which leads me to think that they are the ones Dr. Jones must be talking about. Was it all of the victims or just a few? There is still quite a bit left to clarify on this whole MHLW scam that was run by Dr. Jones and Dr. Muto. The doctor’s story will come out about who really hired them. A former client of Dr. Muto’s has claimed to have paid MHLW as much as Y130,000,000 for some “research”. This would be very interesting because if this is true, MHLW would have had to give a portion of that money to Dr. Jones and Dr. Muto, the actual researchers. This is the point that Dr. Jones was trying to make. They could have avoided so much time and energy, not just for the victims, but for themselves, if they simply would have used MHLW as the middle-man instead of starting their own agency. They could have kept the funds and the names under wraps. The victims wouldn’t have to suffer. Instead, they decided to be greedy and only wanted the prestige, glory, and money. They kept all of the money for themselves, keeping the victims’ silence for fear of reprisal from “the company”. The victims paid the ultimate price by becoming orphans of the most important and only lifeline to their families. As usual, Dr. Jones has been the only voice of reason in a sea of conspiracy. I hope that now we will be able to have a discussion about those who were killed to prevent what they knew and what they had discovered. I do feel for those who are still out there in the world, not knowing who they are or what happened to their family members. I do feel for the “patients” whose families have lost their chance to have their children returned to them. Those children are still being kept without explanation, without any of the treatment they need. And we are seeing more and more parents losing their children to the same fate. People are crying out for the truth. Will anyone ever give it to them? I’m not sure where it all went wrong, but I suspect it was the day Dr. Jones gave all of that information to Dr. Koike and Mr. Koyanagi. In a sense, that day is considered the real date on which I was given a “death sentence”. My family might have thought so, but I know for certain that Dr. Koike, Dr. Itou, Dr. Sasazawa and I were all in agreement that I was to be executed on April 29th. By setting the countdown to three months, Dr. Koyanagi was able to tell me to my face that they would kill me on May 29th, exactly three months from the date of Dr. Koike’s appointment. And the countdown ran as expected until the date came closer. I felt as though I was going to die. I had not seen my friends and family since May 1st. I was on automatic pilot, not thinking and being careful to behave as a good patient. I thought the chances were slim to none that anyone would save me. I thought my friends had forgotten about me. But when I heard a voice on the machine, my heart lifted up so high that I could not keep myself from screaming with joy. I cried out “Hiroko! What took you so long!?” It was a very precious voice, a voice I have heard for so long. For that reason I have chosen to use the first name, rather than the usual あなた with わたし “masu” わたくし as I did before. It was one of the few times I cried during my ordeal. I hope that someday he’ll come to visit me and show me the pictures he took during his trip to the mainland. I’m not sure if I should even mention this because I’m still not convinced that he is the real man on the other end of that call. But he sounded the same as he had always sounded to me. He had said he would call. And yet, it was another person that I called him. He was on the “other side”, I know that, and he also knew that we were there. He was also there the other night when he let me talk to the family who he had made calls for. If that is the case, then he saved me from being killed by bringing me to this place. I’ve thought about him, but I haven’t wanted to get too close. Not yet. Now that I have been reunited with them, I’m starting to feel a little crazy with relief. I want to find out the real stories behind all of the people we have known and lived with on that island. And I am starting to wonder if they are actually the “patients” we’ve seen on television. And maybe the mysterious person I tried to call so long ago is the person who hired us to write the stories. My life was saved by the one who I think caused the whole ordeal, the reason I should be dead. He gave me my life back. And I am so grateful to him. I would like to thank Dr. Itou and the other doctors and staff, and Dr. Muto. It’s still a little confusing to me, but they’ve all worked hard to help me. I want to thank Dr. Nakagawa, Mr. Koyanagi, Ms. Oya, and Mr. Natsuki. I also want to thank my brother Toshihiko, but he doesn’t know anything, so he probably never will. It’s like he has become another ghost in my head, just part of the memories, just like the rest of the people in my past. I don’t know why I am thinking about my past. I have one more thing to tell you, too. You asked about what happened after the police came into the room to kill all of us. And I don’t know how to explain that. There was nothing there. It was just another bad dream. I woke up in the same position I was in the night before, my hands were behind me, and my legs straight. No one had killed me. The nightmare had only been a nightmare. It’s a very, very long story. I am too tired and drained to write all of it down, even if you can understand it. I have to sleep now. I just want to sleep. I just want to sleep.