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Release me. Now. O
We've recently dis
Chapter 1. Once
Ships were lost du
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Concrete may have
Tiffany, you reall
Stop dancing like
That turned dark q

Tiffany, you reall
Release me. Now. O
But first, you and
Quitetly, Quiggly
Stop dancing like
Ships were lost du
That turned dark q
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Chapter 1. Our st
Concrete may have
Quitetly, Quiggly stepped into the darkness as he stealthily approached and steeled himself against the oncoming cold. As soon as he saw the thing, it had a human form. Only it was in the midst of an excruciating death from freezing as it attempted to get through the snow. Its hand was clawing at the crust. Quiggly stepped closer, and closer to the face he had seen peering over the edge of the precipice. Now only inches away, it opened its eyes. They stared right at Quiggly. A shriek pierced the darkness. "NO!" the beast yelled. Quiggly looked around. Sure enough, there was a black man with horns and tail, screaming something that sounded like a name. The monster threw itself off the precipice. Quiggly gasped, in shock. He looked down at the man below. The man didn't scream again. Instead, he looked directly at Quiggly. As he fell, he seemed to be trying to speak to him. Quiggly couldn't hear him, but he could read lips. And what he read was the word, "Help." Quiggly was terrified. The monster was still somewhere out there. But suddenly, he didn't care. As the man's hands flailed and his body tumbled and his voice died, Quiggly knelt down and began to sing to him. But this was a song of more than just comfort and love. It was a song of life. A song of life in a world of death, a song of life in the midst of the darkness, a song of life, a song of a promise that a creature of another dimension has made a promise that he will not be a curse but rather a blessing. And now that promise shall come to fruition. Because now Quiggly has made a solemn vow to ensure that no one will ever face such a death ever again. Quiggly will return once more, for one last attempt to try to save the lives of the monsters. And he will do so with the song of the dead. Chapter 1: The Story of Quiggly Will Soon Be Told It is a dark night in the town of Galeen, in the Land of the Monsters. A young girl is in her bedroom praying. She has heard the sounds of many souls from the graveyard outside her window. This little girl has become frightened. She wishes to escape this realm, but there is no way. The monsters who have gathered outside her window want her soul. While she is praying to herself, the most powerful of the monsters has come into view. He has a man's body but is covered in fur and has claws. It comes right up to her window and looks inside. The beast snarls, "We will take your soul." The girl is terrified. She opens the window and screams. She does not want to die. She prays. She tells God to help her, just not right now, but soon. After she screams, the monster has turned its back and is walking away. The girl smiles as she tells herself, "Maybe he just needs some time to kill me slowly." She is so frightened she can't sleep. Instead, she writes a letter to God. A letter to God. Dear God, I have a friend. His name is Quiggly Will. We know each other from Heaven. He's my angel. The angels came to him and said he needed to know what love was. It was hard for me to read the book of love. But I think I was able to do it. I think I am ready. I love him. I think I have known him for years and years, just not in this world. He looks exactly like my father and that's why I love him. But he knows I'm coming. He knows he's not going to be alone anymore. I think he has a book of love. Maybe he needs a book of love because I didn't get it and I don't think you did either. It's why you made him sad. He did everything he could and now it's time for him to be free. I think he's gonna take the book and show everyone what love is. Will you make him okay so he doesn't have to stay in this world for much longer? Can he get ready? Can he leave and will he be safe? I was watching him every day. He told me it would be soon. I know there will be many questions but I know that you'll protect him and he'll know what to do, and when it's time he'll take us away together. I know that it's not easy and I don't know when you'll let him come back to the Land of the Monsters. But I just have one more thing I have to say. I think I know who he is. He's Jesus, but I don't know why, but it was hard for me to know. But I feel safe to know that that's who he is. I love you and please help us. Yours truly, your child, and the angel in your heart. The girl and her angel sleep for the first time in many years. When she wakes up, she finds that he has already left. She gets out of bed and goes to the window. She looks out and sees nothing but a graveyard. The girl continues her prayers, "Let him come back for me. Let him take me to heaven to get ready. I don't want to leave. I know he'll come back one last time for me. Please, let him come." The monster outside has now transformed into a cloud of fear. He turns and rushes into the graveyard with his sharp claws, searching for a soul. He then stands back to look at the girl. The girl waits for God to help her. God doesn't come. In the distance, there is a large black cloud, like a thunderstorm. The black cloud is coming closer and closer. The girl notices the black cloud and thinks, "Well, at least he didn't leave me for good." The monster is watching the storm and his face lights up. His eyes beam like the lightning around him. The girl begins to see the black cloud transforming. It begins to take the shape of her monster. She begins to cry. He grabs her and rips her soul out of her body. His eyes are filled with the fear of her scream. She falls out of the window, in shock, and falls to the ground. She looks at him with the last thing she has left in the world. Her eyes tell him she loves him. And he screams in reply. The black cloud begins to take form again. It transforms and becomes human. It then leaps into the air and onto the ground, right at the feet of the beast, with claws extended. They are ready for a fight. "Don't kill me, please," the black cloud says. "I can't kill you," the monster says, in disbelief. "I am your brother," the black cloud says. "You're not my brother," the monster says. The black cloud looks at the man and extends his hands out in front of him as if he wants to hug him. "I don't want you to die," the monster says, confused. The black cloud explains, "I am my brother and I will take your place." The monster screams. The black cloud smiles and says, "Quiggly Will." The monster begins to panic. "Oh my God, this isn't happening," the monster screams. "How am I ever going to face my demon again? I will burn in hell. I don't want to die." "Oh my God," the black cloud says. The black cloud explains, "That's what I came here for. That's what my soul is supposed to be for." "I love you so much," the monster says, crying. "That's why I came," the black cloud says, trying to comfort the monster. "Maybe the black cloud has to take the form of a monster for the monster to accept what it really is and embrace it." The monster begins to cry. "Why didn't you help me?" he asks the black cloud. "I have been with you this whole time," the black cloud says. "Every time you got into trouble, I was there. I just couldn't get you to notice. I hope I've helped enough." The black cloud touches the monster, and he begins to float away in a peaceful state of bliss. The black cloud watches him. "I think I did my part," the black cloud says to himself. The monster's soul is now floating up in the black cloud. But the monster's eyes are wide open and the black cloud is smiling. "Come on," he says to himself. And with that, the black cloud begins to vanish. The monster doesn't move. His eyes aren't blinking