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Quitetly, Quiggly
Chapter 1. Once
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Release me. Now. O
Quitetly, Quiggly
Quitetly, Quiggly
That turned dark q
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Chapter 1. Once
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That turned dark quickly. Instead of helping, it just gave way to hate, hatred of others. And, in doing that, it had to give way to violence. And violence, a lot of it, is self-violence. We can't blame others for what we do, but what a sad statement about reality. If we are capable of blaming others, we can't be honest with ourselves. We have to do what we do out of a sense of deep pain and sadness about our condition. What we need to do is understand our condition better, and understand ourselves. Now, there are three institutions that can do that: our families, the state and government, and the Church. And, there are five basic responses to hate that we're going to find. The first one is acceptance of human sinfulness, acceptance of ourselves. Then, there's the understanding of the love of God. Friends: let's pray. Holy Father, we thank you for your word in John 14, where Jesus tells us, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but through me." We come to you now, Father, to listen to the words of your word. May it set us free from all hatred, in our hearts, which lead to violence, and help us see ourselves and the world as you do. And Father, we ask this of you as we listen to the preaching of Jesus' word. Amen. Thank you, God, for making us your beloved children, and for the life that you give us. You made us in your image, for your love, that would be free. You made us in your image, to walk in your paths of shalom, so that we could walk together in peace. Thank you, Father. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Let us pray together. Lord God, Almighty, you know the hearts of each and every one of your children. We're asking that you help each of us to accept our own shortcomings and the shortcomings of others forgive them, and help us to forgive ourselves as well, that our families, society, and government may be able to live together in peace. God, help us to love you and each other and all your people with love and peace. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen. Amen. Praise God, Father. Thank you for your word and your words. I hope that we will hear and that you will help us to hear them with fresh ears, and, in so doing, may we hear the way in which God is calling each of us, today, to live, to be of service, and to love each other in the name of the God of all shalom. Amen. Thank you, Father. God, we pray this afternoon for every family and community in the state of California and beyond to have the ability to see each other through the eyes of God, accepting each other and seeing each other as human beings, as brothers and sisters in Christ. Help us to be strong in community, in family, and in the Christian faith. If any of us, by our words or our actions, bring sorrow to another, may we be forgiven, and then may we be restored. May we bring blessing to all we meet today, whether in word or deed, so that God's creation of us in the likeness of God can thrive. And may we be able to love each other with the love of the Father, and may we be able to give you glory, Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ, your son, our Lord. Amen. It is a beautiful day, California. Beautiful, thank you for being here, thank you for being there, in other places where the souls are dark, in the city of Orlando, the city of Pittsburgh, and in other places that you read about in the news. God, we pray today for an end to all hatred, hatred of others, and the violence that we see so often in our world. Give us the ability to see through the hateful eyes of our forefathers and let us stand up and speak up against it, in love. And may we be able to turn, even the worst of hearts, to blessing and peace. In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, amen. And let us praise God, Father, in our own strength. And with a voice of the heart, for all of those who have perished in the name of violence, and for all of those who are still suffering. Amen. Lord, as we gather together today, and in our own neighborhoods, and beyond, help us to love each other, father, brother and sister in Christ. Lord, we pray that you help us to not let the world and its drivers of hatred, blame, pain and strife overcome our joy, our hope and our plans for a new future that will honor you. Lord, help us to accept ourselves and others, for we are all children of the Father. For you alone can make us whole, and by your Spirit, in Jesus Christ, your Son, help us to believe the truth of your love, the love of God. Lord, we pray, and thank you for your grace, love, and mercy. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Thanks be to God. Almighty God, Father in heaven, we ask that you be with us. Fill us with your spirit, that we might be able to comfort one another, and walk together in peace. We pray for those who have suffered, who have died, and who continue to suffer throughout this day. We pray that you would help us to accept your truth that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. And let us each accept that you are the only way to the Father, and that through Jesus Christ that we may follow you, walking in love, peace and shalom, and the knowledge that we are sons and daughters of your kingdom, and will not die, but will be conformed to the likeness of your Son Jesus, our Savior and Lord. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Thank you, Father, for the life and words you have given us. We ask for your grace today, that as we walk together, you might help us to follow the paths of shalom that you've provided for us. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen. Please join me, and everyone else who has gathered together, in prayer: Almighty God, Father in heaven, in the name of the holy Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. We ask you, our Lord, to guide us. We ask that you bless this gathering, we ask that you bless those who gather here, and that you bless this day. Please receive our prayers, our thoughts, and the intentions of all the people gathered here. We pray to you that your kingdom, the kingdom of God, would be proclaimed, that all behold the kingdom of heaven is at hand, and that we might be living witnesses of it and of the grace of our Lord. May your name be honored and respected, your house be established, your presence be given, your favor rest upon us, and your blessing be given to all. We pray for your presence, and for your peace, and for your direction, and for your power. May