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Chapter 1. Our st
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Chapter 1. Our st
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That turned dark quickly. Instead of being called in for help because of a minor injury, he had to go in during the worst part of the blizzard -- after he was lost, after they had stopped looking for him and had given him up for dead. "We started going to church because of the message in the Christmas story, that God came to earth. "As I listened to the pastor and as I listened to the Christmas story, I began to understand the true meaning of Christmas. That if I had gotten lost in the mountains -- if I'd never been found -- I would have had Christmas for eternity. And that that meant I was home, even if I didn't know where I was." The man says he hasn't gone to the woods since that horrible night. And he says he keeps some things there as a constant reminder of that awful night. "That makes me want to cry." he says. "That makes me want to get into that cabin and take a shower and put on some good clothes, and go and look out that window and see the little cabin, and realize that this is home." I asked the man if he would still want to hear the story of the birth of Jesus. He nodded, and said, "Yes. Because the thing that is so nice, is that no matter where I am, there's a promise. There is a hope. "There is a promise that I can become new. And a hope that there's a future with some light at the end of it." At the end of this particular story, there's no hope. The boy's lost in the snow and there's no light. And he has to wait until morning for help. But we know better than that. We know that as soon as this little boy woke up in the morning, his mother went to him. And now that little boy was safe in the arms of Jesus. Heavenly Father, thank you for being with this man in that cabin and for knowing that he needed someone. Thank you for being with him while he was lost. May he and his mom and dad -- and their family -- be the ones to bring God's light into the darkness of the wilderness. And may they remember, always, that it was you who came for them. You who came to be with them. You who came to save them. You who came to be their light. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. Pastor Pat: Okay, Pastor Tim wanted me to give you a heads up for what's coming up. I was in my office on Tuesday night -- I usually do my prayer meeting on Tuesday nights. I was doing my prayer meeting, and I got an email that the email address I was going to have to do the prayer meeting on Monday night got shut off. So when I found that out, we didn't know how to change it. I was searching on the internet, and I was looking on how to change it overnight. I didn't know how, but I couldn't get the new email address. I know God was going to deal with me that night on that. So I was at my office. I was searching on the internet and then the phone just started ringing non-stop. I was getting emails. I'd get like five emails in one minute. And it was weird, like I don't know what happened to my computer. This phone just started ringing and ringing and ringing. It was one of those phone rings you never want to answer. It was ringing so hard and I've never seen it ring so hard. I finally decided to answer. I don't know why I answered. I just answered it. I just picked it up. It was someone trying to reach our church and the church's phone number. This man's voice came on, saying: "Can you give me Pastor Tim's phone number? Pastor Tim's phone number. I need to call him as soon as possible. The reason why I'm calling is I need his help. Can you give me his number?" I looked at the number and the number said "Ministry Connection" and then that's when I realized that he was looking for Tim, for Tim Conway, to ask for advice about one of his members and ask if he could pray with him. We have a prayer meeting scheduled every Tuesday night. So I thought, "Well, this is a good time to pray." I said, "Okay, let me get Pastor Tim's phone number." And I never got his phone number. The phone dropped out and it dropped right back up. I tried it again, because I kept thinking I was having a glitch. That's when the phone dropped out. I looked back up. The guy said, "Hey, are you okay? I think I lost you. I'm going to call you back." I said, "No, you can keep talking. I'm not going to hang up. I want to know what you're going to do." He goes, "Okay. What do I do now?" I told him I would connect him back to his computer and that I could give him a call back. I told him I couldn't get his phone number. He says, "Well, it's really important. I'm going to pray for you and let me know when you call me back." I gave him my phone number. I have that number memorized. It's the number of my computer. I looked up his number. I put it in Google and I typed it in. I called him back. I told him I was calling from Pastor Tim's office. He said, "Oh, okay." I said, "It's Tim." He said, "Okay." He said, "I knew you couldn't give me his phone number." I said, "Yeah, I can't. I didn't know he's going to give you his number, I didn't know his number. If you can give me his number, I can call you back." He said, "Yeah, I can't give you his number." He goes, "Can you give me the pastor's phone number?" I said, "It's in my phone." I'm looking up the pastor's phone number. I was saying this to myself. I get it, "I got to send this number to him. It's a weird number. It's an area code and a seven number area code, something I never seen before. I'm just trying to send this to the pastor. I'm just sending it to him. He'll know." I dialed the number and I couldn't get it. So I thought that was strange. I said, "Okay, I have to get Pastor Tim's number out of my email address. I think he emailed me." I went on the internet. I called Tim's wife. I said, "I have to get the pastor's number." We have to take a look at Pastor Tim's email because he didn't have the church's email address. So I emailed Tim's wife the phone number. I didn't know why I was doing it. I had the phone number in my email. I didn't know why I was sending it to Pastor Tim, and I didn't know what's going to happen. I kept saying, "Oh, I hope they connect the guy to the pastor. I hope that happens. I hope that happens. Oh, God, I hope it happens." I was getting these emails from people around the world, saying, "I just got these emails from the mailbox of some guy, and there's the phone number." It was weird. I put the phone number in the address bar of Google. I was like, "Hey, if somebody is looking for me, maybe I can find them." I put it in the URL address. And then I said, "Oh, wait a minute. I need to click on that link." And he said, "Yeah." I thought it would say, "That's